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14 lines
821 B

  1. # Eve
  2. Tiny event helping JavaScript library.
  3. {{~it.out :item:index}}
  4. ## {{=item[0].name}}
  5. {{~item :line:i}}{{ if (i > 0) { }}{{ if (line.text) { }}{{=line.text.join("\n").replace(/<\/?code>/g, "`").replace(/<\/?em>/g, "_")}}{{ } }}{{ if (line.attr) { }}### Parameters
  6. {{~line.attr :attr:j}}- _{{}}_ {{~attr.type :type:k}} **{{=type}}**{{~}}
  7. {{=attr.desc.replace(/<\/?code>/g, "`").replace(/<\/?em>/g, "_")}}
  8. {{~}}{{ } }}{{ if (line.html) { }}{{=line.html.replace(/<\/?code>/g, "`").replace(/<\/?em>/g, "_")}}{{ } }}{{ if (line.head) { }}
  9. ### {{=line.head}}{{ } }}{{ if (line.code) { }}```js
  10. {{=line.code.join("\n")}}
  11. ```{{ } }}{{ if (line.rtrn) { }}**Returns:** {{~line.rtrn.type :type:k}} **{{=type}}**{{~}} {{=line.rtrn.desc.replace(/<\/?code>/g, "`").replace(/<\/?em>/g, "_")}}{{ } }}
  12. {{ } }}{{~}}{{~}}