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2025-01-20 10:30:01 +08:00
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// This code is also subject to the license terms in the file found in this
// module's directory
#include "intrinsics.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/affine.hpp"
namespace cv
namespace kinfu
class CV_EXPORTS_W Volume
Volume(float _voxelSize, Matx44f _pose, float _raycastStepFactor)
: voxelSize(_voxelSize),
voxelSizeInv(1.0f / voxelSize),
virtual ~Volume(){};
virtual void integrate(InputArray _depth, float depthFactor, const Matx44f& cameraPose,
const kinfu::Intr& intrinsics, const int frameId = 0) = 0;
virtual void integrate(InputArray _depth, InputArray _rgb, float depthFactor,
const Matx44f& cameraPose, const kinfu::Intr& intrinsics,
const Intr& rgb_intrinsics, const int frameId = 0) = 0;
virtual void raycast(const Matx44f& cameraPose, const kinfu::Intr& intrinsics,
const Size& frameSize, OutputArray points, OutputArray normals) const = 0;
virtual void raycast(const Matx44f& cameraPose, const kinfu::Intr& intrinsics, const Size& frameSize,
OutputArray points, OutputArray normals, OutputArray colors) const = 0;
virtual void fetchNormals(InputArray points, OutputArray _normals) const = 0;
virtual void fetchPointsNormals(OutputArray points, OutputArray normals) const = 0;
virtual void reset() = 0;
const float voxelSize;
const float voxelSizeInv;
const Affine3f pose;
const float raycastStepFactor;
enum class VolumeType
TSDF = 0,
struct CV_EXPORTS_W VolumeParams
/** @brief Type of Volume
Values can be TSDF (single volume) or HASHTSDF (hashtable of volume units)
CV_PROP_RW VolumeType type;
/** @brief Resolution of voxel space
Number of voxels in each dimension.
Applicable only for TSDF Volume.
HashTSDF volume only supports equal resolution in all three dimensions
CV_PROP_RW Vec3i resolution;
/** @brief Resolution of volumeUnit in voxel space
Number of voxels in each dimension for volumeUnit
Applicable only for hashTSDF.
CV_PROP_RW int unitResolution = {0};
/** @brief Initial pose of the volume in meters */
Affine3f pose;
/** @brief Length of voxels in meters */
CV_PROP_RW float voxelSize;
/** @brief TSDF truncation distance
Distances greater than value from surface will be truncated to 1.0
CV_PROP_RW float tsdfTruncDist;
/** @brief Max number of frames to integrate per voxel
Represents the max number of frames over which a running average
of the TSDF is calculated for a voxel
CV_PROP_RW int maxWeight;
/** @brief Threshold for depth truncation in meters
Truncates the depth greater than threshold to 0
CV_PROP_RW float depthTruncThreshold;
/** @brief Length of single raycast step
Describes the percentage of voxel length that is skipped per march
CV_PROP_RW float raycastStepFactor;
/** @brief Default set of parameters that provide higher quality reconstruction
at the cost of slow performance.
CV_WRAP static Ptr<VolumeParams> defaultParams(VolumeType _volumeType);
/** @brief Coarse set of parameters that provides relatively higher performance
at the cost of reconstrution quality.
CV_WRAP static Ptr<VolumeParams> coarseParams(VolumeType _volumeType);
Ptr<Volume> makeVolume(const VolumeParams& _volumeParams);
CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<Volume> makeVolume(VolumeType _volumeType, float _voxelSize, Matx44f _pose,
float _raycastStepFactor, float _truncDist, int _maxWeight,
float _truncateThreshold, Vec3i _resolution);
} // namespace kinfu
} // namespace cv