2023-02-20 15:53:51,955: LEDE_01_2023022015535136 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015535136", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:51.940" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:51.940" } } . 2023-02-20 15:53:52,001: LEDE_01_2023022015535136 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015535136", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:49.399" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:53:52,002: R1LEDE101_20230220155349_ec MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220155349_ec", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 15:53:49" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 15:53:52,040: R1LEDE101_20230220155349_ec MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220155349_ec", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:52.036" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 15:53:53,046: LEDE_01_2023022015535373 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015535373", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:53.043" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "0", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "5000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "8", "SpoolCountTotal": "8", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:50:02" } } . 2023-02-20 15:53:55,148: LEDE_01_2023022015535373 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015535373", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:52.551" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:53:59,854: LEDE_01_202302201553591 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201553591", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:59.854" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "0", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "5000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:50:08" } } . 2023-02-20 15:53:59,885: LEDE_01_202302201553591 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201553591", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:53:57.302" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:54:00,439: LEDE_01_2023022015540097 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540097", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:00.437" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 15:54:00,994: LEDE_01_2023022015540058 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540058", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:00.993" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 15:54:01,556: LEDE_01_2023022015540134 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540134", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:01.547" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 15:54:02,653: LEDE_01_2023022015540271 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540271", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:02.652" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:50:11" } } . 2023-02-20 15:54:02,911: LEDE_01_2023022015540097 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540097", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:00.314" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:54:03,198: LEDE_01_2023022015540348 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540348", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:03.198" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:50:12" } } . 2023-02-20 15:54:03,798: LEDE_01_2023022015540380 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540380", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:03.798" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "5000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:50:12" } } . 2023-02-20 15:54:05,943: LEDE_01_2023022015540058 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540058", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:03.350" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:54:08,970: LEDE_01_2023022015540271 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540271", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:06.387" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:54:11,986: LEDE_01_2023022015540348 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540348", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:09.389" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:54:15,153: LEDE_01_2023022015540380 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015540380", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:54:12.567" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:55:46,142: LEDE_01_2023022015554690 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015554690", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:46.142" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:46.142" } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:46,300: LEDE_01_2023022015554690 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015554690", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:43.704" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:55:46,306: R1LEDE101_20230220155543_0d MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220155543_0d", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 15:55:43" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 15:55:46,306: R1LEDE101_20230220155543_0d MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220155543_0d", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:46.306" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:47,230: LEDE_01_2023022015554743 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015554743", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:47.230" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "5000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:51:56" } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:49,331: LEDE_01_2023022015554743 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015554743", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:46.746" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:55:53,515: LEDE_01_2023022015555378 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555378", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:53.515" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "5000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:02" } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:53,544: LEDE_01_2023022015555378 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555378", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:50.949" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:55:54,086: LEDE_01_2023022015555439 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555439", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:54.085" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:54,629: LEDE_01_2023022015555415 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555415", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:54.629" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:55,178: LEDE_01_2023022015555592 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555592", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:55.178" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:56,274: LEDE_01_2023022015555629 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555629", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:56.274" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:05" } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:56,574: LEDE_01_2023022015555439 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555439", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:53.991" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:55:56,822: LEDE_01_2023022015555622 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555622", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:56.822" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:05" } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:57,369: LEDE_01_2023022015555782 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555782", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:57.368" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "5000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:06" } } . 2023-02-20 15:55:59,595: LEDE_01_2023022015555415 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555415", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:55:56.999" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:56:02,630: LEDE_01_2023022015555629 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555629", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:56:00.032" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:56:05,652: LEDE_01_2023022015555622 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555622", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:56:03.067" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 15:56:08,684: LEDE_01_2023022015555782 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022015555782", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:56:06.088" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:01:58,532: LEDE_01_2023022016015886 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016015886", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:58.532" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:58.532" } } . 2023-02-20 16:01:58,688: LEDE_01_2023022016015886 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016015886", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:56.095" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:01:58,693: R1LEDE101_20230220160156_1f MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220160156_1f", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 16:01:56" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 16:01:58,694: R1LEDE101_20230220160156_1f MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220160156_1f", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:58.694" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 16:01:59,623: LEDE_01_2023022016015939 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016015939", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:59.623" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "0", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "14", "SpoolCountTotal": "14", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:57" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:00,370: LEDE_01_2023022016020021 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020021", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:00.369" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:37" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:00,399: LEDE_01_2023022016020041 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020041", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:00.399" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "currentEquipmentState": "4000", "previousEquipmentState": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:39" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:00,429: LEDE_01_2023022016020012 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020012", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:00.429" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:41" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:00,495: LEDE_01_2023022016020051 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020051", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:00.494" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T15:52:48" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:00,556: LEDE_01_2023022016020043 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020043", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:00.556" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:00:43" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:00,588: LEDE_01_2023022016020062 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020062", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:00.588" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:00:59" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:00,652: LEDE_01_202302201602001 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201602001", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:00.652" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:07" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:01,723: LEDE_01_2023022016015939 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016015939", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:01:59.143" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:02:04,759: LEDE_01_2023022016020021 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020021", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:02.164" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:02:06,370: LEDE_01_2023022016020676 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020676", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:06.370" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "0", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:03" } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:06,934: LEDE_01_2023022016020689 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020689", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:06.933" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:07,476: LEDE_01_2023022016020765 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020765", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:07.475" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:02:07,894: LEDE_01_2023022016020041 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016020041", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:05.316" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:02:08,021: LEDE_01_202302201602086 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201602086", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:02:08.021" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", 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"2023-02-20T16:11:15" } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:33,169: LEDE_01_2023022016113386 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113386", "messageName": "ProcessStarted", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:33.168" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "stateFlag": "0", "currentEquipmentState": "2000", "substrateId": "a2302201601050702", "ppExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "previousEquipmentState": "1000", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:15" } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:34,577: LEDE_01_2023022016113279 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113279", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:31.991" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:37,617: LEDE_01_2023022016113331 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113331", "messageName": "MaterialReceived", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:35.042" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:38,895: LEDE_01_2023022016113861 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113861", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:38.895" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:36" } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:39,457: LEDE_01_2023022016113922 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113922", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:39.457" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:40,015: LEDE_01_2023022016114034 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114034", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:40.015" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:40,555: LEDE_01_2023022016114011 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114011", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:40.555" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:40,647: LEDE_01_2023022016113386 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113386", "messageName": "ProcessStarted", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:38.057" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:41,649: LEDE_01_2023022016114112 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114112", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:41.649" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:39" } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:42,203: LEDE_01_2023022016114289 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114289", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:42.203" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:39" } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:42,784: LEDE_01_2023022016114285 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114285", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:42.784" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:40" } } . 2023-02-20 16:11:43,683: LEDE_01_2023022016113861 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113861", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:41.106" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:46,827: LEDE_01_2023022016113922 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016113922", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:44.239" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:49,849: LEDE_01_2023022016114034 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114034", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:47.273" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:52,877: LEDE_01_2023022016114112 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114112", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:50.305" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:55,897: LEDE_01_2023022016114289 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114289", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:53.310" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:11:58,919: LEDE_01_2023022016114285 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016114285", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:11:56.346" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:12:17,785: LEDE_01_2023022016121773 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016121773", "messageName": "ProcessStarted", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:12:17.785" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "stateFlag": "0", 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"reroutet_D": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:12:45" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:05,712: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:05.711" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "ProcessDurationSBS", "paramValue": "15", "paramFormat": "U1", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:05,713: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:05.711" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "MeasuredSubstrateWidth", "paramValue": "1200.474", "paramFormat": "F4", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:05,713: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Send:{ "header": { 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"sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:05.711" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "MeasuredSubstrateLength", "paramValue": "1600", "paramFormat": "F4", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:05,728: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "ProcessFinished", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:05.717" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "stateFlag": "0", "materialStatus": "False", "substrateId": "a2302201601330702", "currentEquipmentState": "2000", "previousEquipmentState": "1000", "processData": { "ProcessDurationSBS": "15", "ProcessDurationEDS": "30", "ProcessRecipeId": "1", "ProcessRecipeName": "CTF IAT Recipe_Final", "ProcessRecipeVersion": "50", "ProcessRecipeCreationDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000", "ProcessRecipeLastModificationDate": "2022-02-11T14:11:51.0000000", "ProcessRecipeCreatedBy": "4Jet", "ProcessRecipeLastModifiedBy": "4Jet", "MeasuredSubstrateWidth": "1200.474", "MeasuredSubstrateLength": "1600" }, "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:13:30" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:05,837: LEDE_01_2023022016150510 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150510", "messageName": "MaterialRemoved", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:05.837" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "stateFlag": "0", "materialStatus": "False", "substrateId": "a2302201601330702", "locationId": "LEDE", "target_A": "0", "target_B": "0", "target_C": "0", "target_D": "0", "reroutet_A": "0", "reroutet_B": "0", "reroutet_C": "0", "reroutet_D": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:13:46" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:06,930: LEDE_01_2023022016150448 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150448", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:04.307" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:10,078: LEDE_01_202302201615055 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201615055", "messageName": "MaterialRemoved", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:07.504" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:11,754: LEDE_01_2023022016151154 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151154", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:11.754" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:09" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:12,317: LEDE_01_2023022016151267 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151267", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:12.316" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:12,864: LEDE_01_2023022016151244 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151244", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:12.864" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:13,113: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:10.521" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:13,408: LEDE_01_2023022016151368 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151368", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:13.408" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:14,507: LEDE_01_2023022016151457 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151457", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:14.507" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:11" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:15,047: LEDE_01_2023022016151598 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151598", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:15.047" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:12" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:15,628: LEDE_01_2023022016151594 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151594", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:15.628" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:13" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:16,127: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:13.558" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:19,297: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:16.710" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:22,334: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:19.759" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:25,355: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:22.770" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:28,384: LEDE_01_2023022016150580 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150580", "messageName": "ProcessFinished", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:25.809" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:31,414: LEDE_01_2023022016150510 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016150510", "messageName": "MaterialRemoved", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:28.826" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:33,886: LEDE_01_2023022016153356 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016153356", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:33.886" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:33.886" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:34,443: LEDE_01_2023022016151154 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151154", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:31.871" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:34,973: LEDE_01_2023022016153474 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016153474", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:34.973" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:32" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:37,471: LEDE_01_2023022016151267 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151267", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:34.884" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:40,500: LEDE_01_2023022016153356 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016153356", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:37.926" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:40,501: LEDE_01_2023022016151244 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151244", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:37.911" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:40,504: R1LEDE101_20230220161537_85 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220161537_85", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 16:15:37" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:40,505: R1LEDE101_20230220161537_85 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220161537_85", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:40.505" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:41,259: LEDE_01_2023022016154145 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154145", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:41.259" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:38" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:41,816: LEDE_01_2023022016154122 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154122", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:41.816" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:42,359: LEDE_01_2023022016154298 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154298", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:42.359" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:42,919: LEDE_01_2023022016154259 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154259", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:42.919" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:43,542: LEDE_01_2023022016153474 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016153474", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:40.954" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:43,544: LEDE_01_2023022016151457 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151457", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:40.971" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:44,013: LEDE_01_2023022016154412 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154412", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:44.013" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:41" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:44,563: LEDE_01_2023022016154489 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154489", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:44.560" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:41" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:45,105: LEDE_01_2023022016154565 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154565", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:45.105" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:42" } } . 2023-02-20 16:15:46,566: LEDE_01_2023022016151598 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151598", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:43.993" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:46,574: LEDE_01_2023022016154145 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154145", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:43.988" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:49,605: LEDE_01_2023022016154122 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154122", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:47.031" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:49,717: LEDE_01_2023022016151594 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016151594", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:47.131" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:52,623: LEDE_01_2023022016154298 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154298", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:50.038" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:52,740: LEDE_01_2023022016154412 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154412", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:50.165" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:55,672: LEDE_01_2023022016154565 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154565", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:53.097" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:15:55,757: LEDE_01_2023022016154489 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016154489", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:15:53.171" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:17,965: LEDE_01_202302201616173 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201616173", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:17.965" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:17.965" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:17,998: LEDE_01_202302201616173 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201616173", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:15.421" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:17,998: R1LEDE101_20230220161615_de MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220161615_de", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 16:16:15" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:17,999: R1LEDE101_20230220161615_de MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220161615_de", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:17.999" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:19,059: LEDE_01_2023022016161956 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016161956", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:19.059" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:16" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:21,153: LEDE_01_2023022016161956 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016161956", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:18.567" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:25,304: LEDE_01_2023022016162572 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162572", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:25.304" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:22" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:25,342: LEDE_01_2023022016162572 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162572", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:22.771" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:25,870: LEDE_01_2023022016162532 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162532", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:25.869" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:26,411: LEDE_01_2023022016162673 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162673", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:26.411" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:26,959: LEDE_01_2023022016162685 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162685", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:26.959" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:28,068: LEDE_01_2023022016162839 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162839", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:28.068" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:25" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:28,374: LEDE_01_2023022016162532 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162532", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:25.787" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:28,630: LEDE_01_2023022016162899 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162899", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:28.630" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:26" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:29,183: LEDE_01_2023022016162911 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162911", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:29.183" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:26" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:31,400: LEDE_01_2023022016162673 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162673", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:28.825" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:34,428: LEDE_01_2023022016162839 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162839", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:31.858" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:37,452: LEDE_01_2023022016162899 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162899", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:34.864" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:40,487: LEDE_01_2023022016162911 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016162911", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:37.915" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:16:42,532: LEDE_01_2023022016164284 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016164284", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:42.532" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:39" } } . 2023-02-20 16:16:43,523: LEDE_01_2023022016164284 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016164284", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:16:40.939" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:17:19,281: LEDE_01_2023022016171997 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016171997", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:17:19.281" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:17:16" } } . 2023-02-20 16:17:19,324: LEDE_01_2023022016171997 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016171997", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:17:16.752" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:18,435: LEDE_01_202302201618188 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201618188", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:18.435" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:18.435" } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:18,597: LEDE_01_202302201618188 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201618188", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:15.997" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:18,597: R1LEDE101_20230220161816_e4 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220161816_e4", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 16:18:16" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:18,598: R1LEDE101_20230220161816_e4 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220161816_e4", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:18.598" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:19,513: LEDE_01_2023022016181925 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016181925", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:19.513" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:16" } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:21,628: LEDE_01_2023022016181925 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016181925", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:19.040" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:25,738: LEDE_01_2023022016182522 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182522", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:25.738" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:23" } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:25,784: LEDE_01_2023022016182522 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182522", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:23.196" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:26,300: LEDE_01_2023022016182682 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182682", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:26.299" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:26,840: LEDE_01_2023022016182659 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182659", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:26.840" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:27,389: LEDE_01_2023022016182735 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182735", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:27.389" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:28,481: LEDE_01_2023022016182889 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182889", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:28.481" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:25" } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:28,801: LEDE_01_2023022016182682 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182682", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:26.230" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:29,029: LEDE_01_2023022016182913 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182913", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:29.029" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:26" } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:29,572: LEDE_01_2023022016182990 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182990", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:29.572" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:26" } } . 2023-02-20 16:18:31,825: LEDE_01_2023022016182659 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182659", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:29.238" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:34,859: LEDE_01_2023022016182889 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182889", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:32.274" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:37,881: LEDE_01_2023022016182913 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182913", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:35.309" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:18:40,925: LEDE_01_2023022016182990 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016182990", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:18:38.337" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:19:57,757: LEDE_01_2023022016195754 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016195754", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:19:57.757" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:19:55" } } . 2023-02-20 16:19:57,801: LEDE_01_2023022016195754 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016195754", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:19:55.229" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:21:13,050: LEDE_01_2023022016211324 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016211324", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:21:13.050" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:21:10" } } . 2023-02-20 16:21:13,222: LEDE_01_2023022016211324 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016211324", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:21:10.638" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:29,779: LEDE_01_202302201622293 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201622293", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:29.779" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:29.779" } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:29,804: LEDE_01_202302201622293 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201622293", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:27.230" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:29,809: R1LEDE101_20230220162227_bf MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220162227_bf", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 16:22:27" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:29,810: R1LEDE101_20230220162227_bf MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220162227_bf", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:29.810" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:30,881: LEDE_01_2023022016223092 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223092", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:30.881" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:28" } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:32,959: LEDE_01_2023022016223092 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223092", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:30.376" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:37,099: LEDE_01_2023022016223752 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223752", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:37.099" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:34" } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:37,133: LEDE_01_2023022016223752 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223752", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:34.559" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:37,661: LEDE_01_2023022016223713 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223713", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:37.660" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:38,203: LEDE_01_2023022016223889 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223889", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:38.202" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:38,749: LEDE_01_2023022016223866 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223866", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:38.749" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:39,841: LEDE_01_2023022016223919 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223919", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:39.841" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:37" } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:40,166: LEDE_01_2023022016223713 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223713", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:37.578" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:40,385: LEDE_01_2023022016224060 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016224060", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:40.384" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:37" } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:40,926: LEDE_01_2023022016224037 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016224037", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:40.926" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:38" } } . 2023-02-20 16:22:43,185: LEDE_01_2023022016223889 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223889", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:40.609" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:46,345: LEDE_01_2023022016223919 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016223919", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:43.769" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:49,368: LEDE_01_2023022016224060 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016224060", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:46.783" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 16:22:52,397: LEDE_01_2023022016224037 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022016224037", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T16:22:49.822" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:45:58,621: LEDE_01_2023022019455890 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019455890", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:45:58.606" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:45:58.606" } } . 2023-02-20 19:45:58,659: LEDE_01_2023022019455890 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019455890", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:45:57.414" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:45:58,660: R1LEDE101_20230220194557_7b MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220194557_7b", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 19:45:57" }, "body": 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LEDE_01_2023022019460025 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460025", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:00.460" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T17:09:02" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:00,506: LEDE_01_2023022019460081 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460081", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:00.505" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "currentEquipmentState": "1000", "previousEquipmentState": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T17:09:03" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:00,536: LEDE_01_202302201946000 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201946000", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": 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19:46:02,296: LEDE_01_2023022019460261 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460261", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.296" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "3079", "alarmStatus": "0", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:29:49" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,328: LEDE_01_2023022019460280 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460280", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.328" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "currentEquipmentState": "5000", "previousEquipmentState": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:29:49" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,385: LEDE_01_2023022019460219 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460219", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.385" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:30:21" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,417: LEDE_01_2023022019460291 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460291", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.417" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:33:37" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,495: LEDE_01_2023022019460266 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460266", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.495" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:34:17" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,571: LEDE_01_202302201946025 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201946025", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.571" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "3079", "alarmStatus": "1", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:34:23" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,617: LEDE_01_2023022019460260 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460260", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.617" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "currentEquipmentState": "4000", "previousEquipmentState": "5000", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:34:23" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,647: LEDE_01_2023022019460280 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460280", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.647" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:34:34" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,739: LEDE_01_2023022019460291 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460291", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:02.739" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:35:53" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:02,814: 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"LEDE_01_2023022019460326", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.058" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "currentEquipmentState": "4000", "previousEquipmentState": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T18:51:51" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:03,105: LEDE_01_2023022019460382 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460382", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.105" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "machineDataName": "MachineData1", "machineData": { "1026(Lifetime_Component1)": "184020", "1027(Lifetime_Component2)": "25490", "1028(Lifetime_Component3)": "192830", "1029(Lifetime_Component4)": "179610", "1030(Lifetime_Component5)": "27340", "1031(Lifetime_Component6)": "3313420", "1032(Lifetime_Component7)": "419060", "1033(Lifetime_Component8)": 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19:46:03,197: LEDE_01_2023022019460392 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460392", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.197" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:07:03" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:03,259: LEDE_01_2023022019460348 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460348", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.259" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "2003", "alarmStatus": "0", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:07:09" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:03,320: LEDE_01_2023022019460387 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460387", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.320" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "2004", "alarmStatus": "0", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "SBS: Error conveyor drive", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:07:09" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:03,381: LEDE_01_2023022019460378 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460378", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.381" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "2009", "alarmStatus": "0", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement ", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:07:09" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:03,441: LEDE_01_2023022019460317 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460317", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": 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"equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.979" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "2012", "alarmStatus": "1", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:11:46" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,039: LEDE_01_2023022019460449 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460449", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.039" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "2013", "alarmStatus": "1", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:11:46" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,101: LEDE_01_2023022019460488 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460488", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.101" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "alarmCode": "2014", "alarmStatus": "1", "alarmCategory": null, "alarmText": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:11:46" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,131: LEDE_01_2023022019460460 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460460", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.131" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:20:14" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,163: LEDE_01_2023022019460479 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460479", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.163" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:20:37" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,227: LEDE_01_2023022019460419 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460419", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.227" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:20:57" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,257: LEDE_01_2023022019460490 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460490", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.257" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "machineDataName": "MachineData1", "machineData": { "1026(Lifetime_Component1)": "184020", "1027(Lifetime_Component2)": "25490", "1028(Lifetime_Component3)": "192830", "1029(Lifetime_Component4)": "179610", "1030(Lifetime_Component5)": "27340", "1031(Lifetime_Component6)": "3314620", "1032(Lifetime_Component7)": "419060", "1033(Lifetime_Component8)": "11560", "1034(Lifetime_Component9)": "11560", "1035(Lifetime_Component10)": "11550", "1036(SubstrateCount_Component11)": "311", "1037(SubstrateCount_Component12)": "20", "1038(SubstrateCount_Component13)": "30", "1039(SubstrateCount_Component14)": "40000", "1040(SubstrateCount_Component15)": "5000", "1041(SubstrateCount_Component16)": "6000", "1042(SubstrateCount_Component17)": "7000", "1043(SubstrateCount_Component18)": "8000", "1044(SubstrateCount_Component19)": "0", "1045(SubstrateCount_Component20)": "10000" }, "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:21:40" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,289: LEDE_01_2023022019460410 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460410", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.289" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "machineDataName": "MachineData1", "machineData": { "1026(Lifetime_Component1)": "184020", "1027(Lifetime_Component2)": "25490", "1028(Lifetime_Component3)": "192830", "1029(Lifetime_Component4)": "179610", "1030(Lifetime_Component5)": "27340", "1031(Lifetime_Component6)": "3315220", "1032(Lifetime_Component7)": "419060", "1033(Lifetime_Component8)": "11560", "1034(Lifetime_Component9)": "11560", "1035(Lifetime_Component10)": "11550", "1036(SubstrateCount_Component11)": "311", "1037(SubstrateCount_Component12)": "20", "1038(SubstrateCount_Component13)": "30", "1039(SubstrateCount_Component14)": "40000", "1040(SubstrateCount_Component15)": "5000", "1041(SubstrateCount_Component16)": "6000", "1042(SubstrateCount_Component17)": "7000", "1043(SubstrateCount_Component18)": "8000", "1044(SubstrateCount_Component19)": "0", "1045(SubstrateCount_Component20)": "10000" }, "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:31:40" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,320: LEDE_01_2023022019460429 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460429", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:04.320" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "machineDataName": "MachineData1", "machineData": { "1026(Lifetime_Component1)": "184020", "1027(Lifetime_Component2)": "25490", "1028(Lifetime_Component3)": "192830", "1029(Lifetime_Component4)": "179610", "1030(Lifetime_Component5)": "27340", "1031(Lifetime_Component6)": "3315820", "1032(Lifetime_Component7)": "419060", "1033(Lifetime_Component8)": "11560", "1034(Lifetime_Component9)": "11560", "1035(Lifetime_Component10)": "11550", "1036(SubstrateCount_Component11)": "311", "1037(SubstrateCount_Component12)": "20", "1038(SubstrateCount_Component13)": "30", "1039(SubstrateCount_Component14)": "40000", "1040(SubstrateCount_Component15)": "5000", "1041(SubstrateCount_Component16)": "6000", "1042(SubstrateCount_Component17)": "7000", "1043(SubstrateCount_Component18)": "8000", "1044(SubstrateCount_Component19)": "0", "1045(SubstrateCount_Component20)": "10000" }, "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:41:40" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:04,837: LEDE_01_2023022019460025 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460025", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:03.600" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:46:07,856: LEDE_01_2023022019460081 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460081", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:06.614" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:46:09,936: LEDE_01_2023022019460994 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460994", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:09.936" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "4000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "0", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:08" } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:10,504: LEDE_01_202302201946106 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201946106", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:10.502" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 19:46:10,877: LEDE_01_202302201946000 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302201946000", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", 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2023-02-20 19:46:35,197: LEDE_01_2023022019460146 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460146", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:33.956" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:46:35,197: LEDE_01_2023022019460066 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460066", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:33.963" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:46:38,218: LEDE_01_2023022019460157 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460157", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:46:36.977" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:46:38,218: 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19:47:23,783: LEDE_01_2023022019460394 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460394", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:47:22.540" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:47:23,902: LEDE_01_2023022019460355 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460355", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:47:22.671" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:47:26,791: LEDE_01_2023022019460449 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022019460449", "messageName": "AlarmReport", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T19:47:25.549" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 19:47:26,803: LEDE_01_2023022019460460 MQ Receive:{ 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"{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:01:28,917: LEDE_01_2023022020012264 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020012264", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:27.683" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:01:31,947: LEDE_01_2023022020012264 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020012264", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:30.709" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:01:34,974: LEDE_01_2023022020012264 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020012264", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:33.742" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:01:37,997: LEDE_01_2023022020012264 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020012264", "messageName": "ProcessFinished", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:36.761" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:01:41,160: LEDE_01_2023022020012458 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020012458", "messageName": "MaterialRemoved", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:39.927" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:01:41,582: LEDE_01_2023022020014178 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020014178", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:41.582" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "machineDataName": "MachineData1", "machineData": { 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"messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:43.073" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:01:47,328: LEDE_01_2023022020014178 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020014178", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:01:46.098" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:03:54,468: LEDE_01_2023022020035488 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020035488", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:03:54.468" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "machineDataName": "MachineData1", "machineData": { "1026(Lifetime_Component1)": "184020", "1027(Lifetime_Component2)": "25490", "1028(Lifetime_Component3)": "192830", "1029(Lifetime_Component4)": "179610", "1030(Lifetime_Component5)": "27340", "1031(Lifetime_Component6)": "3317020", "1032(Lifetime_Component7)": "419060", "1033(Lifetime_Component8)": "11560", "1034(Lifetime_Component9)": "11560", "1035(Lifetime_Component10)": "11550", "1036(SubstrateCount_Component11)": "311", "1037(SubstrateCount_Component12)": "20", "1038(SubstrateCount_Component13)": "30", "1039(SubstrateCount_Component14)": "40000", "1040(SubstrateCount_Component15)": "5000", "1041(SubstrateCount_Component16)": "6000", "1042(SubstrateCount_Component17)": "7000", "1043(SubstrateCount_Component18)": "8000", "1044(SubstrateCount_Component19)": "0", "1045(SubstrateCount_Component20)": "10000" }, "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:03:53" } } . 2023-02-20 20:03:54,664: LEDE_01_2023022020035488 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020035488", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:03:53.399" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:07:20,733: LEDE_01_2023022020072046 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020072046", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:07:20.733" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "userLogFlag": "0", "currentUserName": "4Jet", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:07:19" } } . 2023-02-20 20:07:20,769: LEDE_01_2023022020072046 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020072046", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:07:19.540" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:07:26,450: LEDE_01_2023022020072621 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020072621", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": 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"R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:09:22.516" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentEquipmentState": "2000", "previousEquipmentState": "1000", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:09:21" } } . 2023-02-20 20:09:22,547: LEDE_01_2023022020092293 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020092293", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:09:21.315" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:09:25,690: LEDE_01_2023022020092293 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020092293", "messageName": "EquipmentStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:09:24.454" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:09:32,860: LEDE_01_2023022020093290 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020093290", "messageName": 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"2023-02-20T20:10:00.501" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:01,455: LEDE_01_2023022020100113 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100113", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:01.455" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:00" } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:03,515: LEDE_01_2023022020100113 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100113", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:02.286" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:10:07,881: LEDE_01_2023022020100715 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100715", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:07.881" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:06" } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:07,913: LEDE_01_2023022020100715 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100715", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:06.681" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:10:08,448: LEDE_01_2023022020100811 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100811", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:08.447" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:08,996: LEDE_01_2023022020100888 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100888", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:08.996" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:09,541: LEDE_01_2023022020100964 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100964", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:09.541" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:10,697: LEDE_01_2023022020101021 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020101021", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:10.697" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:09" } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:10,945: LEDE_01_2023022020100811 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100811", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:09.715" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:10:11,237: LEDE_01_2023022020101197 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020101197", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:11.237" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:09" } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:11,781: LEDE_01_2023022020101174 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020101174", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:11.781" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:10" } } . 2023-02-20 20:10:14,084: LEDE_01_2023022020100888 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020100888", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:12.850" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:10:17,119: LEDE_01_2023022020101021 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020101021", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:15.883" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:10:20,149: LEDE_01_2023022020101197 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020101197", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:18.912" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:10:23,171: LEDE_01_2023022020101174 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020101174", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:10:21.939" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:08,962: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:08.962" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "ProcessDurationSBS", "paramValue": "15", "paramFormat": "U1", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 20:11:08,962: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:08.962" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "ProcessDurationEDS", "paramValue": "30", "paramFormat": "U1", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 20:11:08,967: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "ProcessFinished", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:08.967" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "stateFlag": "0", "materialStatus": "False", "substrateId": "a2302201622530702", "currentEquipmentState": "2000", "previousEquipmentState": "1000", "processData": { "ProcessDurationSBS": "15", "ProcessDurationEDS": "30", "ProcessRecipeId": "11", "ProcessRecipeName": "CTF_LEDE_ED-10mm_MLD-8_12_8", "ProcessRecipeVersion": "26", "ProcessRecipeCreationDate": "2023-02-02T19:04:30.0000000", "ProcessRecipeLastModificationDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000", "ProcessRecipeCreatedBy": "4Jet", "ProcessRecipeLastModifiedBy": "4Jet", "MeasuredSubstrateWidth": "1200.74", "MeasuredSubstrateLength": "1600" }, "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:07" } } . 2023-02-20 20:11:08,963: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:08.963" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "MeasuredSubstrateLength", "paramValue": "1600", "paramFormat": "F4", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 20:11:08,963: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:08.962" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "ProcessRecipeId", "paramValue": "11", "paramFormat": "I2", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 20:11:08,963: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:08.962" }, "body": { "eventName": "ProcessFinished", "paramName": "MeasuredSubstrateWidth", "paramValue": "1200.74", "paramFormat": "F4", "standardFormat": "A" } } . 2023-02-20 20:11:08,993: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:07.768" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:12,169: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:10.927" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:15,278: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:13.961" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:18,323: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:17.091" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:21,365: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "FormatError", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:20.122" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:24,375: LEDE_01_2023022020110868 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020110868", "messageName": "ProcessFinished", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:23.139" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:30,455: LEDE_01_2023022020113098 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020113098", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:30.455" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:30.455" } } . 2023-02-20 20:11:30,481: LEDE_01_2023022020113098 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020113098", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:29.254" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:30,490: R1LEDE101_20230220201129_81 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201129_81", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 20:11:29" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 20:11:30,491: R1LEDE101_20230220201129_81 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201129_81", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:30.491" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:32,798: LEDE_01_202302202012327 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302202012327", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:32.797" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:32.797" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:32,945: LEDE_01_202302202012327 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302202012327", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:31.713" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:32,951: R1LEDE101_20230220201231_cd MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201231_cd", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 20:12:31" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:32,952: R1LEDE101_20230220201231_cd MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201231_cd", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:32.952" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:33,890: LEDE_01_202302202012338 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302202012338", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:33.890" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "2", "SpoolCountTotal": "2", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:32" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:34,544: LEDE_01_2023022020123431 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020123431", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:34.544" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "1", "machineDataName": "MachineData1", "machineData": { "1026(Lifetime_Component1)": "184200", "1027(Lifetime_Component2)": "25490", "1028(Lifetime_Component3)": "193010", "1029(Lifetime_Component4)": "179730", "1030(Lifetime_Component5)": "27340", "1031(Lifetime_Component6)": "3317440", "1032(Lifetime_Component7)": "419060", "1033(Lifetime_Component8)": "11560", "1034(Lifetime_Component9)": "11560", "1035(Lifetime_Component10)": "11550", "1036(SubstrateCount_Component11)": "311", "1037(SubstrateCount_Component12)": "20", "1038(SubstrateCount_Component13)": "30", "1039(SubstrateCount_Component14)": "40000", "1040(SubstrateCount_Component15)": "5000", "1041(SubstrateCount_Component16)": "6000", "1042(SubstrateCount_Component17)": "7000", "1043(SubstrateCount_Component18)": "8000", "1044(SubstrateCount_Component19)": "0", "1045(SubstrateCount_Component20)": "10000" }, "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:11:40" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:35,975: LEDE_01_202302202012338 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302202012338", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:34.748" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:38,999: LEDE_01_2023022020123431 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020123431", "messageName": "MachineData", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:37.766" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:40,209: LEDE_01_2023022020124015 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124015", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:40.209" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:38" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:40,797: LEDE_01_2023022020124047 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124047", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:40.797" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:41,352: LEDE_01_2023022020124172 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124172", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:41.352" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:41,910: LEDE_01_2023022020124184 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124184", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:41.910" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:42,155: LEDE_01_2023022020124015 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124015", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:40.928" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:42,997: LEDE_01_2023022020124237 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124237", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:42.997" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:41" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:43,543: LEDE_01_2023022020124378 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124378", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:43.540" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:42" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:44,087: LEDE_01_2023022020124438 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124438", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:44.087" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:42" } } . 2023-02-20 20:12:45,302: LEDE_01_2023022020124047 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124047", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:44.070" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:48,321: LEDE_01_2023022020124172 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124172", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:47.093" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:51,354: LEDE_01_2023022020124237 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124237", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:50.123" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:54,375: LEDE_01_2023022020124378 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124378", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:53.142" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:12:57,409: LEDE_01_2023022020124438 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020124438", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:12:56.181" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:13:34,092: LEDE_01_2023022020133465 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020133465", "messageName": "MaterialReceived", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:13:34.092" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "stateFlag": "0", "locationId": "LEDE", "substrateId": "a2302201624110702", "ppExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "materialStatus": "False", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:13:32" } } . 2023-02-20 20:13:34,278: LEDE_01_2023022020133465 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020133465", "messageName": "MaterialReceived", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:13:33.046" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:14:02,910: LEDE_01_2023022020140229 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020140229", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:02.910" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:02.910" } } . 2023-02-20 20:14:02,934: LEDE_01_2023022020140229 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020140229", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:01.707" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:14:02,940: R1LEDE101_20230220201401_09 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201401_09", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 20:14:01" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 20:14:02,940: R1LEDE101_20230220201401_09 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201401_09", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:02.940" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 20:14:04,018: LEDE_01_2023022020140466 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020140466", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:04.017" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:02" } } . 2023-02-20 20:14:06,082: LEDE_01_2023022020140466 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020140466", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:04.850" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:14:10,276: LEDE_01_2023022020141018 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020141018", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:10.276" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:08" } } . 2023-02-20 20:14:10,314: LEDE_01_2023022020141018 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020141018", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:09.086" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:14:10,836: LEDE_01_2023022020141094 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020141094", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:10.836" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:14:11,382: LEDE_01_2023022020141171 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020141171", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": 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2023-02-20 20:14:13,148: LEDE_01_2023022020141379 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020141379", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:13.148" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:11" } } . 2023-02-20 20:14:13,456: LEDE_01_2023022020141094 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020141094", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:14:12.105" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:14:13,698: LEDE_01_2023022020141356 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020141356", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": 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"2023-02-20T20:15:23.955" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:15:33,068: LEDE_01_202302202015337 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302202015337", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:15:33.068" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:15:33.068" } } . 2023-02-20 20:15:33,098: LEDE_01_202302202015337 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_202302202015337", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:15:31.864" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:15:33,108: R1LEDE101_20230220201531_5e MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201531_5e", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": 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20:16:59,345: R1LEDE101_20230220201658_48 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201658_48", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 20:16:58" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 20:16:59,346: R1LEDE101_20230220201658_48 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201658_48", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:16:59.346" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:00,271: LEDE_01_2023022020170012 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170012", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:00.271" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:16:58" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:02,375: LEDE_01_2023022020170012 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170012", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:01.146" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:07,788: LEDE_01_2023022020170767 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170767", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:07.788" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:06" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:07,825: LEDE_01_2023022020170767 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170767", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:06.593" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:08,413: LEDE_01_2023022020170819 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170819", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:08.413" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:08,974: LEDE_01_2023022020170879 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170879", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:08.974" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:09,518: LEDE_01_2023022020170956 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170956", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:09.518" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:10,620: LEDE_01_2023022020171045 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171045", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:10.620" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:09" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:10,851: LEDE_01_2023022020170819 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170819", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:09.625" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:11,172: LEDE_01_2023022020171122 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171122", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:11.170" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:09" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:11,719: LEDE_01_2023022020171146 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171146", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:11.719" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:10" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:13,996: LEDE_01_2023022020170879 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020170879", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:12.766" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:17,031: LEDE_01_2023022020171045 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171045", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:15.798" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:19,581: LEDE_01_2023022020171972 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171972", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:19.581" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:18" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:20,052: LEDE_01_2023022020171122 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171122", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:18.823" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:22,803: LEDE_01_2023022020172241 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020172241", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:22.803" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:21" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:23,076: LEDE_01_2023022020171146 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171146", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:21.845" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:26,109: LEDE_01_2023022020171972 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020171972", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:24.881" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:29,128: LEDE_01_2023022020172241 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020172241", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:27.899" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:49,277: LEDE_01_2023022020174932 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020174932", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:49.277" }, "body": { "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:49.277" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:49,305: LEDE_01_2023022020174932 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020174932", "messageName": "EstablishCommunication", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:48.079" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:49,310: R1LEDE101_20230220201748_15 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201748_15", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Request", "from": "mes", "to": "eap", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20 20:17:48" }, "body": "{\"state\":\"N\",\"vID\":[],\"totsmp\":1000,\"dsper\":10}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:49,311: R1LEDE101_20230220201748_15 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "R1LEDE101_20230220201748_15", "messageName": "RequestTraceDataInit", "messageType": "Response", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:49.311" }, "body": { "returnCode": "0" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:50,365: LEDE_01_2023022020175050 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175050", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:50.365" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "1", "SpoolCountActual": "1", "SpoolCountTotal": "1", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:48" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:52,465: LEDE_01_2023022020175050 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175050", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:51.236" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:56,648: LEDE_01_2023022020175685 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175685", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:56.648" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:55" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:56,683: LEDE_01_2023022020175685 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175685", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:55.459" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:57,207: LEDE_01_2023022020175798 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175798", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:57.207" }, "body": { "alarmList": [ { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4065", "ALTX": "CV2: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4067", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4066", "ALTX": "CV2: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4069", "ALTX": "CV2: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4068", "ALTX": "CV2: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4070", "ALTX": "CV2: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4073", "ALTX": "CV2: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3004", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3005", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3006", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3007", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right infeed inside activexxx" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "3001", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop cabinet active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3002", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left infeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4086", "ALTX": "CV2: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3003", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed outside active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3049", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4005", "ALTX": "CV2: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3048", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback Estop circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4004", "ALTX": "CV2: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3051", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3050", "ALTX": "EDS: Safety fault feedback laser circuit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "4006", "ALTX": "CV2: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3053", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4001", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3052", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3055", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 1" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4003", "ALTX": "CV2: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3054", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door left 4" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "4002", "ALTX": "CV2: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3041", "ALTX": "EDS: Error chiller" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3040", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3043", "ALTX": "EDS: Error aspiration unit" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3042", "ALTX": "EDS: Error Flap outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3045", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3044", "ALTX": "EDS: Error flap infeed" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3047", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3046", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive align outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "4010", "ALTX": "CV2: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3064", "ALTX": "EDS: laser commisiioning active // automatik mode prohibited" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3065", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3066", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream life signal lost" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3067", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface downstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3068", "ALTX": "EDS: Interface upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3069", "ALTX": "EDS: gap sensor not free / transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3070", "ALTX": "EDS: HMI-PLC Timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3071", "ALTX": "EDS: Aligning axis not referenced" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3056", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 2" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3057", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 3" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3058", "ALTX": "EDS: Error door right 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3062", "ALTX": "EDS: Error drive conveyor outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3063", "ALTX": "EDS: Gripper free with data / glass not in gripper" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3019", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1066", "ALTX": "CV1: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3018", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1067", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3017", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3016", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper Aligning1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1065", "ALTX": "CV1: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3023", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 1" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1070", "ALTX": "CV1: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3022", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3021", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1068", "ALTX": "CV1: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3020", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse chiller NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1069", "ALTX": "CV1: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3011", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser error" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3010", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop extern active active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3009", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop right outfeed inside activeyyy" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "3008", "ALTX": "EDS: Estop left outfeed inside active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3015", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse cabinet cooling NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3501", "ALTX": "EDS: Automatic power measurement requested" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3014", "ALTX": "EDS: Overvoltage protection NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3013", "ALTX": "EDS: Communication with Laser NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3012", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Power supply Laser 1 NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3034", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3035", "ALTX": "EDS: time out conveyor lifting outfeed" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3505", "ALTX": "EDS: Laser simulation mode active. No laser emission" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3032", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V peripheral NOK" }, { "ALCD": "6", "ALID": "3506", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration settings too low. Beware of pollution" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3033", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V drive NOK" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3038", "ALTX": "EDS: process stopped by user" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3039", "ALTX": "EDS: time out vacuum infeed" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1086", "ALTX": "CV1: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3036", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper ref glas" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3037", "ALTX": "EDS: error air pressure out of range" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3026", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 3" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3027", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V Operator buttons NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3024", "ALTX": "EDS: air conditioning CA fault" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1073", "ALTX": "CV1: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3025", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3030", "ALTX": "EDS: time out gripper linear 4" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3031", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V miscellaneous NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3028", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse supply Asi NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3029", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse 24V IPC NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2065", "ALTX": "SBS: Downstream life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2067", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface Upstream error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2066", "ALTX": "SBS: Upstream Life signal NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2069", "ALTX": "SBS: Gap sensor not free. Transfer error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2068", "ALTX": "SBS: Interface downstream erro" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2070", "ALTX": "SBS: HMI-PLC timeout" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2073", "ALTX": "SBS: Sequence stopped" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2017", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2016", "ALTX": "SBS: Error single centering" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2019", "ALTX": "SBS: Error vacuum" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2018", "ALTX": "SBS: Error lift up" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2002", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop right active" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "2003", "ALTX": "SBS: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "2001", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop Left active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2006", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 2" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2007", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 3" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2004", "ALTX": "SBS: Error conveyor drive" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2005", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 1 " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2010", "ALTX": "SBS: Estop line active" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2008", "ALTX": "SBS: Error Brush 4" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2009", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 1 linear movement " }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2014", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 4 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2015", "ALTX": "SBS: Error dual centering" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2012", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 2 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "2013", "ALTX": "SBS: Error brush 3 linear movement" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "2086", "ALTX": "SBS: Timeout infeed error" }, { "ALCD": "130", "ALID": "1010", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Line active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1001", "ALTX": "CV1: Estop Left Active" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1003", "ALTX": "CV1: Safety fault feedback STO circuit" }, { "ALCD": "2", "ALID": "1002", "ALTX": "CV1: EStop Right Active" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1005", "ALTX": "CV1: Data on positon without sensor signals" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "1004", "ALTX": "CV1: Error Conveyor Drive" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "1006", "ALTX": "CV1: Glass present without data" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3072", "ALTX": "EDS: Fuse Drives 400V supply NOK" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3073", "ALTX": "EDS: SQ stopped by HMI => no PLC error" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3074", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 1 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3075", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 2 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3076", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 3 to low" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3077", "ALTX": "EDS: Cooling water flow circuit 4 to low" }, { "ALCD": "5", "ALID": "3078", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow ASP too low (upper head)" }, { "ALCD": "133", "ALID": "3079", "ALTX": "EDS: Aspiration flow PHD too low (lower head)" } ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:57,753: LEDE_01_2023022020175774 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175774", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:57.753" }, "body": { "recipeList": [ "ProcessRecipe_9.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_7.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_8.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_3.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_1.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_5.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_10.recipe", "ProcessRecipe_2.recipe" ] } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:58,310: LEDE_01_2023022020175834 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175834", "messageName": "ECRequest", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:58.310" }, "body": { "ECList": { "EnableAlarmReportSend": "True", "TimeFormat": "2", "MaxTerminalMsgLength": "80", "EstablishCommunicationsTimeout": "30", "DefaultCommunicationState": "1", "DefaultControlState": "5", "DefaultOnlineSubState": "5", "DefaultOfflineSubState": "2", "EnableSpooling": "True", "OverWriteSpool": "True", "MaxSpoolMessages": "100000", "MaxSpoolTransmit": "0", "MDLN": "EQPTST", "SOFTREV": "V1.0.0" } } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:59,407: LEDE_01_2023022020175988 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175988", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:59.406" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "3", "previousControlState": "5", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:58" } } . 2023-02-20 20:17:59,703: LEDE_01_2023022020175798 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175798", "messageName": "AlarmList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:58.475" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:17:59,968: LEDE_01_2023022020175964 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175964", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:59.968" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "currentControlState": "5", "previousControlState": "3", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:58" } } . 2023-02-20 20:18:00,515: LEDE_01_2023022020180025 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020180025", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:00.515" }, "body": { "CommunicationState": "1", "ControlState": "5", "PreviousControlState": "3", "CurrentEquipmentState": "2000", "PreviousEquipmentState": "1000", "PPExecName": "ProcessRecipe_11.recipe", "SpoolingState": "0", "SpoolCountActual": "0", "SpoolCountTotal": "0", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:17:59" } } . 2023-02-20 20:18:02,726: LEDE_01_2023022020175774 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175774", "messageName": "RecipeListSend", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:01.500" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:18:05,763: LEDE_01_2023022020175988 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175988", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:04.535" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:18:08,782: LEDE_01_2023022020175964 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020175964", "messageName": "ControlStateChange", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:07.553" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:18:11,815: LEDE_01_2023022020180025 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020180025", "messageName": "SvList", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:10.587" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"2\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:18:47,257: LEDE_01_2023022020184779 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020184779", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:47.257" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:45" } } . 2023-02-20 20:18:47,415: LEDE_01_2023022020184779 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020184779", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:46.186" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } . 2023-02-20 20:18:50,553: LEDE_01_2023022020185023 MQ Send:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020185023", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Request", "from": "EAP", "to": "MES", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:50.552" }, "body": { "spoolingFlag": "0", "userLogFlag": "1", "currentUserName": "", "previousUserName": "4Jet", "eventTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:49" } } . 2023-02-20 20:18:50,709: LEDE_01_2023022020185023 MQ Receive:{ "header": { "transactionId": "LEDE_01_2023022020185023", "messageName": "UserLoginLogout", "messageType": "Response", "from": "MES", "to": "EAP", "equipmentId": "R1LEDE101", "sendTimestamp": "2023-02-20T20:18:49.485" }, "body": "{\"returnCode\":\"0\"}" } .