2022-03-09 14:32:25 +08:00

326 lines
10 KiB

* @Author: gtz
* @Date: 2021-03-04 16:13:51
* @LastEditors: zwq
* @LastEditTime: 2022-03-09 14:24:45
* @Description: file content
export default {
visual: {
addNow: 'Please add the current point first!',
choiseSucc: 'The choice is successful!',
choiseError: 'You cannot select the same equipment!',
unSelect: 'Please selete equipment!',
changeLine: 'Please select equipment first or delete point with no equipment selected!',
areaName: 'Area Name',
annex: 'Annex',
locationInformation: 'Location Information',
runningTrack: 'Running Track',
tip: 'Click the picture below to select a point. After selecting a point, select a device in the pop-up box. If you do not select a device when adding a new point, you cannot select the next point. If you want to adjust the order of the points, drag the label at the bottom of the picture to the position you want to adjust. Click to confirm the submission point information and click Reset to reset the point information to the state when the pop-up box is opened',
routeTip: '. Select a route in the selection box to edit different routes in the current area. Click new route to fill in the information to add a running track in the current area',
help: 'Help',
baseRouteName: 'Default Route Name',
oneLineTip: 'There must be at least one trajectory!',
editLineName: 'Trajectory Name',
oneLineNameTip: 'You cannot input the same trajectory name!',
lineNameNotNullTip: 'Line name cannot empty!',
keyword: 'keyword',
success: 'success',
confirmButtonText: 'confirm',
cancelButtonText: 'cancel',
Tips: 'Tips',
TipsBefore: 'Are you sure you want to delete',
TipsStorageBefore: 'Confirm to add location:',
Description: 'Description',
Remarks: 'Remarks',
Yes: 'Yes',
No: 'No',
Or: 'Or',
AttributeName: 'Attribute Name',
AttributeValue: 'Attribute Value',
EnglishName: 'English Name',
Abbreviation: 'Abbreviation',
Specs: 'Specs',
Manufacturer: 'Manufacturer',
productionTime: 'Production Time',
enterTime: 'Enter Time',
debugTime: 'Debug Time',
CurrentState: 'Current State',
uploadInfo: 'upload Info',
unit: 'unit',
AttributeCode: 'Attribute Code',
stock: 'Location Information',
isStock: 'Is There Location',
editLocation: 'Edit Location Point',
location: 'Location',
locationTip: 'Click the picture below to select a point. After selecting a point, select a location in the pop-up box. If you do not select a location when adding a new point, you cannot select the next point. If you want to adjust the order of the points, drag the label at the bottom of the picture to the position you want to adjust. Click to confirm the submission point information and click Reset to reset the point information to the state when the pop-up box is opened',
locationInfo: 'Location Point Info'
factory: {
placeholderName: 'Name Or Code',
createTime: 'Create Time',
FactoryName: 'Factory Name',
FactoryCode: 'Factory Code',
Address: 'Address'
productLine: {
placeholderName: 'Product Line Name',
ProductionLineCode: 'Production Line Code'
workSection: {
SectionName: 'Section Name',
WorkSectionCoding: 'WorkSection Coding'
group: {
TeamName: 'Team Name',
NumberOfTeams: 'Number Of Teams',
GroupLeader: 'Group Leader',
TeamStatus: 'Team Status'
major: {
ProfessionalName: 'Professional Name',
ProfessionalCoding: 'Professional Coding'
staff: {
Name: 'Name',
EmployeeID: 'Employee ID',
Gender: 'gender',
EntryTime: 'Entry Time',
Telephone: 'Telephone',
Email: 'Email',
Wechat: 'Wechat',
Profession: 'Profession',
Workshop: 'Workshop',
onDuty: 'onDuty',
role: 'Worker Role'
customer: {
CustomerName: 'Customer Name',
CustomerCode: 'Customer Code',
ContactPerson: 'Contact Person',
Telephone: 'Telephone',
Address: 'Address',
format: 'format is incorrect'
supplier: {
SupplierName: 'Supplier Name',
SupplierCode: 'Supplier Code',
ContactPerson: 'Contact Person',
Telephone: 'Telephone',
Address: 'Address'
material: {
MaterialName: 'Material Name',
MaterialCoding: 'Material Coding',
MaterialType: 'Material Type'
materialsType: {
TypeCode: 'Type Code',
TypeName: 'Type Name'
alarmManagement: {
AlarmCode: 'Alarm Code',
AlarmType: 'Alarm Type',
AlarmLevel: 'Alarm Level',
AlarmName: 'Alarm Name',
AlarmContent: 'Alarm Content',
AlarmTypeCode: 'Alarm Type Code',
LevelCode: 'Level Code'
cache: {
CacheCode: 'Ports Code',
CacheName: 'Ports Name',
StockNumber: 'Stock Number',
AreaNumber: 'Shelf Number',
AreaCode: 'Shelf Code',
AreaName: 'Shelf Name',
rowNum: 'Row Num',
columnNum: 'Column Num',
Shelf: 'Shelf',
ManageShelves: 'Manage Shelves',
ShelfCode: 'Shelf Code',
ShelfName: 'Shelf Name',
ShelfNumber: 'Shelf Number',
StorageQuantity: 'Storage Quantity',
Location: 'Location',
ManageLocation: 'Manage Location',
LocationCode: 'Location Code',
LocationName: 'Location Name',
anotherName: 'Another Name',
place: 'Place',
addCacheArea: 'add Ports Shelf'
storageBox: {
name: 'Name',
code: 'Code',
alias: 'Alias',
StorageQuantity: 'StorageQuantity',
status: 'Status',
PositionDetail: 'PositionDetail',
remark: 'Remark',
PositionNo: 'PositionNo',
PositionCode: 'PositionCode',
PositionCodeAlias: 'PositionCodeAlias'
equipment: {
EquipmentName: 'Equipment Name',
EquipmentCode: 'Equipment Code',
EquipmentType: 'Equipment Type',
groupName: 'Group Name',
groupCode: 'Group Code',
EquipmentGrouping: 'Equipment Grouping',
FunctionDescription: 'Function Description',
EquipmentTypeAlarm: 'Equipment Type Alarm',
SetAlarm: 'Set Alarm',
DebugPeriod: 'Debug Period',
intellectualProperty: 'intellectual Property',
rangeNumber: 'range Number',
E10Status: 'E10 Status',
activiation: 'activiation',
communication: 'communication',
equipmentImg: 'Equipment Img',
equipmentInfo: 'Equipment Info',
EquipmentTypeName: 'Equipment Type Name',
EquipmentTypeCode: 'Equipment Type Code',
EquipmentTypeAlarmName: 'Equipment Type Alarm Name',
EquipmentTypeAlarmCode: 'EquipmentTypeAlarmCode',
parentName: 'Parent Name',
RepairTypeCode: 'Repair Type Code',
RepairTypeName: 'Repair Type Name',
PeriodCode: 'Period Code',
maintenancePeriod: 'Maintenance Period',
SparepartCode: 'Sparepart Code',
SparepartName: 'Sparepart Name',
SparepartModel: 'Sparepart Model',
WiredEquipment: 'Wired Equipment',
WiredCode: 'Wired Code',
connectUpperDevice: 'Connect Upper Device',
connectLowerDevice: 'Connect Lower Device',
controlStatus: 'Control Status',
plcVersion: 'PLC Version',
eapVersion: 'EAP Version',
maintenanceCycle: 'Maintenance Cycle (year)',
maintenanceTime: 'Maintenance Duration (hours)'
equipmentDetectInfo: {
code: 'code',
equipmentDetectSystemName: 'Detect System Name',
equipmentDetectSystemAbbr: 'Detect System Abbreviation',
DetectionArea: 'Detection Area',
IssueArea: 'Issue Area',
AddEquipment: 'Add Equipment',
EquipmentFunction: 'Equipment Function',
TestParameterName: 'Test Parameter Name',
ReferenceValue: 'Reference Value',
IssueOrNot: 'Issue Or Not',
TestFrequency: 'Test Frequency',
TestSystem: 'Test System'
ScrapInfo: {
PlateId: 'Substrate Id',
TimePeriod: 'Time Period',
StartTime: 'Start Time',
EndTime: 'End Time',
To: 'To',
source: 'Source',
wasteGrade: 'Waste Grade',
RegisterPerson: 'Register Person',
updateTime: 'Update Time',
registrationPlace: 'Registration Place',
cause: 'Cause',
causeCode: 'Cause Code',
WasteName: 'Waste Name',
WasteCode: 'Waste Code',
remark: 'Remarks',
scrapType: 'Scrap Type',
scrapTypeCode: 'Scrap Type Code',
name: 'equipment name',
entryType: 'Manual/Automatic',
automatic: 'automatic',
manual: 'Manual',
workOrderId: 'workOrderId'
productPool: {
productName: 'Product Name',
productCode: 'Product Code'
dataDictionary: {
list: 'list',
dataDictionaryName: 'Data Dictionary Name',
dataDictionaryCode: 'Data Dictionary Code'
StateConfig: {
status: 'Status',
DisplayColor: 'Display Color',
Twinkle: 'Twinkle'
knowledge: {
time: 'Period of time',
title: 'title',
endTIme: 'end time',
startTime: 'start time',
To: 'to',
content: 'content',
annex: 'annex'
CodeRules: {
RuleName: 'Rule Name',
RuleCode: 'Rule Code',
manageProperty: 'Manage Property',
Property: 'Property',
PropertyCode: 'Property Code',
PropertyName: 'Property Name',
Length: 'Length',
order: 'Order'
EquipmentScrapGrade: {
keyword: 'name',
ScrapGrade: 'Scrap Grade'
Warehouse: {
Code: 'Code',
TaskType: 'Task Type',
TaskStatus: 'Task Status',
TaskSource: 'Task Source',
VehicleName: 'Vehicle Name',
TimeSlot: 'Time Slot',
ExecutionTime: 'Execution Time',
BoxStatus: 'Box Status',
BoxNumber: 'Box Number',
PreviousOperation: 'Previous Operation',
ExecutionOperation: 'Execution Operation',
NextOperation: 'Next Operation',
CompletionTime: 'Completion Time',
StartLocation: 'Start Location',
FullBoxStartLocation: 'FullBox Start Location',
TaskLocation: 'Task Location',
TargetLocation: 'Target Location',
OrderName: 'Order Name',
OrderCode: 'Order Code',
IssueOrderTime: 'Issue Order Time',
TotalProcessName: 'Total Process Name',
Priority: 'Priority',
OrderStatus: 'Order Status',
ProcessOrNot: 'Process Or Not',
Unit: 'Unit',
RelateProcess: 'Relate Process',
PlanProcessQuantity: 'Plan Process Quantity',
SubProcessName: 'Sub Process Name',
TaskBoxNumber: 'Task Box Number',
FullBoxNumber: 'Full Box Number',
EmptyFork: 'Empty Fork',
TaskBoxFork: 'Task Box Fork',
EmptyHandlingTime: 'Empty Handling Time',
TaskBoxHandlingTime: 'TaskBox Handling Time',
StorageBoxNumber: 'Storage Box Number',
CurrentLocation: 'Current Location',
IsEmpty: 'Is Empty',
IsEmptyBox: 'Is Empty Box',
LocationName: 'Location Name',
LocationCode: 'Location Code',
PerformTaskManual: 'Perform Task Manual',
processStorageLink: 'Process Storage Link',
SelectStorageType: 'Select Storage Type'