cigs-4厂 后端下片改造项目
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  1. -- 菜单初始SQL
  2. INSERT INTO sys_menu(id, pid, name, url, permissions, type, icon, sort, creator, create_date, updater, update_date)VALUES (1627488175458189314, 1067246875800000035, '基板补偿功率 表', 'packing/woCompensationPower', NULL, 0, 'icon-desktop', 0, 1067246875800000001, now(), 1067246875800000001, now());
  3. INSERT INTO sys_menu(id, pid, name, url, permissions, type, icon, sort, creator, create_date, updater, update_date) VALUES (1627488175458189315, 1627488175458189314, '查看', NULL, 'packing:woCompensationPower:page,packing:woCompensationPower:info', 1, NULL, 0, 1067246875800000001, now(), 1067246875800000001, now());
  4. INSERT INTO sys_menu(id, pid, name, url, permissions, type, icon, sort, creator, create_date, updater, update_date) VALUES (1627488175458189316, 1627488175458189314, '新增', NULL, 'packing:woCompensationPower:save', 1, NULL, 1, 1067246875800000001, now(), 1067246875800000001, now());
  5. INSERT INTO sys_menu(id, pid, name, url, permissions, type, icon, sort, creator, create_date, updater, update_date) VALUES (1627488175458189317, 1627488175458189314, '修改', NULL, 'packing:woCompensationPower:update', 1, NULL, 2, 1067246875800000001, now(), 1067246875800000001, now());
  6. INSERT INTO sys_menu(id, pid, name, url, permissions, type, icon, sort, creator, create_date, updater, update_date) VALUES (1627488175458189318, 1627488175458189314, '删除', NULL, 'packing:woCompensationPower:delete', 1, NULL, 3, 1067246875800000001, now(), 1067246875800000001, now());
  7. INSERT INTO sys_menu(id, pid, name, url, permissions, type, icon, sort, creator, create_date, updater, update_date) VALUES (1627488175458189319, 1627488175458189314, '导出', NULL, 'packing:woCompensationPower:export', 1, NULL, 4, 1067246875800000001, now(), 1067246875800000001, now());