215 lines
8.8 KiB
215 lines
8.8 KiB
package com.cnbm.influx;
import com.cnbm.influx.config.InfluxClient;
import com.cnbm.influx.param.QueryDataParam;
import com.cnbm.influx.param.PageInfo;
import com.cnbm.influx.param.Range;
import com.cnbm.influx.param.Tag;
import com.cnbm.influx.template.Event;
import com.influxdb.client.*;
import com.influxdb.client.domain.WritePrecision;
import com.influxdb.client.write.Point;
import com.influxdb.query.FluxRecord;
import com.influxdb.query.FluxTable;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.*;
* @Desc: ""
* @Author: caixiang
* @DATE: 2022/6/25 11:19
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
char[] token = "lkBsC27QZr1W50BSPlGxpTqNNpwuUk5uz1dZZRPSPbCG5VmNDDUo8P3UkZIhGWwfJwkuz6ZGZ7Et4_KBaG3gHw==".toCharArray();
String org = "qgs";
String bucket = "mytest";
InfluxDBClient influxDBClient = InfluxDBClientFactory.create("", token, org, bucket);
WriteApi writeApi = influxDBClient.makeWriteApi();
// InfluxService influxService = new InfluxService();
// Event event = new Event();
// event.time = Instant.now();
// event.transationId = "asas";
// event.argName = "arg5";
// event.argValue = new Double(11);
// influxService.insert(event);
// Event event = new Event();
// event.setTime(Instant.now());
// event.setTransationId("asasd11");
// event.setArgName("argName11");
// event.setArgValue(3d);
// InfluxClient.Client.insert(event,"ASProcessCompleteEvent");
Point point = Point.measurement("ASProcessCompleteEvent")
.addTag("transationId", "112311")
.addTag("argName", "argName11")
.addField("argValue", 3D)
.time(Instant.now().toEpochMilli(), WritePrecision.MS);
Point point2 = Point.measurement("ASProcessCompleteEvent")
.addTag("transationId", "222312")
.addTag("argName", "argName11")
.addField("argValue", 4D)
.time(Instant.now().toEpochMilli(), WritePrecision.MS);
List<Point> list = new ArrayList<>();
//todo api.writeMeasurements(WritePrecision.NS, Arrays.asList(new H2OFeetMeasurement("coyote_creek", 15.0D, null, Instant.ofEpochSecond(0, 15)), new H2OFeetMeasurement("coyote_creek", 16.0D, null, Instant.ofEpochSecond(0, 16))));
// List<Event> events = new ArrayList<>();
// for(int i=0;i<99;i++){
// Event event = new Event();
// event.time = Instant.now();
// event.transationId = "asas"+i;
// event.argName = "arg7";
// event.argValue = new Double(i);
// events.add(event);
// }
// List<Event> qList = new ArrayList<>();
// Event event = new Event();
// event.time = Instant.now();
// event.transationId = "asas";
// event.argName = "arg7";
// event.argValue = new Double(1);
// Thread.sleep(100);
// Event event2 = new Event();
// event2.time = Instant.now();
// event2.transationId = "asas";
// event2.argName = "arg7";
// event2.argValue = new Double(2);
// qList.add(event);
// qList.add(event2);
// writeApi.writeMeasurement( WritePrecision.NS, qList);
// for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
// Temperature temperature = new Temperature();
// temperature.location = "south";
// temperature.value = new Double(i);
// temperature.type = "equipment3";
// temperature.time = Instant.now();
// writeApi.writeMeasurement( WritePrecision.NS, temperature);
// }
// String flux = "from(bucket:\"mytest\") |> range(start: -60m)";
// flux += "|> filter(fn: (r) =>\n" +
// " r._measurement == \"ASProcessCompleteEvent\" and \n" +
//// " r._field == \"type\" and \n" + //对应 Field key
// " r.argName == \"arg3\"\n" + //对应 Tags key (Tag 信息无法在FluxRecord 里面获取。)
// " )";
// QueryApi queryApi = influxDBClient.getQueryApi();
// List<FluxTable> tables = queryApi.query(flux);
// for (FluxTable fluxTable : tables) {
// List<FluxRecord> records = fluxTable.getRecords();
// for (FluxRecord fluxRecord : records) {
// System.out.println("time: "+fluxRecord.getTime() +" key:"+fluxRecord.getField()+" value: " + fluxRecord.getValueByKey("_value")+" measurement: " + fluxRecord.getMeasurement());
//// System.out.println("time: "+fluxRecord.getTime() +" key:"++" value: " + fluxRecord.getValueByKey("_value")+" measurement: " + fluxRecord.getMeasurement());
// }
// }
// from(bucket: "mytest")
// |> range(start: 2022-06-29T11:30:00Z, stop: 2022-06-29T12:30:00Z)
// |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "ASProcessCompleteEvent")
// |> filter(fn: (r) => r["argName"] == "arg4")
// |> drop(columns: ["transationId"])
// |> sort(columns: ["_time"], desc: true)
// 取前10条数据
// |> limit(n: 10, offset: 0)
// 取 10-20 条数据
// |> limit(n: 10, offset: 10)
// 取 20-30 条数据
// |> limit(n: 10, offset: 20)
// QueryDataParam queryDataParam = new QueryDataParam();
// queryDataParam.setBucket("mytest");
// queryDataParam.setRange(new Range(getDate().toInstant(),new Date().toInstant()));
// queryDataParam.setMeasurement("ASProcessCompleteEvent");
// queryDataParam.setTag(new Tag("argName","arg4"));
// queryDataParam.setDropedTagName("transationId");
// queryDataParam.setPageInfo(new PageInfo(1,100));
// List<FluxTable> tables = query(queryDataParam,influxDBClient);
// List<FluxRecord> records1 = tables.get(0).getRecords();
// List<List<FluxRecord>> lists = Utils.fixedGroup(records1, 10);
// for (FluxTable fluxTable : tables) {
// List<FluxRecord> records = fluxTable.getRecords();
// for (FluxRecord fluxRecord : records) {
// System.out.println("time: "+fluxRecord.getTime() +" key:"+fluxRecord.getField()+" value: " + fluxRecord.getValueByKey("_value")+" measurement: " + fluxRecord.getMeasurement());
// }
// }
public static Date getDate(){
Date date = new Date();//获取当前日期
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");//格式化一下
Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance();//获取对日期操作的类对象
// calendar1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR,calendar1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) -3);
calendar1.add(Calendar.DATE, -3);
//add方法 参数也可传入 月份,获取的是前几月或后几月的日期
//calendar1.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3);
Date day = calendar1.getTime();
return day;
private static List<FluxTable> query(QueryDataParam param,InfluxDBClient influxDBClient){
String measurement = param.getMeasurement();
String dropedTagName = param.getDropedTagName();
Range range = param.getRange();
String bucket = param.getBucket();
String tagName = param.getTag().getTagName();
String tagValue = param.getTag().getTagValue();
PageInfo pageInfo = param.getPageInfo();
String flux = "from(bucket:\""+bucket+"\")";
flux += "|> range(start: "+range.getBegin().toString()+",stop:"+range.getEnd().toString()+") \n";
flux += "|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \""+measurement+"\") \n";
flux += "|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\""+tagName+"\"] == \""+tagValue+"\") \n";
flux += "|> drop(columns: [\""+dropedTagName+"\"]) \n";
flux += "|> sort(columns: [\"_time\"], desc: true) \n";
flux += "|> limit(n: "+pageInfo.getSize()+", offset: "+(pageInfo.getCurrent()-1)* pageInfo.getSize()+")";
QueryApi queryApi = influxDBClient.getQueryApi();
List<FluxTable> tables = queryApi.query(flux);
for (FluxTable fluxTable : tables) {
List<FluxRecord> records = fluxTable.getRecords();
for (FluxRecord fluxRecord : records) {
System.out.println("time: "+fluxRecord.getTime() +" key:"+fluxRecord.getField()+" value: " + fluxRecord.getValueByKey("_value")+" measurement: " + fluxRecord.getMeasurement());
return tables;