lb #1

gtz217 merged 128 commits from lb into develop 2022-09-20 14:53:17 +08:00
6 changed files with 133 additions and 19 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 2d557c8196 - Show all commits

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ $base--line-height: 1.15;
$navbar--height: 50px;
// Sidebar
$sidebar--width: 230px;
$sidebar--width: 300px;
$sidebar--width-fold: 64px;
$sidebar--background-color-dark: #263238;
$sidebar--text-color-dark: #8a979e;

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
import CKEditor from 'ckeditor4-vue'
import AttrForm from '../AttrForm'
import { pick } from 'lodash/object'
import i18n from '@/i18n'
@ -205,6 +206,11 @@ export default {
return Math.ceil(this.configs.fields.length / COLUMN_PER_ROW)
created() {
/** load lang */
// CKEditor.load()
// console.log('lang', CKEditor.component.props.config.defaultLanguage = 'en' )
mounted() {
/** 计算 defaultPlaceholders */
const prefix = i18n.t('hints.input')

View File

@ -7,6 +7,53 @@ t.brand = {}
t.brand.lg = 'Monitoring System' = 'PMS'
t.routes = {}
t.routes['产品池'] = 'Products Pool'
t.routes['基本资料'] = 'Basic Data'
t.routes['设备数采'] = 'Equipment PLC'
t.routes['厂务管理'] = 'Factory Management'
t.routes['报表管理'] = 'Report Management'
t.routes['质量管理'] = 'Quality Management'
t.routes['权限管理'] = 'Permission Management'
t.routes['系统设置'] = 'System Settings'
t.routes['日志管理'] = 'Log Management'
// 二级
t.routes['厂务'] = 'Factory Affair'
t.routes['设备'] = 'Equipment'
t.routes['字典管理'] = 'Dict Management'
t.routes['PLC信息'] = 'PLC'
t.routes['设备与PLC关联配置'] = 'Relations between plc & equipments'
t.routes['设备生产实时数据'] = 'Realtime Equipment Data'
t.routes['产线生产实时数据'] = 'Realtime Productline Data'
t.routes['质量检查实时数据'] = 'Realtime Quality Inspection Data'
t.routes['报表总览'] = 'Report Overview'
t.routes['报表分类'] = 'Report Types'
t.routes['报表详情'] = 'Report Detail'
t.routes['质量检测基础数据'] = 'Quality Inspection Basic Data'
t.routes['当前检测数据'] = 'Current Inspection Data'
t.routes['质量检查信息记录'] = 'Quality Inspection Records'
t.routes['用户管理'] = 'User Management'
t.routes['部门管理'] = 'Department Management'
t.routes['角色管理'] = 'Role Management'
t.routes['菜单管理'] = 'Menu Management'
t.routes['参数管理'] = 'Params Management'
t.routes['定时任务'] = 'Timed Tasks'
t.routes['文件上传'] = 'File Upload'
t.routes['登录日志'] = 'Login Records'
t.routes['操作日志'] = 'Oprations Records'
// 三级
t.routes['工厂'] = 'Factory'
t.routes['产线'] = 'Product Lines'
t.routes['工段'] = 'Work Sections'
t.routes['设备类型'] = 'Equipment Types'
t.routes['设备分组'] = 'Equipment Groups'
t.routes['设备信息'] = 'Equipment Details'
t.routes['质量检测类型'] = 'Quality Inpection Types'
t.routes['质量检测信息'] = 'Quality Inpection Details' = 'Save'
t.add = 'Add'
t.delete = 'Delete'
@ -307,13 +354,13 @@ t.login.demo = 'Demo'
t.login.copyright = 'Copyright @Intelligent Automation Research Institute Co., Ltd Version: 1.0'
t.schedule = {}
t.schedule.beanName = 'bean名称'
t.schedule.beanNameTips = 'spring bean名称, 如: testTask'
t.schedule.beanName = 'Bean Name'
t.schedule.beanNameTips = 'spring bean name, eg: testTask'
t.schedule.pauseBatch = 'Pause'
t.schedule.resumeBatch = 'Resume'
t.schedule.runBatch = 'Run'
t.schedule.log = '日志列表'
t.schedule.params = '参数'
t.schedule.log = 'Log List'
t.schedule.params = 'Parameters'
t.schedule.cronExpression = 'cron expression'
t.schedule.cronExpressionTips = 'ex: 0 0 12 * * ?'
t.schedule.remark = 'Remark'
@ -327,7 +374,7 @@ t.schedule.resume = 'Resume' = 'Excute'
t.schedule.jobId = 'Job ID'
t.schedule.times = 'Time Cost (ms)'
t.schedule.createDate = '执行时间'
t.schedule.createDate = 'Executed Tune' // ?
t.oss = {}
t.oss.config = '云存储配置'
@ -469,16 +516,16 @@ t.role = {} = 'Role Name'
t.role.remark = 'Remark'
t.role.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.role.menuList = '菜单授权'
t.role.deptList = '数据授权'
t.role.menuList = 'Menu authorization' // ?
t.role.deptList = 'Data authorization' // ?
t.user = {}
t.user.username = 'User Name'
t.user.deptName = '所属部门'
t.user.deptName = 'Department' = 'Email' = 'Phone'
t.user.status = 'Status'
t.user.status0 = '停用'
t.user.status0 = 'Pause' // ?
t.user.status1 = 'Normal'
t.user.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.user.password = 'Password'

View File

@ -7,14 +7,57 @@ t.brand = {}
t.brand.lg = '生产监控系统' = '监控'
// 1 代表 '' 号的替换完成
// 2 代表 "" 号的替换完成
// 3 代表不带引号,或 {{ }} 的替换,这三种替换需按顺序执行
// ? 代表需要单独review
// 基本上完成了template模板里的替换工作
t.routes = {}
// 一级
t.routes['产品池'] = '产品池'
t.routes['基本资料'] = '基本资料'
t.routes['设备数采'] = '设备数采'
t.routes['厂务管理'] = '厂务管理'
t.routes['报表管理'] = '报表管理'
t.routes['质量管理'] = '质量管理'
t.routes['权限管理'] = '权限管理'
t.routes['系统设置'] = '系统设置'
t.routes['日志管理'] = '日志管理'
// 二级
t.routes['厂务'] = '厂务'
t.routes['设备'] = '设备'
t.routes['字典管理'] = '字典管理'
t.routes['PLC信息'] = 'PLC信息'
t.routes['设备与PLC关联配置'] = '设备与PLC关联配置' // ?
t.routes['设备生产实时数据'] = '设备生产实时数据'
t.routes['产线生产实时数据'] = '产线生产实时数据'
t.routes['质量检查实时数据'] = '质量检查实时数据'
t.routes['报表总览'] = '报表总览'
t.routes['报表分类'] = '报表分类'
t.routes['报表详情'] = '报表详情'
t.routes['质量检测基础数据'] = '质量检测基础数据'
t.routes['当前检测数据'] = '当前检测数据'
t.routes['质量检查信息记录'] = '质量检查信息记录'
t.routes['用户管理'] = '用户管理'
t.routes['部门管理'] = '部门管理'
t.routes['角色管理'] = '角色管理'
t.routes['菜单管理'] = '菜单管理'
t.routes['参数管理'] = '参数管理'
t.routes['定时任务'] = '定时任务'
t.routes['文件上传'] = '文件上传'
t.routes['登录日志'] = '登录日志'
t.routes['操作日志'] = '操作日志'
// 三级
t.routes['工厂'] = '工厂'
t.routes['产线'] = '产线'
t.routes['工段'] = '工段'
t.routes['设备类型'] = '设备类型'
t.routes['设备分组'] = '设备分组'
t.routes['设备信息'] = '设备信息'
t.routes['质量检测类型'] = '质量检测类型'
t.routes['质量检测信息'] = '质量检测信息'
// 对比 v2, v3 的结果,补充此文件和 en.js 文件
// 然后替换vue文件的内容 = '保存'
t.add = '新增' // 1
t.delete = '删除' // 1

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import Router from 'vue-router'
import http from '@/utils/request'
import { isURL } from '@/utils/validate'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import i18n from '@/i18n'
@ -104,6 +105,13 @@ router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
http.get(http.adornUrl('/sys/menu/nav')).then(({ data: res }) => {
/** axios 的拦截器已经拦截出错情况,此处只考虑正确情况即可 */
window.SITE_CONFIG['menuList'] =
// .map(item => {
// if ( === '产品池') {
// console.log('Got you')
// =
// }
// return item
// })
next({, replace: true })
}).catch((err) => {
@ -139,6 +147,8 @@ function fnAddDynamicMenuRoutes(menuList = [], routes = []) {
for (var i = 0; i < menuList.length; i++) {
if (menuList[i].children && menuList[i].children.length >= 1) {
// 菜单的国际化
menuList[i].name = i18n.t(`routes["${menuList[i].name}"]`)
temp = temp.concat(menuList[i].children)
@ -150,9 +160,15 @@ function fnAddDynamicMenuRoutes(menuList = [], routes = []) {
meta: {
menuId: menuList[i].id,
title: menuList[i].name
// 菜单的国际化
title: i18n.t(`routes["${menuList[i].name}"]`)
// 菜单的国际化
menuList[i].name = i18n.t(`routes["${menuList[i].name}"]`)
console.log('route ===', route.meta.title)
// eslint-disable-next-line
let URL = (menuList[i].url || '').replace(/{{([^}}]+)?}}/g, (s1, s2) => eval(s2)) // URL支持{{ }}占位符变量
if (isURL(URL)) {

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import TableTextComponent from '@/components/base-table/components/detailCompone
import CKEditor from 'ckeditor4-vue'
import { calcMaxHeight } from '@/utils'
import { timeFilter } from '@/utils/filters'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
const tableConfigs = [
@ -170,10 +171,11 @@ const addOrUpdateConfigs = {
fieldType: 'string',
component: CKEditor.component,
props: {
value: 'tests',
// value: 'tests',
config: {
// ckeditor :
// toolbar: [['Bold']]
language: Cookies.get('language') || 'en'