2022-11-23 16:27:27 +08:00

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<!-- <techy-bar :extra-space-between-zero="16" :datainfo="[
name: '产量',
list: [64, 91, 55, 65, 37, 77]
name: '能耗',
list: [32, 65, 65, 54, 37, 77]
]" /> -->
<div class="techy-chart" ref="realtimeLineChart"></div>
import echarts from 'echarts'
import resize from '@/views/OperationalOverview/components/mixins/resize'
import { Random } from 'mockjs'
import { debounce } from '@/utils'
class ChartOption {
constructor() {
const wenduData = Array(12)
.map(_ => Random.integer(30, 100))
const dianyaData = Array(12)
.map(_ => Random.integer(30, 100))
const dianliuData = Array(12)
.map(_ => Random.integer(30, 100))
this.color = ['#1A99FF', '#F0D63C', '#E02094']
this.legend = {
top: 28,
right: 40,
itemWidth: 10,
itemHeight: 10,
textStyle: {
color: '#fff9',
fontSize: 10
this.grid = {
top: 80,
left: 88,
right: 24,
bottom: 32
this.tooltip = {
show: true,
trigger: 'axis',
textStyle: {
fontSize: 12
axisPointer: {
type: 'line',
axis: 'x'
extraCssText: 'width: calc(100px*var(--beilv)) !important;'
this.xAxis = {
type: 'category',
data: ['01:00', '02:00', '03:00', '04:00', '05:00', '06:00', '07:00', '08:00', '09:00', '10:00'],
axisTick: { show: false },
axisLabel: {
color: '#fff9',
fontSize: 12
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#fff3'
this.yAxis = [
name: '能耗 ',
nameTextStyle: { align: 'right', fontSize: 10, lineHeight: 14, color: '#fff9' },
type: 'value',
splitNumber: 4,
onZero: true,
position: 'left',
offset: 40,
axisTick: { show: false },
axisLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#5982B2',
width: 1
axisLabel: {
color: '#fff9',
fontSize: 10
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#fff1',
type: 'dotted'
name: '产量 ',
nameTextStyle: { align: 'right', fontSize: 10, lineHeight: 14, color: '#fff9' },
type: 'value',
splitNumber: 4,
axisTick: { show: false },
onZero: true,
position: 'left',
offset: 0,
axisLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#5982B2',
width: 1
axisLabel: {
color: '#fff9',
fontSize: 10
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#fff1',
type: 'dotted'
this.series = [
name: '产线1',
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 0,
// smooth: true,
emphasis: {
focus: 'series'
data: dianliuData,
symbol: 'none',
areaStyle: {
color: {
type: 'linear',
x: 0,
y: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 1,
colorStops: [
offset: 0,
color: '#1A99FF66' // 0% 处的颜色
offset: 1,
color: 'transparent' // 100% 处的颜色
global: false // 缺省为 false
name: '产线2',
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
// smooth: true,
emphasis: {
focus: 'series'
data: dianyaData,
symbol: 'none',
areaStyle: {
color: {
type: 'linear',
x: 0,
y: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 1,
colorStops: [
offset: 0,
color: '#F0D63C66' // 0% 处的颜色
offset: 1,
color: 'transparent' // 100% 处的颜色
global: false // 缺省为 false
get option() {
return this
optionFilter(option, calcSize = () => {} /** callback */) {
let newOption
if (Array.isArray(option)) {
newOption = []
option.forEach(item => {
newOption.push(this.optionFilter(item, calcSize))
return newOption
} else if (typeof option === 'object') {
newOption = {}
for (const key in option) {
if (key === 'colorStops') newOption[key] = option[key]
else if (
typeof option[key] === 'number' /** 过滤不做变化的属性 */ &&
['splitNumber', 'x', 'x2', 'y', 'y2', 'yAxisIndex', 'xAxisIndex'].indexOf(key) === -1
) {
newOption[key] = calcSize(option[key])
} else newOption[key] = this.optionFilter(option[key], calcSize)
return newOption
} else {
newOption = calcSize(option)
return option
export default {
name: 'RealtimeLineChart',
mixins: [resize],
/** Fn.1: 保证全屏切换时也刷新图表 应该在每个父组件为flex:1的echarts组件里都加上以确保能正确地伸缩 */
inject: ['resizeStatus'],
/** End Fn.1 */
props: {},
data() {
return {
chart: null,
option: null
computed: {
shouldResize() {
return this.resizeStatus()
watch: {
shouldResize(val, oldVal) {
console.log('fullscreen resize')
setTimeout(() => {
}, 250)
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (!this.chart) this.chart = echarts.init(this.$refs['realtimeLineChart'])
beforeDestroy() {
if (this.chart) this.chart.dispose()
this.chart = null
methods: {
calcSize(num) {
const beilv = document.documentElement.style.getPropertyValue('--beilv')
return num * beilv
setChartOption() {
let chartOption = new ChartOption()
this.chart.setOption(chartOption.optionFilter(chartOption.option, this.calcSize))
<style scoped>
.techy-chart {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.techy-chart >>> div {
width: 100% !important;