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2024-09-25 09:43:03 +08:00
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2018 Intel Corporation
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include <opencv2/gapi/util/variant.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gmat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gscalar.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/garray.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gopaque.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/garg.hpp>
#include <opencv2/gapi/gmetaarg.hpp>
namespace cv {
// FIXME: user shouldn't deal with it - put to detail?
// GProtoArg is an union type over G-types which can serve as
// GComputation's in/output slots. In other words, GProtoArg
// wraps any type which can serve as G-API exchange type.
// In Runtime, GProtoArgs are substituted with appropriate GRunArgs.
// GProtoArg objects are constructed in-place when user describes
// (captures) computations, user doesn't interact with these types
// directly.
using GProtoArg = util::variant
< GMat
, GMatP
, GFrame
, GScalar
, detail::GArrayU // instead of GArray<T>
, detail::GOpaqueU // instead of GOpaque<T>
using GProtoArgs = std::vector<GProtoArg>;
namespace detail
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoArgs packArgs(Ts... args)
return GProtoArgs{ GProtoArg(wrap_gapi_helper<Ts>::wrap(args))... };
template<class Tag>
struct GIOProtoArgs
// NB: Used by python wrapper
GIOProtoArgs() = default;
explicit GIOProtoArgs(const GProtoArgs& args) : m_args(args) {}
explicit GIOProtoArgs(GProtoArgs &&args) : m_args(std::move(args)) {}
GProtoArgs m_args;
// TODO: Think about the addition operator
* @brief This operator allows to complement the proto vectors at runtime.
* It's an ordinary overload of addition assignment operator.
* Example of usage:
* @snippet samples/cpp/tutorial_code/gapi/doc_snippets/dynamic_graph_snippets.cpp GIOProtoArgs usage
template<typename Tg>
friend GIOProtoArgs<Tg>& operator += (GIOProtoArgs<Tg> &lhs, const GIOProtoArgs<Tg> &rhs);
template<typename Tg>
cv::GIOProtoArgs<Tg>& operator += (cv::GIOProtoArgs<Tg> &lhs, const cv::GIOProtoArgs<Tg> &rhs)
lhs.m_args.reserve(lhs.m_args.size() + rhs.m_args.size());
lhs.m_args.insert(lhs.m_args.end(), rhs.m_args.begin(), rhs.m_args.end());
return lhs;
struct In_Tag{};
struct Out_Tag{};
using GProtoInputArgs = GIOProtoArgs<In_Tag>;
using GProtoOutputArgs = GIOProtoArgs<Out_Tag>;
// Perfect forwarding
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoInputArgs GIn(Ts&&... ts)
return GProtoInputArgs(detail::packArgs(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...));
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoOutputArgs GOut(Ts&&... ts)
return GProtoOutputArgs(detail::packArgs(std::forward<Ts>(ts)...));
namespace detail
// Extract elements form tuple
// FIXME: Someday utilize a generic tuple_to_vec<> routine
template<typename... Ts, int... Indexes>
static GProtoOutputArgs getGOut_impl(const std::tuple<Ts...>& ts, detail::Seq<Indexes...>)
return GProtoOutputArgs{ detail::packArgs(std::get<Indexes>(ts)...)};
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoOutputArgs GOut(const std::tuple<Ts...>& ts)
// TODO: think of std::forward(ts)
return detail::getGOut_impl(ts, typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ts)>::type());
// Takes rvalue as input arg
template<typename... Ts> inline GProtoOutputArgs GOut(std::tuple<Ts...>&& ts)
// TODO: think of std::forward(ts)
return detail::getGOut_impl(ts, typename detail::MkSeq<sizeof...(Ts)>::type());
// Extract run-time arguments from node origin
// Can be used to extract constant values associated with G-objects
// (like GScalar) at graph construction time
GRunArg value_of(const GOrigin &origin);
// Transform run-time computation arguments into a collection of metadata
// extracted from that arguments
GMetaArg GAPI_EXPORTS descr_of(const GRunArg &arg );
GMetaArgs GAPI_EXPORTS descr_of(const GRunArgs &args);
// Transform run-time operation result argument into metadata extracted from that argument
// Used to compare the metadata, which generated at compile time with the metadata result operation in run time
GMetaArg GAPI_EXPORTS descr_of(const GRunArgP& argp);
// Checks if run-time computation argument can be described by metadata
bool GAPI_EXPORTS can_describe(const GMetaArg& meta, const GRunArg& arg);
bool GAPI_EXPORTS can_describe(const GMetaArgs& metas, const GRunArgs& args);
// Checks if run-time computation result argument can be described by metadata.
// Used to check if the metadata generated at compile time
// coincides with output arguments passed to computation in cpu and ocl backends
bool GAPI_EXPORTS can_describe(const GMetaArg& meta, const GRunArgP& argp);
// Validates input arguments
void GAPI_EXPORTS validate_input_arg(const GRunArg& arg);
void GAPI_EXPORTS validate_input_args(const GRunArgs& args);
} // namespace cv