首页对接以及库位详情 #69

gtz217 merged 2 commits from gtz into develop 2022-03-16 20:12:21 +08:00
6 changed files with 557 additions and 407 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6d4594b338 - Show all commits

src/api/dashboard.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* @Author: gtz
* @Date: 2022-03-16 16:08:06
* @LastEditors: gtz
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-16 16:45:41
* @Description: file content
* @FilePath: \mt-ck-wms-ui\src\api\dashboard.js
import request from '@/utils/request'
// 获取菜单列表
export function getPortList(data) {
return request({
url: '/api/wms/location/shelfList',
method: 'post',
// 获取菜单详情
export function getPortDetail(id) {
return request({
url: '/api/wms/storage/box/circ/info/getByLocationId',
method: 'post',
data: { id }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Author: gtz
* @Date: 2022-03-15 16:42:34
* @LastEditors: gtz
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-15 16:58:26
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-16 19:08:39
* @Description: file content
* @FilePath: \mt-ck-wms-ui\src\lang\i18n\en\module\dashboard.js
@ -12,5 +12,13 @@ export default {
second: 'Second Row',
title: 'WMS Inventory Information',
pageHeader: 'No.',
pageFooter: ' Page'
pageFooter: ' Page',
currLocation: 'Current Location',
isEmpty: 'Is Empty',
status: 'Status',
storageBoxCode: 'Cassette Code',
empty: 'Empty',
notEmpty: 'Not Empty',
initialize: 'Initialize',
finish: 'Finish'

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Author: gtz
* @Date: 2022-03-15 16:42:34
* @LastEditors: gtz
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-15 16:58:30
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-16 19:08:19
* @Description: file content
* @FilePath: \mt-ck-wms-ui\src\lang\i18n\zh\module\dashboard.js
@ -12,5 +12,13 @@ export default {
second: '第二排',
title: 'WMS库存信息',
pageHeader: '第',
pageFooter: '页'
pageFooter: '页',
currLocation: '当前库位',
isEmpty: '是否为空',
status: '状态',
storageBoxCode: '存储箱编码',
empty: '空箱',
notEmpty: '有货',
initialize: '初始化',
finish: '完成'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
* @Author: zwq
* @Date: 2020-12-29 16:37:56
* @LastEditors: gtz
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-16 19:13:47
* @Description:
:title="'btn.detail' | i18nFilter"
<el-form ref="dataForm" :model="dataForm" label-width="100px">
<el-form-item :label="$t('module.dashboard.currLocation')" prop="currLocation">
{{ dataForm.currLocation }}
<el-form-item :label="$t('module.dashboard.storageBoxCode')" prop="storageBoxCode">
{{ dataForm.storageBoxCode }}
<el-form-item :label="$t('module.dashboard.isEmpty')" prop="isEmpty">
{{ dataForm.isEmpty >= 0 ? emptyDict[dataForm.isEmpty] : '' }}
<el-form-item :label="$t('module.dashboard.status')" prop="status">
{{ dataForm.status >= 0 ? statusDict[dataForm.status] : '' }}
<div class="drawer-footer">
<el-button @click="visible = false">{{ 'btn.cancel' | i18nFilter }}</el-button>
export default {
data() {
return {
visible: false,
dataForm: {
code: null,
createTime: null,
currLocation: null,
currLocationId: null,
id: null,
isEmpty: null,
status: null,
storageBoxCode: null,
storageBoxId: null,
updateTime: null
emptyDict: {
0: this.$t('module.dashboard.empty'),
1: this.$t('module.dashboard.notEmpty')
statusDict: {
0: this.$t('module.dashboard.initialize'),
1: this.$t('module.dashboard.finish')
methods: {
init(data) {
this.visible = true
<style scoped>
.drawer-footer {
width: 100%;
margin-top: 50px;
border-top: 1px solid #e8e8e8;
padding: 10px 50px;
text-align: left;
background: #fff;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @Author: gtz
* @Date: 2022-03-03 09:16:10
* @LastEditors: gtz
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-15 16:47:57
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-16 19:12:35
* @Description: file content
* @FilePath: \mt-ck-wms-ui\src\views\dashboard\index.vue
@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
<el-row v-if="current * 80 < shelfList[0].rowList[0].portList.length" class="dashboard-layout" :gutter="12">
<el-row v-if="current * 80 < shelfVoList[0].rowVoList[0].portVoList.length" class="dashboard-layout" :gutter="12">
<el-col v-for="item in 4" :key="'shelfbox' + item" class="dashboard-layout-shelf-box" :span="6">
<el-col v-for="(i, index) in shelfList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-shelf">
<el-col v-for="(i, index) in shelfVoList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-shelf">
<el-col v-for="z in i.rowList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-row">
<div v-for="x in 20" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z + 'item' + x" class="dashboard-layout-item" :style="{background: portAttributeObj[z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute], cursor: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer', color: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? '#A2A8B5' : ''}">
<div v-if="z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3" class="dashboard-layout-item-cricle" :style="{background: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteList[0] ? cassetteStatusObj[z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteList[0].status] : ''}" />
{{ z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3 ? z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].name : 'XXXX' }}
<el-col v-for="z in i.rowVoList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-row">
<div v-for="x in 20" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z + 'item' + x" class="dashboard-layout-item" :style="{background: portAttributeObj[z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute], cursor: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer', color: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? '#A2A8B5' : ''}" @click="handlePort(z, x)">
<div v-if="z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3" class="dashboard-layout-item-cricle" :style="{background: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteVoList[0] ? cassetteStatusObj[z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteVoList[0].status] : ''}" />
{{ z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3 ? z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].name : 'XXXX' }}
@ -48,22 +48,22 @@
<el-row v-else class="dashboard-layout" :gutter="12">
<el-col v-for="item in Math.ceil((shelfList[0].rowList[0].portList.length - (current - 1) * 80) / 20)" :key="'shelfbox' + item" class="dashboard-layout-shelf-box" :span="6">
<el-col v-for="item in Math.ceil((shelfVoList[0].rowVoList[0].portVoList.length - (current - 1) * 80) / 20)" :key="'shelfbox' + item" class="dashboard-layout-shelf-box" :span="6">
<el-col v-for="(i, index) in shelfList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-shelf">
<el-row v-if="item < Math.ceil((shelfList[0].rowList[0].portList.length - (current - 1) * 80) / 20)">
<el-col v-for="z in i.rowList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-row">
<div v-for="x in 20" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z + 'item' + x" class="dashboard-layout-item" :style="{background: portAttributeObj[z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute], cursor: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer', color: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? '#A2A8B5' : ''}">
<div v-if="z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3" class="dashboard-layout-item-cricle" :style="{background: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteList[0] ? cassetteStatusObj[z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteList[0].status] : ''}" />
{{ z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3 ? z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].name : 'XXXX' }}
<el-col v-for="(i, index) in shelfVoList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-shelf">
<el-row v-if="item < Math.ceil((shelfVoList[0].rowVoList[0].portVoList.length - (current - 1) * 80) / 20)">
<el-col v-for="z in i.rowVoList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-row">
<div v-for="x in 20" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z + 'item' + x" class="dashboard-layout-item" :style="{background: portAttributeObj[z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute], cursor: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer', color: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? '#A2A8B5' : ''}" @click="handlePort(z, x)">
<div v-if="z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3" class="dashboard-layout-item-cricle" :style="{background: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteVoList[0] ? cassetteStatusObj[z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteVoList[0].status] : ''}" />
{{ z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3 ? z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].name : 'XXXX' }}
<el-row v-else>
<el-col v-for="z in i.rowList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-row">
<div v-for="x in shelfList[0].rowList[0].portList.length - (item - 1) * 20 - (current - 1) * 80" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z + 'item' + x" class="dashboard-layout-item" :style="{background: portAttributeObj[z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute], cursor: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer', color: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? '#A2A8B5' : ''}">
<div v-if="z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3" class="dashboard-layout-item-cricle" :style="{background: z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteList[0] ? cassetteStatusObj[z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteList[0].status] : ''}" />
{{ z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3 ? z.portList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].name : 'XXXX' }}
<el-col v-for="z in i.rowVoList" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z.id" :span="12" class="dashboard-layout-row">
<div v-for="x in shelfVoList[0].rowVoList[0].portVoList.length - (item - 1) * 20 - (current - 1) * 80" :key="item + 'shelf' + i + 'row' + z + 'item' + x" class="dashboard-layout-item" :style="{background: portAttributeObj[z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute], cursor: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer', color: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute === 3 ? '#A2A8B5' : ''}" @click="handlePort(z, x)">
<div v-if="z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3" class="dashboard-layout-item-cricle" :style="{background: z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteVoList[0] ? cassetteStatusObj[z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].cassetteVoList[0].status] : ''}" />
{{ z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].attribute !== 3 ? z.portVoList[(current - 1) * 80 + (item - 1) * 20 + (x - 1)].name : 'XXXX' }}
@ -75,24 +75,51 @@
<port-detail ref="addOrUpdate" />
import testdata from './testdata'
import { getPortList, getPortDetail } from '@/api/dashboard'
import portDetail from './components/PortDetail'
export default {
name: 'Dashboard',
components: { portDetail },
data() {
return testdata
created() {
this.totalPage = Math.ceil(this.shelfList[0].rowList[0].portList.length / 80)
this.totalPage = Math.ceil(this.shelfVoList[0].rowVoList[0].portVoList.length / 80)
getPortList().then(res => {
this.shelfVoList = res.data[0].shelfVoList.map(item => {
item.rowVoList.map(i => {
i.portVoList.map(z => {
if (!(z.attribute)) {
z.attribute = 0
return z
return i
return item
this.totalPage = Math.ceil(this.shelfVoList[0].rowVoList[0].portVoList.length / 80)
methods: {
handleChange(v) {
handlePort(z, x) {
getPortDetail(z.portVoList[x].id).then(res => {
this.addOrUpdateVisible = true
this.$nextTick(() => {

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