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Merge pull request 'fzq' (#80) from fzq into develop

Reviewed-on: http://git.picaiba.com/mt-ck-00a/mt-ck-wms-ui/pulls/80
朱文强 преди 2 години
променени са 6 файла, в които са добавени 23 реда и са изтрити 10 реда
  1. +4
  2. +4
  3. +1
  4. +1
  5. +6
  6. +7

+ 4
- 3
src/lang/i18n/en/module/basicData.js Целия файл

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
* @Author: gtz
* @Date: 2021-03-04 16:13:51
* @LastEditors: zwq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-22 10:35:16
* @LastEditors: fzq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-28 11:13:15
* @Description: file content
export default {
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ export default {
location: 'Location',
locationTip: 'Click the picture below to select a point. After selecting a point, select a location in the pop-up box. If you do not select a location when adding a new point, you cannot select the next point. If you want to adjust the order of the points, drag the label at the bottom of the picture to the position you want to adjust. Click to confirm the submission point information and click Reset to reset the point information to the state when the pop-up box is opened',
locationInfo: 'Location Point Info',
storageCode: 'storageBoxCode'
storageCode: 'storageBoxCode',
storageBoxFid: 'StorageBox FID Code'
factory: {
placeholderName: 'Name Or Code',

+ 4
- 3
src/lang/i18n/zh/module/basicData.js Целия файл

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
* @Author: gtz
* @Date: 2021-03-04 16:13:51
* @LastEditors: zwq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-22 10:34:57
* @LastEditors: fzq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-28 11:13:13
* * @Description: file content
export default {
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ export default {
location: '库位',
locationTip: '点击下方图片选点,选点后在弹出框内选择库位,新增点位时未选择库位无法进行下一个选点,若想调整点位顺序可拖动图片下方的标签到你想调整的位置,点击确定提交点位信息,点击重置将点位信息重置到打开弹出框时的状态',
locationInfo: '库位点信息',
storageCode: '存储箱号'
storageCode: '存储箱号',
storageBoxFid: '存储箱名FID编码'
factory: {
placeholderName: '名称或编码',

+ 1
- 0
src/router/index.js Целия файл

@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ export const constantRoutes = [
path: 'staff',
component: () => import('@/views/basicData/GroupModule/staff'),
name: 'staff',
hidden: true,
meta: { title: routerTitle.basicData.teamManage.staff?.[language] || routerTitle.basicData.teamManage.staff.en, icon: 'form', affix: true, required: true, requireToken: true }

+ 1
- 1
src/views/basicData/Cache/components/locationAttr-add.vue Целия файл

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Author: zwq
* @Date: 2020-12-29 16:37:56
* @LastEditors: fzq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-20 09:36:54
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-23 11:03:08
* @Description:

+ 6
- 2
src/views/basicData/Cache/components/storageBox-add.vue Целия файл

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Author: zwq
* @Date: 2020-12-29 16:37:56
* @LastEditors: fzq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-14 16:23:19
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-23 11:04:20
* @Description:
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
<el-form-item :label="$t('module.basicData.visual.storageBoxFid')" prop="storageBoxFid">
<el-input v-model="dataForm.storageBoxFid" :placeholder="$i18nForm(['placeholder.input', $t('module.basicData.visual.storageBoxFid')])" clearable />
<el-form-item :label="$t('module.basicData.visual.Remarks')" prop="note">
<el-input v-model="dataForm.note" :placeholder="$i18nForm(['placeholder.input', $t('module.basicData.visual.Remarks')])" clearable />
@@ -54,7 +57,8 @@ export default {
code: '',
status: '',
enName: '',
note: ''
note: '',
storageBoxFid: ''
options: [

+ 7
- 1
src/views/basicData/Cache/storageBox.vue Целия файл

@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Author: zwq
* @Date: 2020-12-29 15:41:11
* @LastEditors: fzq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-10 10:55:34
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-23 11:06:20
* @Description:
@@ -101,6 +101,11 @@ const tableProps = [
filter: basicData('storage'),
align: 'center'
prop: 'storageBoxFid',
label: i18n.t('module.basicData.visual.storageBoxFid'),
align: 'center'
prop: 'note',
label: i18n.t('module.basicData.storageBox.remark'),
@@ -173,6 +178,7 @@ export default {
storageBoxList(this.listQuery).then(response => {
if (response.data.records) {
this.list = response.data.records
} else {
this.list.splice(0, this.list.length)
