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// Copyright (C) 2013, OpenCV Foundation, all rights reserved.
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* Partially based on:
* ====================================================================================================================
* - [AAM] S. Salti, A. Cavallaro, L. Di Stefano, Adaptive Appearance Modeling for Video Tracking: Survey and Evaluation
* - [AMVOT] X. Li, W. Hu, C. Shen, Z. Zhang, A. Dick, A. van den Hengel, A Survey of Appearance Models in Visual Object Tracking
* This Tracking API has been designed with PlantUML. If you modify this API please change UML files under modules/tracking/doc/uml
#include "tracking_internals.hpp"
namespace cv {
namespace legacy {
#ifndef CV_DOXYGEN
inline namespace tracking {
using namespace cv::detail::tracking;
/** @addtogroup tracking_legacy
/************************************ Tracker Base Class ************************************/
/** @brief Base abstract class for the long-term tracker:
class CV_EXPORTS_W Tracker : public virtual Algorithm
virtual ~Tracker() CV_OVERRIDE;
/** @brief Initialize the tracker with a known bounding box that surrounded the target
@param image The initial frame
@param boundingBox The initial bounding box
@return True if initialization went succesfully, false otherwise
CV_WRAP bool init( InputArray image, const Rect2d& boundingBox );
/** @brief Update the tracker, find the new most likely bounding box for the target
@param image The current frame
@param boundingBox The bounding box that represent the new target location, if true was returned, not
modified otherwise
@return True means that target was located and false means that tracker cannot locate target in
current frame. Note, that latter *does not* imply that tracker has failed, maybe target is indeed
missing from the frame (say, out of sight)
CV_WRAP bool update( InputArray image, CV_OUT Rect2d& boundingBox );
virtual void read( const FileNode& fn ) CV_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual void write( FileStorage& fs ) const CV_OVERRIDE = 0;
virtual bool initImpl( const Mat& image, const Rect2d& boundingBox ) = 0;
virtual bool updateImpl( const Mat& image, Rect2d& boundingBox ) = 0;
bool isInit;
Ptr<TrackerContribFeatureSet> featureSet;
Ptr<TrackerContribSampler> sampler;
Ptr<TrackerModel> model;
/************************************ Specific Tracker Classes ************************************/
/** @brief The MIL algorithm trains a classifier in an online manner to separate the object from the
Multiple Instance Learning avoids the drift problem for a robust tracking. The implementation is
based on @cite MIL .
Original code can be found here <>
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerMIL : public cv::legacy::Tracker
struct CV_EXPORTS Params : cv::TrackerMIL::Params
void read( const FileNode& fn );
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const;
/** @brief Constructor
@param parameters MIL parameters TrackerMIL::Params
static Ptr<legacy::TrackerMIL> create(const TrackerMIL::Params &parameters);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerMIL> create();
virtual ~TrackerMIL() CV_OVERRIDE {}
/** @brief the Boosting tracker
This is a real-time object tracking based on a novel on-line version of the AdaBoost algorithm.
The classifier uses the surrounding background as negative examples in update step to avoid the
drifting problem. The implementation is based on @cite OLB .
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerBoosting : public cv::legacy::Tracker
struct CV_EXPORTS Params
int numClassifiers; //!<the number of classifiers to use in a OnlineBoosting algorithm
float samplerOverlap; //!<search region parameters to use in a OnlineBoosting algorithm
float samplerSearchFactor; //!< search region parameters to use in a OnlineBoosting algorithm
int iterationInit; //!<the initial iterations
int featureSetNumFeatures; //!< # features
* \brief Read parameters from a file
void read( const FileNode& fn );
* \brief Write parameters to a file
void write( FileStorage& fs ) const;
/** @brief Constructor
@param parameters BOOSTING parameters TrackerBoosting::Params
static Ptr<legacy::TrackerBoosting> create(const TrackerBoosting::Params &parameters);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerBoosting> create();
virtual ~TrackerBoosting() CV_OVERRIDE {}
/** @brief the Median Flow tracker
Implementation of a paper @cite MedianFlow .
The tracker is suitable for very smooth and predictable movements when object is visible throughout
the whole sequence. It's quite and accurate for this type of problems (in particular, it was shown
by authors to outperform MIL). During the implementation period the code at
<>, the courtesy of the author Arthur Amarra, was used for the
reference purpose.
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerMedianFlow : public cv::legacy::Tracker
struct CV_EXPORTS Params
Params(); //!<default constructor
//!<note that the default values of parameters are recommended for most of use cases
int pointsInGrid; //!<square root of number of keypoints used; increase it to trade
//!<accurateness for speed
cv::Size winSize; //!<window size parameter for Lucas-Kanade optical flow
int maxLevel; //!<maximal pyramid level number for Lucas-Kanade optical flow
TermCriteria termCriteria; //!<termination criteria for Lucas-Kanade optical flow
cv::Size winSizeNCC; //!<window size around a point for normalized cross-correlation check
double maxMedianLengthOfDisplacementDifference; //!<criterion for loosing the tracked object
void read( const FileNode& /*fn*/ );
void write( FileStorage& /*fs*/ ) const;
/** @brief Constructor
@param parameters Median Flow parameters TrackerMedianFlow::Params
static Ptr<legacy::TrackerMedianFlow> create(const TrackerMedianFlow::Params &parameters);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerMedianFlow> create();
virtual ~TrackerMedianFlow() CV_OVERRIDE {}
/** @brief the TLD (Tracking, learning and detection) tracker
TLD is a novel tracking framework that explicitly decomposes the long-term tracking task into
tracking, learning and detection.
The tracker follows the object from frame to frame. The detector localizes all appearances that
have been observed so far and corrects the tracker if necessary. The learning estimates detector's
errors and updates it to avoid these errors in the future. The implementation is based on @cite TLD .
The Median Flow algorithm (see cv::TrackerMedianFlow) was chosen as a tracking component in this
implementation, following authors. The tracker is supposed to be able to handle rapid motions, partial
occlusions, object absence etc.
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerTLD : public cv::legacy::Tracker
struct CV_EXPORTS Params
void read( const FileNode& /*fn*/ );
void write( FileStorage& /*fs*/ ) const;
/** @brief Constructor
@param parameters TLD parameters TrackerTLD::Params
static Ptr<legacy::TrackerTLD> create(const TrackerTLD::Params &parameters);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerTLD> create();
virtual ~TrackerTLD() CV_OVERRIDE {}
/** @brief the KCF (Kernelized Correlation Filter) tracker
* KCF is a novel tracking framework that utilizes properties of circulant matrix to enhance the processing speed.
* This tracking method is an implementation of @cite KCF_ECCV which is extended to KCF with color-names features (@cite KCF_CN).
* The original paper of KCF is available at <>
* as well as the matlab implementation. For more information about KCF with color-names features, please refer to
* <>.
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerKCF : public cv::legacy::Tracker
* \brief Feature type to be used in the tracking grayscale, colornames, compressed color-names
* The modes available now:
- "GRAY" -- Use grayscale values as the feature
- "CN" -- Color-names feature
typedef enum cv::tracking::TrackerKCF::MODE MODE;
struct CV_EXPORTS Params : cv::tracking::TrackerKCF::Params
void read(const FileNode& /*fn*/);
void write(FileStorage& /*fs*/) const;
virtual void setFeatureExtractor(void(*)(const Mat, const Rect, Mat&), bool pca_func = false) = 0;
/** @brief Constructor
@param parameters KCF parameters TrackerKCF::Params
static Ptr<legacy::TrackerKCF> create(const TrackerKCF::Params &parameters);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerKCF> create();
virtual ~TrackerKCF() CV_OVERRIDE {}
#if 0 // legacy variant is not available
/** @brief the GOTURN (Generic Object Tracking Using Regression Networks) tracker
* GOTURN (@cite GOTURN) is kind of trackers based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). While taking all advantages of CNN trackers,
* GOTURN is much faster due to offline training without online fine-tuning nature.
* GOTURN tracker addresses the problem of single target tracking: given a bounding box label of an object in the first frame of the video,
* we track that object through the rest of the video. NOTE: Current method of GOTURN does not handle occlusions; however, it is fairly
* robust to viewpoint changes, lighting changes, and deformations.
* Inputs of GOTURN are two RGB patches representing Target and Search patches resized to 227x227.
* Outputs of GOTURN are predicted bounding box coordinates, relative to Search patch coordinate system, in format X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
* Original paper is here: <>
* As long as original authors implementation: <>
* Implementation of training algorithm is placed in separately here due to 3d-party dependencies:
* <>
* GOTURN architecture goturn.prototxt and trained model goturn.caffemodel are accessible on opencv_extra GitHub repository.
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerGOTURN : public cv::legacy::Tracker
struct CV_EXPORTS Params
void read(const FileNode& /*fn*/);
void write(FileStorage& /*fs*/) const;
String modelTxt;
String modelBin;
/** @brief Constructor
@param parameters GOTURN parameters TrackerGOTURN::Params
static Ptr<legacy::TrackerGOTURN> create(const TrackerGOTURN::Params &parameters);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerGOTURN> create();
virtual ~TrackerGOTURN() CV_OVERRIDE {}
/** @brief the MOSSE (Minimum Output Sum of Squared %Error) tracker
The implementation is based on @cite MOSSE Visual Object Tracking using Adaptive Correlation Filters
@note this tracker works with grayscale images, if passed bgr ones, they will get converted internally.
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerMOSSE : public cv::legacy::Tracker
/** @brief Constructor
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerMOSSE> create();
virtual ~TrackerMOSSE() CV_OVERRIDE {}
/************************************ MultiTracker Class ---By Laksono Kurnianggoro---) ************************************/
/** @brief This class is used to track multiple objects using the specified tracker algorithm.
* The %MultiTracker is naive implementation of multiple object tracking.
* It process the tracked objects independently without any optimization accross the tracked objects.
class CV_EXPORTS_W MultiTracker : public Algorithm
* \brief Constructor.
CV_WRAP MultiTracker();
* \brief Destructor
~MultiTracker() CV_OVERRIDE;
* \brief Add a new object to be tracked.
* @param newTracker tracking algorithm to be used
* @param image input image
* @param boundingBox a rectangle represents ROI of the tracked object
CV_WRAP bool add(Ptr<cv::legacy::Tracker> newTracker, InputArray image, const Rect2d& boundingBox);
* \brief Add a set of objects to be tracked.
* @param newTrackers list of tracking algorithms to be used
* @param image input image
* @param boundingBox list of the tracked objects
bool add(std::vector<Ptr<legacy::Tracker> > newTrackers, InputArray image, std::vector<Rect2d> boundingBox);
* \brief Update the current tracking status.
* The result will be saved in the internal storage.
* @param image input image
bool update(InputArray image);
* \brief Update the current tracking status.
* @param image input image
* @param boundingBox the tracking result, represent a list of ROIs of the tracked objects.
CV_WRAP bool update(InputArray image, CV_OUT std::vector<Rect2d> & boundingBox);
* \brief Returns a reference to a storage for the tracked objects, each object corresponds to one tracker algorithm
CV_WRAP const std::vector<Rect2d>& getObjects() const;
* \brief Returns a pointer to a new instance of MultiTracker
CV_WRAP static Ptr<MultiTracker> create();
//!< storage for the tracker algorithms.
std::vector< Ptr<Tracker> > trackerList;
//!< storage for the tracked objects, each object corresponds to one tracker algorithm.
std::vector<Rect2d> objects;
/************************************ Multi-Tracker Classes ---By Tyan Vladimir---************************************/
/** @brief Base abstract class for the long-term Multi Object Trackers:
@sa Tracker, MultiTrackerTLD
class CV_EXPORTS MultiTracker_Alt
/** @brief Constructor for Multitracker
targetNum = 0;
/** @brief Add a new target to a tracking-list and initialize the tracker with a known bounding box that surrounded the target
@param image The initial frame
@param boundingBox The initial bounding box of target
@param tracker_algorithm Multi-tracker algorithm
@return True if new target initialization went succesfully, false otherwise
bool addTarget(InputArray image, const Rect2d& boundingBox, Ptr<legacy::Tracker> tracker_algorithm);
/** @brief Update all trackers from the tracking-list, find a new most likely bounding boxes for the targets
@param image The current frame
@return True means that all targets were located and false means that tracker couldn't locate one of the targets in
current frame. Note, that latter *does not* imply that tracker has failed, maybe target is indeed
missing from the frame (say, out of sight)
bool update(InputArray image);
/** @brief Current number of targets in tracking-list
int targetNum;
/** @brief Trackers list for Multi-Object-Tracker
std::vector <Ptr<Tracker> > trackers;
/** @brief Bounding Boxes list for Multi-Object-Tracker
std::vector <Rect2d> boundingBoxes;
/** @brief List of randomly generated colors for bounding boxes display
std::vector<Scalar> colors;
/** @brief Multi Object %Tracker for TLD.
TLD is a novel tracking framework that explicitly decomposes
the long-term tracking task into tracking, learning and detection.
The tracker follows the object from frame to frame. The detector localizes all appearances that
have been observed so far and corrects the tracker if necessary. The learning estimates detector's
errors and updates it to avoid these errors in the future. The implementation is based on @cite TLD .
The Median Flow algorithm (see cv::TrackerMedianFlow) was chosen as a tracking component in this
implementation, following authors. The tracker is supposed to be able to handle rapid motions, partial
occlusions, object absence etc.
@sa Tracker, MultiTracker, TrackerTLD
class CV_EXPORTS MultiTrackerTLD : public MultiTracker_Alt
/** @brief Update all trackers from the tracking-list, find a new most likely bounding boxes for the targets by
optimized update method using some techniques to speedup calculations specifically for MO TLD. The only limitation
is that all target bounding boxes should have approximately same aspect ratios. Speed boost is around 20%
@param image The current frame.
@return True means that all targets were located and false means that tracker couldn't locate one of the targets in
current frame. Note, that latter *does not* imply that tracker has failed, maybe target is indeed
missing from the frame (say, out of sight)
bool update_opt(InputArray image);
/*********************************** CSRT ************************************/
/** @brief the CSRT tracker
The implementation is based on @cite Lukezic_IJCV2018 Discriminative Correlation Filter with Channel and Spatial Reliability
class CV_EXPORTS_W TrackerCSRT : public cv::legacy::Tracker
struct CV_EXPORTS Params : cv::tracking::TrackerCSRT::Params
* \brief Read parameters from a file
void read(const FileNode& /*fn*/);
* \brief Write parameters to a file
void write(cv::FileStorage& fs) const;
/** @brief Constructor
@param parameters CSRT parameters TrackerCSRT::Params
static Ptr<legacy::TrackerCSRT> create(const TrackerCSRT::Params &parameters);
CV_WRAP static Ptr<legacy::TrackerCSRT> create();
CV_WRAP virtual void setInitialMask(InputArray mask) = 0;
virtual ~TrackerCSRT() CV_OVERRIDE {}
CV_EXPORTS_W Ptr<cv::Tracker> upgradeTrackingAPI(const Ptr<legacy::Tracker>& legacy_tracker);
//! @}
#ifndef CV_DOXYGEN
} // namespace
}} // namespace