fzq #31

fanzhiqin wants to merge 215 commits from fzq into test
Showing only changes of commit 15210c2f12 - Show all commits

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@ -256,17 +256,17 @@ t.realtime.num = 'scrap quantity'
t.realtime.rate = 'scrap rate' t.realtime.rate = 'scrap rate'
t.realtime.total = 'total production' t.realtime.total = 'total production'
t.realtime.goodrate = 'Passed Rate' t.realtime.goodrate = 'Passed Rate'
t.realtime.runState = '是否运行' t.realtime.runState = 'running state'
t.realtime.state = '状态' t.realtime.state = 'status'
t.realtime.hasFault = '是否故障' t.realtime.hasFault = 'malfunction'
t.realtime.recentParamValue = '参数近期值' t.realtime.recentParamValue = 'recent parameters'
t.realtime.view = '查看' t.realtime.view = 'view'
t.realtime.input = '投入数' t.realtime.input = 'input' //'投入数'
t.realtime.output = '产出数' t.realtime.output = 'output' //'产出数'
t.realtime.eqName = '设备名称' t.realtime.eqName = 'Equipment name'
t.realtime.eqCode = '设备编码' t.realtime.eqCode = 'Equipment cdoe'
t.realtime.productionSnapshotTime = '生产量记录时间' t.realtime.productionSnapshotTime = 'production recording time' // '生产量记录时间'
t.realtime.statusSnapshotTime = '状态记录时间' t.realtime.statusSnapshotTime = 'status recording time' // '状态记录时间'
t.realtime.refresh = 'Refresh data...' t.realtime.refresh = 'Refresh data...'
@ -320,39 +320,39 @@ t.eq.port = 'Port'
t.eq.type = 'Type' t.eq.type = 'Type'
t.eq.typecode = 'Type Code' t.eq.typecode = 'Type Code'
t.eq.parent = 'Parent' t.eq.parent = 'Parent'
t.eq.mtbf = '平均故障间隔时间[MTBF] (h)' t.eq.mtbf = 'Mean time between failures[MTBF] (h)'
t.eq.mttr = '平均维修时间[MTTR] (h)' t.eq.mttr = 'Mean time to repair[MTTR] (h)'
t.eq.efficienttimeh = '有效时间(h)' t.eq.efficienttimeh = 'Working time(h)'
t.eq.shutdowntimeh = '关机时间(h)' t.eq.shutdowntimeh = 'Off time(h)'
t.eq.worktimeh = '工作时长(h)' t.eq.worktimeh = 'Working time(h)'
t.eq.downtimeh = '故障时长(h)' t.eq.downtimeh = 'Malfunction duration(h)'
t.eq.stoptimeh = '停机时长(h)' t.eq.stoptimeh = 'Halt duration(h)'
t.eq.worktime = '工作时长' t.eq.worktime = 'Functioning duration'
t.eq.stoptime = '停机时长' t.eq.stoptime = 'Halt duration'
t.eq.downtime = '故障时长' t.eq.downtime = 'Malfunction duration'
t.eq.downcount = '故障次数' t.eq.downcount = 'Malfunction counts'
t.eq.downrate = '故障比率' t.eq.downrate = 'Malfunction rates'
t.eq.stoplost = '中断损失' t.eq.stoplost = 'Lost'
t.eq.ratio = '百分比' t.eq.ratio = 'percentage'
t.eq.time = '时间' t.eq.time = 'time'
t.eq.timetrend = '时间区间走势' t.eq.timetrend = 'trend'
t.eq.nogap = '无间隔' t.eq.nogap = 'no interval'
t.eq.monthgap = '按月' t.eq.monthgap = 'by month'
t.eq.daygap = '按天' t.eq.daygap = 'by day'
t.eq.weekgap = '按周' t.eq.weekgap = 'by week'
t.eq.hourgap = '按小时' t.eq.hourgap = 'by hour'
t.eq.workdurationratio = '工作时长比率' t.eq.workdurationratio = 'Functioning duration ratio' // '工作时长比率'
t.eq.stopdurationratio = '停机时长比率' t.eq.stopdurationratio = 'Halt duration ratio' // '停机时长比率'
t.eq.stopratio = '停机比率' t.eq.stopratio = 'Halt ratio' // '停机比率'
t.eq.downdurationratio = '故障时长比率' t.eq.downdurationratio = 'Malfunction duration ratio' // '故障时长比率'
t.eq.speedefficiency = '速度开动率' t.eq.speedefficiency = 'Speed launch rate' //'速度开动率'
t.eq.speedlost = '速度损失' t.eq.speedlost = 'Speed lost'
t.eq.timeefficiency = '时间开动率' t.eq.timeefficiency = 'Time launch rate' //'时间开动率'
t.eq.year='' t.eq.year='year'
t.eq.month='' t.eq.month='month'
t.eq.realyield = '实际加工速度' t.eq.realyield = 'Actual processing speed'
t.eq.designyield = '理论加工速度' t.eq.designyield = 'Theoretical processing speed'
t.eq.viewtrend = '查看趋势' t.eq.viewtrend = 'View Trends'