2023-01-06 16:36:19 +08:00

91 lines
3.5 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.cnbm.basic.mapper.ProductFeaturesMapper">
<select id="getProductFeaturesByProductId" resultType="com.cnbm.basic.dto.ProductFeaturesDTO">
select p.*,m.name as measureToolName,u.name as unitName,c.name as controlGraphName
from product_features p
LEFT JOIN measure_tool m ON p.measure_tool_id=m.id
LEFT JOIN unit u ON p.unit_id=u.id
LEFT JOIN control_graph c ON p.control_graph_id=c.id
p.valid = 1 AND p.product_id = #{id}
order by p.id asc
<select id="getFeaturesByStageProcedure" resultType="com.cnbm.basic.dto.FeaturesProcedureDTO">
select pf.id as productFeaturesId, fspr.working_procedure_id as workingProcedureId
from features_stage_procedure_relation fspr
LEFT JOIN product_features pf ON pf.id=fspr.product_features_id
fspr.valid = 1
<if test="productId != null">
and pf.product_id = #{productId}
<if test="inspectionStage != null">
and fspr.inspection_stage = #{inspectionStage}
order by pf.id asc
<select id="getFeaturesByStageProcedure" resultType="com.cnbm.basic.dto.ProductFeaturesDTO">
select *
from product_features pf
LEFT JOIN features_stage_procedure_relation fspr ON pf.id=fspr.product_features_id
LEFT JOIN product_workingprocedure_relation pwr ON pwr.working_procedure_id=fspr.working_procedure_id
fspr.valid = 1
<if test="productId != null">
and pwr.product_id = #{productId}
<if test="inspectionStage != null">
and fspr.inspection_stage = #{inspectionStage}
<if test="workingProcedureId != null">
and fspr.working_procedure_id = #{workingProcedureId}
order by pf.id asc
<select id="getFeaturesList" resultType="com.cnbm.basic.dto.ProductFeaturesDTO">
select pf.*,m.name as measureToolName,u.name as unitName,c.name as controlGraphName
from product_features pf
left join features_stage_procedure_relation fspr ON pf.id=fspr.product_features_id
LEFT JOIN measure_tool m ON pf.measure_tool_id=m.id
LEFT JOIN unit u ON pf.unit_id=u.id
LEFT JOIN control_graph c ON pf.control_graph_id=c.id
fspr.valid = 1
<if test="productId != null">
and pf.product_id = #{productId}
<if test="inspectionStage != null">
and fspr.inspection_stage = #{inspectionStage}
order by pf.id asc
<select id="getControlGraphNameById" resultType="String">
select name from control_graph where id = #{id}
<select id="list" resultType="com.cnbm.basic.dto.ProductFeaturesDTO">
select * from product_features
order by id asc
<select id="getProductFeaturesByType" resultType="com.cnbm.basic.dto.ProductFeaturesDTO">
select * from product_features
valid = 1 AND type = #{type}
order by id asc