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update data

lb 1 year ago
5 changed files with 128 additions and 131 deletions
  1. +20
  2. +20
  3. +33
  4. +1
  5. +54

+ 20
- 45
src/views/3DOverview/components/LeftContentEquipmentCheck.vue View File

@@ -9,37 +9,6 @@

<!-- <el-table
:header-cell-style="{ background: 'rgba(79,114,136,0.29)' }"
<el-table-column label="设备名称" prop="eqName" align="center" />
<el-table-column label="所属产线" prop="pl" align="center" />
<el-table-column label="提示等级" prop="warningLevel" align="center">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<PriorityComponent :injectData="scope.row"></PriorityComponent>
<el-table-column label="巡检内容" prop="checkContent" align="center" />
</div> -->

<!-- <div class="el-table-wrapper">
:header-cell-style="{ background: 'rgba(79,114,136,0.29)' }"
<el-table-column label="设备名称" prop="eqName" />
<el-table-column label="所属产线" prop="pl" />
<el-table-column label="提示等级" prop="warningLevel" />
<el-table-column label="提示等级" prop="checkContent" />
</div> -->
@@ -68,11 +37,6 @@ const PriorityComponent = {
style: {
display: 'inline-block',
// borderRadius: '2px',
// padding: '2px 6px',
// color: '#fff',
// opacity: '0.6',
// fontSize: '12px',
borderRadius: 'calc(2px * var(--beilv))',
padding: 'calc(2px * var(--beilv)) calc(6px * var(--beilv))',
color: '#fff',
@@ -94,15 +58,26 @@ const tableProps = [
{ prop: 'checkContent', label: '巡检内容', align: 'center', 'min-width': 120 }
const tableData = [
{ eqName: 'A下片机', pl: '产线1', priority: 1, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: 'A下片机', pl: '产线1', priority: 2, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: 'A下片机', pl: '产线1', priority: 3, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: 'A下片机', pl: '产线1', priority: 4, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: 'A下片机', pl: '产线1', priority: 4, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: 'A下片机', pl: '产线1', priority: 3, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: '设备B', pl: '产线1', priority: 2, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: '下片机', pl: '产线3', warningLevel: 3, checkContent: '巡检内容' },
{ eqName: '磨片机', pl: '产线2', warningLevel: 2, checkContent: '巡检内容' }
{ eqName: '磨边', pl: 'B', priority: 3, checkContent: '火中山为华证低军线少真及容南一用别。' },
{ eqName: '固化', pl: 'A', priority: 3, checkContent: '油报往目亲没己话构这题家感。' },
{ eqName: '下片', pl: 'B', priority: 1, checkContent: '不决系入几切斗回史亲和全自管。' },
{ eqName: '冷却', pl: 'B', priority: 2, checkContent: '近温志用建将面连机次些民石变分教集加。' },
{ eqName: '钢化', pl: 'B', priority: 4, checkContent: '家地派众几又斯管把来资活听是强。' },
{ eqName: '二镀', pl: 'B', priority: 1, checkContent: '全是治群况布这越新划回路一量根步到料。' },
{ eqName: '打孔', pl: 'B', priority: 3, checkContent: '西心往各产有矿及红构更往术路外光参因。' },
{ eqName: '磨边', pl: 'A', priority: 1, checkContent: '严音五今通住包作世不如半志。' },
{ eqName: '一镀', pl: 'A', priority: 3, checkContent: '相史亲运界工按越清引具产。' },
{ eqName: '钢后清洗机', pl: 'A', priority: 1, checkContent: '合题基则关大大边听律安来革号其干。' },
{ eqName: '丝印', pl: 'A', priority: 1, checkContent: '身米识可见报求起放之过影。' },
{ eqName: '磨边后清洗机', pl: 'B', priority: 4, checkContent: '始单方实度构斯手研习任压识。' },
{ eqName: '打孔', pl: 'B', priority: 3, checkContent: '共特场新收关式往劳极段前步产角至高。' },
{ eqName: '钢后清洗机', pl: 'A', priority: 3, checkContent: '消理几包山教满得五期那改计。' },
{ eqName: '一镀', pl: 'B', priority: 4, checkContent: '而能研区有关点回劳之直近际她处而基步。' },
{ eqName: '二镀', pl: 'A', priority: 3, checkContent: '状复思式样要热间王才整金确。' },
{ eqName: '打孔', pl: 'B', priority: 2, checkContent: '即组明对省队内难军领把完六论技。' },
{ eqName: '打孔后清洗机', pl: 'A', priority: 2, checkContent: '度些心万则它书专干又分因直政论九。' },
{ eqName: '丝印', pl: 'A', priority: 1, checkContent: '加示队酸得如生改及效车流王西高阶面。' },
{ eqName: '打孔后清洗机', pl: 'B', priority: 2, checkContent: '期十参比边题完选油导将程安走以样。' }

export default {

+ 20
- 7
src/views/3DOverview/components/LeftContentOrder.vue View File

@@ -45,13 +45,26 @@ const tableProps = [
{ prop: 'finished', label: '完成度', align: 'center', 'min-width': 80, subcomponent: ProcessCircle }
const tableData = [
{ orderCode: 'DD202200910', clientName: '中建材', specs: '50cm', finished: 80 },
{ orderCode: 'DD202200911', clientName: '蚌埠研究院', specs: '5mm', finished: 40 },
{ orderCode: 'DD202200912', clientName: '中建材', specs: '50cm', finished: 77 },
{ orderCode: 'DD202200913', clientName: '国资委', specs: '50cm', finished: 66 },
{ orderCode: 'DD202200914', clientName: '合肥新能源', specs: '50cm', finished: 55 },
{ orderCode: 'DD202200915', clientName: '中信科技', specs: '50cm', finished: 77 },
{ orderCode: 'DD202200916', clientName: 'H', specs: '50cm', finished: 33 }
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20210724195124', clientName: '阿特斯阳光电力集团', specs: '3.2-1032*1747', finished: 72 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20220712231003', clientName: '阳光能源控股有限公司', specs: '2.0-1128*1716', finished: 67 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20210819002810', clientName: '浙江正泰新能源开发有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1716', finished: 46 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20201003193028', clientName: '阿特斯阳光电力集团', specs: '2.0-1128*2251', finished: 89 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20200113134639', clientName: '协鑫集成科技股份有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1718', finished: 54 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20211115145712', clientName: '晶科能源股份有限公司', specs: '3.2-1033*2089', finished: 93 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20211102234340', clientName: '浙江正泰新能源开发有限公司', specs: '3.2-1032*1747', finished: 57 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20200303145849', clientName: '晶澳太阳能科技股份有限公司', specs: '2.0-1128*2272', finished: 76 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20220208030640', clientName: '苏州中来光伏新材股份有限公司', specs: '2.0-1128*2251', finished: 62 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20200916123727', clientName: '常州亿晶光电科技有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1718', finished: 23 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20200117065400', clientName: '晶澳太阳能科技股份有限公司', specs: '3.2-1033*2089', finished: 75 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20211020214146', clientName: '英利绿色能源控股有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1716', finished: 44 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20221015223506', clientName: '阿特斯阳光电力集团', specs: '2.0-1128*2272', finished: 3 },
{ orderCode: 'ODFG20211112131234', clientName: '江苏赛拉弗光伏系统有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1716', finished: 90 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20200411040019', clientName: '阳光能源控股有限公司', specs: '3.2-1033*2089', finished: 4 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20220622002234', clientName: '苏州中来光伏新材股份有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1718', finished: 43 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20220806035106', clientName: '江苏赛拉弗光伏系统有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1716', finished: 60 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20220530081525', clientName: '晶科能源股份有限公司', specs: '2.0-1128*2272', finished: 21 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20210228222705', clientName: '阿特斯阳光电力集团', specs: '3.2-1128*1718', finished: 75 },
{ orderCode: 'ODPG20210408102029', clientName: '常州亿晶光电科技有限公司', specs: '3.2-1128*1718', finished: 99 }

export default {

+ 33
- 40
src/views/3DOverview/components/RightContentAlert.vue View File

@@ -9,35 +9,6 @@
:header-cell-style="{ background: 'rgba(79,114,136,0.29)' }"
<el-table-column label="故障等级" prop="priority" :resizable="true" align="center">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<PriorityComponent :injectData="scope.row"></PriorityComponent>
<el-table-column label="故障内容" prop="content" :resizable="true" align="center" />
<el-table-column label="累计时间(min)" prop="duration" :resizable="true" align="center" :width="128" />
</el-table> -->
@@ -66,11 +37,6 @@ const PriorityComponent = {
style: {
display: 'inline-block',
// borderRadius: '2px',
// padding: '2px 6px',
// color: '#fff',
// opacity: '0.6',
// fontSize: '12px',
borderRadius: 'calc(2px * var(--beilv))',
padding: 'calc(2px * var(--beilv)) calc(6px * var(--beilv))',
color: '#fff',
@@ -94,18 +60,45 @@ const tableProps = [

const tableData = [
{ eqName: 'A1下片机', plName: 'A', content: '123456', priority: 3, duration: '10min' },
{ eqName: '磨片机', plName: 'A', content: '123456', priority: 2, duration: '20min' },
{ eqName: 'B2钢化', plName: 'B', content: 'JQKA', priority: 1, duration: '30min' },
{ eqName: '上片机', plName: 'C', content: 'xxx', priority: 3, duration: '2min' },
{ eqName: '清洗机', plName: 'B', content: 'wowowowo', priority: 2, duration: '3min' }
{ eqName: '磨边', plName: 'B', content: '所受第按政酸南角写作给还些。', priority: 4, duration: '30 min' },
{ eqName: '冷却', plName: 'A', content: '自变流门行极声将通确为用目很导处种。', priority: 4, duration: '1 min' },
{ eqName: '丝印', plName: 'A', content: '从小定需间太则选下上又原。', priority: 2, duration: '57 min' },
{ eqName: '打孔后清洗机', plName: 'B', content: '表新和新总我音层采示道产当列。', priority: 3, duration: '17 min' },
{ eqName: '固化', plName: 'B', content: '义往历安日况整家小心什会。', priority: 2, duration: '22 min' },
{ eqName: '一镀', plName: 'B', content: '收直素新要府收强而着明速省。', priority: 3, duration: '2 min' },
{ eqName: '钢化', plName: 'A', content: '它养土党把采商发活门没千联同设和。', priority: 4, duration: '23 min' },
{ eqName: '磨边', plName: 'B', content: '拉养必型制规想科得价向别任。', priority: 3, duration: '6 min' },
{ eqName: '磨边', plName: 'B', content: '确验效五什第也片什八装所红。', priority: 2, duration: '23 min' },
eqName: '磨边后清洗机',
plName: 'A',
content: '马华部地般平感为转出形就特务把提存。',
priority: 2,
duration: '18 min'
{ eqName: '预热', plName: 'B', content: '米织类劳约相查个而美五千老。', priority: 3, duration: '24 min' },
{ eqName: '打孔后清洗机', plName: 'A', content: '历红群色务口史验话备必工少光。', priority: 1, duration: '48 min' },
{ eqName: '磨边', plName: 'A', content: '三其由体管严能习使为已身月。', priority: 4, duration: '29 min' },
{ eqName: '钢后清洗机', plName: 'A', content: '什近率期开构产府收由制期周。', priority: 4, duration: '47 min' },
{ eqName: '下片', plName: 'A', content: '花公建了办间话个做直志利更在于。', priority: 2, duration: '49 min' },
{ eqName: '一镀', plName: 'B', content: '术任该石代并战面广西处面住王规从他算。', priority: 3, duration: '42 min' },
{ eqName: '二镀', plName: 'A', content: '体才眼自造统六识进后历定因受国。', priority: 2, duration: '42 min' },
eqName: '钢后清洗机',
plName: 'A',
content: '就门务程过志率难每维原就快没省为满候。',
priority: 2,
duration: '33 min'
{ eqName: '预热', plName: 'A', content: '金单能信较生七族接处人门例图取之。', priority: 2, duration: '34 min' },
{ eqName: '预热', plName: 'B', content: '会带给山气己进相构位节采调而音集。', priority: 3, duration: '6 min' }

export default {
name: 'RightContentAlert',
components: { TechyTable },
data() {
return {tableProps, tableData }
return { tableProps, tableData }
created() {},
mounted() {},

+ 1
- 1
src/views/EquipmentManager/components/EquipmentAnalysisBox.vue View File

@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ export default {
width: 24px; */
font-size: calc(12px * var(--beilv));
line-height: calc(14px * var(--beilv));
width: 15%;
width: 25%;

.param-list::before {

+ 54
- 38
src/views/EquipmentManager/mockData.js View File

@@ -42,21 +42,27 @@ export const equipmentExceptionProps = [

export const equipmentExceptionDatalist = [
{ 'eqName': 'A1一次固化机', 'pl': 'E线', 'content': '开化是专品直', 'creator': '郭娜', 'time': '1997-06-08 06:14:37', 'priority': 1 },
{ 'eqName': 'B1一次冷却机', 'pl': 'B线', 'content': '书记因地观同展土军信', 'creator': '薛洋', 'time': '2006-03-15 10:39:30', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'A1预热机', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '说资把话', 'creator': '曾刚', 'time': '1985-01-29 23:21:53', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'A钢化炉', 'content': '即压连识打', 'creator': '张杰', 'time': '1975-05-12 18:54:07', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次固化机', 'pl': 'C线', 'content': '向江比把设', 'creator': '夏敏', 'time': '1996-12-22 09:29:57', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次固化机', 'content': '统山数里们步在', 'creator': '龙洋', 'time': '1989-07-19 05:01:55', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'A钢化炉', 'content': '快制放产口快', 'creator': '金艳', 'time': '1987-02-25 18:45:17', 'priority': 4 },
{ 'eqName': 'A1预热机', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '说资把话', 'creator': '曾刚', 'time': '1985-01-29 23:21:53', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'A钢化炉', 'content': '即压连识打', 'creator': '张杰', 'time': '1975-05-12 18:54:07', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次固化机', 'pl': 'C线', 'content': '向江比把设', 'creator': '夏敏', 'time': '1996-12-22 09:29:57', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次固化机', 'content': '统山数里们步在', 'creator': '龙洋', 'time': '1989-07-19 05:01:55', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'A钢化炉', 'content': '快制放产口快', 'creator': '金艳', 'time': '1987-02-25 18:45:17', 'priority': 4 },
{ 'eqName': 'A1一次固化机', 'content': '住指时化统高线', 'creator': '顾敏', 'time': '1982-05-09 15:28:29', 'priority': 1 },
{ 'eqName': 'B1二次镀膜机', 'pl': 'B线', 'content': '命些种保较会', 'creator': '罗秀英', 'time': '1986-04-02 07:40:03', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'pl': 'B线', 'content': '增元少号安场明去在亲', 'creator': '于丽', 'time': '2004-08-11 11:10:57', 'priority': 4 }]
{ "eqName": "冷却", "pl": "A", "content": "路因同义价带本知生联矿列。", "creator": "马磊", "time": "2021-04-15 22:00:34", "priority": 3 },
{ "eqName": "固化", "pl": "B", "content": "将海构组过重开每活原总价着。", "creator": "贺刚", "time": "2021-03-15 06:30:01", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "固化", "pl": "B", "content": "形管始会回从观且明确意主照根受步究。", "creator": "冯丽", "time": "2020-11-21 07:09:16", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "磨边", "pl": "A", "content": "己由九保先造线后还单省于手。", "creator": "梁秀兰", "time": "2020-03-21 08:21:36", "priority": 3 },
{ "eqName": "一镀", "pl": "B", "content": "变西列场展越备线活酸被究他压建院家。", "creator": "卢敏", "time": "2022-10-23 04:45:00", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "钢化", "pl": "A", "content": "解听共将取色照品起族西全日色。", "creator": "方勇", "time": "2020-12-11 06:41:06", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "打孔", "pl": "B", "content": "际从定接花她变人周而导总流西更观史。", "creator": "赵静", "time": "2021-01-20 03:36:47", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "下片", "pl": "A", "content": "厂积各克性型世型我地得圆与时速。", "creator": "姜洋", "time": "2021-11-30 07:56:26", "priority": 3 },
{ "eqName": "钢化", "pl": "A", "content": "证法作无群只放科可少头生广水。", "creator": "赖艳", "time": "2022-10-10 12:01:14", "priority": 1 },
{ "eqName": "磨边", "pl": "A", "content": "极满具究极力入矿电适花军系象。", "creator": "熊静", "time": "2021-01-27 03:24:33", "priority": 4 },
{ "eqName": "二镀", "pl": "B", "content": "科传军正战没题许青生面发用矿科。", "creator": "龚明", "time": "2022-02-28 16:26:11", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "磨边", "pl": "A", "content": "入以品切中算极同三那性当。", "creator": "万娟", "time": "2022-08-23 08:44:41", "priority": 4 },
{ "eqName": "固化", "pl": "B", "content": "火音红建活先以它法对所重间量马斗将。", "creator": "徐丽", "time": "2021-07-30 21:15:10", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "一镀", "pl": "A", "content": "位构命利整线两计统被约张以导理。", "creator": "叶娜", "time": "2022-05-05 22:45:13", "priority": 1 },
{ "eqName": "冷却", "pl": "A", "content": "东改近装商了整标革并该青外育放般体。", "creator": "田磊", "time": "2021-12-01 07:24:59", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "打孔后清洗机", "pl": "A", "content": "查的分口眼约三委斯该的品通身式子听。", "creator": "邱平", "time": "2020-01-31 17:53:18", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "下片", "pl": "B", "content": "连程复而前置很不团数行三西较响运。", "creator": "赵艳", "time": "2021-09-20 18:10:32", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "冷却", "pl": "B", "content": "育进品石完立行按效安标真。", "creator": "江伟", "time": "2022-08-05 17:29:44", "priority": 2 },
{ "eqName": "钢后清洗机", "pl": "B", "content": "委且到示为位要强等住整县值八。", "creator": "周洋", "time": "2021-01-26 02:49:09", "priority": 3 },
{ "eqName": "上片", "pl": "A", "content": "报据深广一统南车步约果龙值区识车深。", "creator": "邱超", "time": "2021-12-21 20:41:53", "priority": 1 },

/** 设备异常报警 */
const LifeRemainComponent = {
@@ -93,26 +99,36 @@ export const equipmentAlarmProps = [

export const equipmentAlarmDatalist = [
{ 'eqName': 'A1预热机', 'eqCode': 'SB501464', 'pl': 'C线', 'content': '使决方不相动', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'A1一次固化机', 'eqCode': 'SB373383', 'pl': 'C线', 'content': '规问示况将料组美联', 'priority': 1 },
{ 'eqName': 'B1二次镀膜机', 'eqCode': 'SB788842', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '了进改京人表无当市手', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'A1预热机', 'eqCode': 'SB743966', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '经府极元算进', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'B1一次冷却机', 'eqCode': 'SB138810', 'pl': 'E线', 'content': '代利值才之', 'priority': 1 },
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次冷却机', 'eqCode': 'SB861428', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '还总速活直', 'priority': 3 },
{ 'eqName': 'B1二次镀膜机', 'eqCode': 'SB788842', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '了进改京人表无当市手', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'A1预热机', 'eqCode': 'SB743966', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '经府极元算进', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'B1一次冷却机', 'eqCode': 'SB138810', 'pl': 'E线', 'content': '代利值才之', 'priority': 1 },
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次冷却机', 'eqCode': 'SB861428', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '还总速活直', 'priority': 3 },
'eqName': 'B1一次冷却机', 'eqCode': 'SB88566', 'content': '么中相育成他', 'priority': 4
"pl": "B", "eqName": "丝印", "eqCode": "B5SP20200109025453", "content": "常下命般里究千么间龙该海战据运更。", "priority": 3
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "下片", "eqCode": "A2UL20210605043851", "content": "而至收选查万众家除候包要意集。", "priority": 2 },
{ "pl": "B", "eqName": "冷却", "eqCode": "B4CL20200328154356", "content": "石十求四指么放与程到置身技红。", "priority": 1 },
{ "pl": "B", "eqName": "一镀", "eqCode": "B5FC20220307070115", "content": "即计报做切除听见济共金然维走。", "priority": 2 },
{ "pl": "B", "eqName": "固化", "eqCode": "B7CO20190927110003", "content": "应其得候解北运样价可强先们速。", "priority": 2 },
"pl": "A", "eqName": "打孔后清洗机", "eqCode": "A3CAP20200727075125", "content": "员因江单话况质己家小展矿指到之组她。", "priority": 3
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "磨边", "eqCode": "A7ED20200512213432", "content": "观长因带至成为也越效飞约况面的。", "priority": 4 },
"pl": "A", "eqName": "固化", "eqCode": "A4CO20220608145053", "content": "回状边及族值强第手听存派治严农象江。", "priority": 2
{ "pl": "B", "eqName": "冷却", "eqCode": "B4CL20200526045602", "content": "采料这百他打体拉素但即面之。", "priority": 1 },
"pl": "B", "eqName": "打孔", "eqCode": "B6LP20220326162041", "content": "列保己问向九青保自济习后长而类月段斗。", "priority": 4
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次冷却机', 'eqCode': 'SB861428', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '还总速活直', 'priority': 3 },
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "磨边", "eqCode": "A4ED20200325081934", "content": "产矿身断通者和意层价前就知头。", "priority": 2 },
'eqName': 'B1一次冷却机', 'eqCode': 'SB88566', 'content': '么中相育成他', 'priority': 4
"pl": "B", "eqName": "预热", "eqCode": "B1PR20201220183649", "content": "志收一支习于何况支于自原地书飞感。", "priority": 2
{ 'eqName': 'A2一次固化机', 'eqCode': 'SB955674', 'pl': 'E线', 'content': '并来水报克见克代', 'priority': 2 },
{ 'eqName': 'A1预热机', 'eqCode': 'SB415026', 'pl': 'C线', 'content': '元动增断量争', 'priority': 1 },
{ 'eqName': 'A钢化炉', 'eqCode': 'SB19064', 'pl': 'D线', 'content': '很这置合它里革民', 'priority': 4 }
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "二镀", "eqCode": "A3SC20220414054819", "content": "义点做产往新以速结工情最六素难强干。", "priority": 2 },
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "固化", "eqCode": "A8CO20200704010549", "content": "例强起取南然任都来因山该收次代相。", "priority": 2 },
{ "pl": "B", "eqName": "预热", "eqCode": "B1PR20200323134700", "content": "消选们度周料革理观构平活组事件。", "priority": 3 },
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "打孔", "eqCode": "A1LP20200513020427", "content": "华家是可路议自商取半也五。", "priority": 1 },
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "钢化", "eqCode": "A7TF20210928172616", "content": "点量都酸较此结同去写群论被千。", "priority": 2 },
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "二镀", "eqCode": "A5SC20210104132647", "content": "切提个水铁外步油好连身相争外群儿此。", "priority": 4 },
{ "pl": "A", "eqName": "磨边后清洗机", "eqCode": "A4CAE20210225140150", "content": "学七直以半去江内后上知往值质值。", "priority": 4 },
{ "pl": "B", "eqName": "打孔后清洗机", "eqCode": "B6CAP20200831083210", "content": "活小着许今取图国步成流海分就适转院容。", "priority": 4 },

/** 设备分析 */
@@ -126,12 +142,12 @@ export const OEE_PER_LINE = {

export const equipmentAnalysisData = [
{ 'name': '冷端下片单元', 'oee': '0.14', 'mtbr': '0.60', 'mtbf': '0.32' },
{ 'name': '磨边单元', 'oee': '0.51', 'mtbr': '0.85', 'mtbf': '0.22' },
{ 'name': '丝印', 'oee': '0.75', 'mtbr': '0.92', 'mtbf': '0.93' },
{ 'name': '上片机器人', 'oee': '0.89', 'mtbr': '0.25', 'mtbf': '0.26' },
{ 'name': '激光打孔', 'oee': '0.05', 'mtbr': '0.59', 'mtbf': '0.15' },
{ 'name': '镀膜', 'oee': '0.55', 'mtbr': '0.85', 'mtbf': '0.65' }
{ 'name': '冷端下片单元', "oee": 0.85, "mtbr": 21, "mtbf": 77991 },
{ 'name': '磨边单元', "oee": 0.754, "mtbr": 22, "mtbf": 790301 },
{ 'name': '丝印', "oee": 0.86, "mtbr": 28, "mtbf": 882301 },
{ 'name': '上片机器人', "oee": 0.76, "mtbr": 17, "mtbf": 293736 },
{ 'name': '激光打孔', "oee": 0.7, "mtbr": 8, "mtbf": 173827 },
{ 'name': '镀膜', "oee": 0.688, "mtbr": 3, "mtbf": 223811 },

export const sparepartsProps = [
@@ -198,7 +214,7 @@ const StatusComponent = {
render: function (h) {
return h('span', { style: { display: 'flex', /** justifyContent: 'center', */ alignItems: 'center', color: '#ffffffb3' } }, [
h('span', { style: { width: 'calc(16px * var(--beilv))', height: 'calc(16px * var(--beilv))', background: `url(${this.statusColor}) no-repeat`, backgroundPosition: '20%', backgroundSize: '100%', marginRight: 'calc(8px * var(--beilv))' } }, ''),
h('span', { style: { width: 'calc(16px * var(--beilv))', height: 'calc(16px * var(--beilv))', background: `url(${this.statusColor}) no-repeat`, backgroundPosition: '20%', backgroundSize: '100%', marginRight: 'calc(8px * var(--beilv))' } }, ''),
h('span', this.statusText)
