fzq #31

fanzhiqin wants to merge 215 commits from fzq into test
7 changed files with 2105 additions and 41 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 683fc9169a - Show all commits

View File

@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ t.routes['登录日志'] = 'Login Records'
t.routes['操作日志'] = 'Operations Records'
t.routes['设备效率分析'] = 'EQU Efficiency Analysis'
t.routes['设备异常分析'] = 'EQU Exceptions Analysis'
t.routes['设备状态时序图'] = 'EQU Status Timesequence'
t.routes['设备状态时序图'] = 'EQU Status Timeseq'
t.routes['产品质量分析'] = 'Product Quality Analysis'
t.routes['产量分析'] = 'Product Analysis'
t.routes['生产节拍时序图'] = 'Product Beat Timeseq'
t.routes['设备产量时序图'] = 'EQU Product Timeseq'
// 三级
t.routes['工厂'] = 'Factory'
@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ t.normal = 'Normal'
t.shutdown = 'Shut Down'
t.malfunction = 'Malfunction' // ?
t.diagram = 'Device Status Sequence Diagram'
t.diagram2 = 'Device Product Sequence Diagram'
t.addr = 'Address'
t.planStop = 'Plan to stop'
t.startTime = 'Start Time'
@ -384,8 +389,20 @@ t.eq.month = 'month'
t.eq.realyield = 'Actual processing speed'
t.eq.designyield = 'Theoretical processing speed'
t.eq.viewtrend = 'View Trends'
t.eq.productQuality = 'Product Quality Analysis'
t.eq.productionAnalysis = 'Production Analysis'
t.eq.productQuantity = 'Product Quantity'
t.eq.line1= 'Line 1'
t.eq.line2= 'Line 2'
t.eq.line3= 'Line 3'
t.eq.line4= 'Line 4'
t.eq.sectionName = 'Section Name'
t.eq.equipmentName = 'Equipment Name'
t.eq.okNum = 'Qualified Quantity'
t.eq.nokNum = 'Unqualified Quantity'
t.eq.passRate = 'Qualified Rate'
t.eq.passRatePercent = 'Qualified Rate(%)'
t.pl = {}
t.pl.title = 'Product Line'

View File

@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ t.routes['操作日志'] = '操作日志'
t.routes['设备效率分析'] = '设备效率分析'
t.routes['设备异常分析'] = '设备异常分析'
t.routes['设备状态时序图'] = '设备状态时序图'
t.routes['产品质量分析'] = '产品质量分析'
t.routes['产量分析'] = '产量分析'
t.routes['生产节拍时序图'] = '生产节拍时序图'
t.routes['设备产量时序图'] = '设备产量时序图'
// 三级
t.routes['工厂'] = '工厂'
@ -141,6 +146,7 @@ t.normal = '正常' // ?
t.shutdown = '停机' // ?
t.malfunction = '故障' // ?
t.diagram = '设备状态时序图'
t.diagram2 = '设备产量时序图'
t.addr = '地址' // 1
t.planStop = '计划停机' // ?
t.startTime = '开始时间' // 1
@ -383,6 +389,20 @@ t.eq.month='月'
t.eq.realyield = '实际加工速度'
t.eq.designyield = '理论加工速度'
t.eq.viewtrend = '查看趋势'
t.eq.productQuality = '产品质量分析'
t.eq.productionAnalysis = '产量分析'
t.eq.productQuantity = '产品数量'
t.eq.line1= '产线1'
t.eq.line2= '产线2'
t.eq.line3= '产线3'
t.eq.line4= '产线4'
t.eq.sectionName = '工序'
t.eq.equipmentName = '设备名称'
t.eq.okNum = '合格数量'
t.eq.nokNum = '不合格数量'
t.eq.passRate = '合格率'
t.eq.passRatePercent = '合格率(%)'
t.pl = {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
<div class="mod-config">
<el-form :inline="true" @keyup.enter.native="getDataList()" class="blueTip" size="small">
{{ $t('pl.name') }}
<!-- 产线 -->
<el-select v-model="lineIds" :placeholder="$t('pl.name')" @change="handleProductLineChange" clearable filterable multiple>
<el-option v-for="line in lineList" :key="line.code" :value="line.id" :label="line.name" />
<!-- 工序 -->
{{ $t('pl.process') }}
<!-- <el-select v-model="dataForm.factoryId" :placeholder="$t('eq.name') + ' / ' + $t('eq.code')" clearable></el-select> -->
<el-select v-model="sectionIds" :placeholder="$t('pl.process')" clearable filterable multiple>
<el-option v-for="ws in wsList" :key="ws.id" :value="ws.id" :label="ws.name" />
<!-- 时间 -->
{{ $t('time') }}
<!-- type="datetimerange" -->
<!-- <el-date-picker
:default-time="['00:00:00', '23:59:59']"
clearable /> -->
<el-date-picker v-model="datetime" type="date" :placeholder="$t('hints.date')" format="yyyy-MM-dd" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
<!-- 查询 -->
<el-button class="buttonColor" @click="getDataList()">{{ $t('query') }}</el-button>
<!-- <el-button v-if="$hasPermission('monitoring:qualityinspectionrecord:save')" type="primary" @click="addOrUpdateHandle()">{{ $t('add') }}</el-button> -->
<!-- 添加对比 -->
<el-button type="success" @click="addEq()">{{ $t('pl.add2') }}</el-button>
<el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisible" :title="$t('pl.add')" width="30%">
<el-select v-model="eqId" style="width: 100%" :placeholder="$t('pl.choose')" clearable filterable>
<el-option v-for="eq in dialogEqList" :key="eq.id" :label="eq.name" :value="eq.id" />
<div slot="footer">
<el-button @click="dialogVisible = false">{{ $t('pl.cancel') }}</el-button>
<!-- @click="dialogConfirm" -->
<el-button type="primary" @click="dialogConfirm">{{ $t('pl.confirm') }}</el-button>
<div class="quality-inspection-current base-container">
<!-- <el-row>
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('inspect.ioTotal') }}</small-title>
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px;">
<base-table :data="dataListStatic" :table-head-configs="tableConfigStatic" :max-height="500" @operate-event="handleOperations" @refreshDataList="getDataList" />
</el-row> -->
<!-- style="margin-top: 28px;" -->
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('diagram2'), }}</small-title>
<!-- <el-row style="margin-top: 8px">
<el-radio-group v-model="dataType" size="medium" @change="handleDataTypeChange">
<el-radio-button :label="$t('table2')"></el-radio-button>
<el-radio-button :label="$t('graph')"></el-radio-button>
</el-row> -->
<!-- style="margin-top: 12px" -->
<!-- <el-row>
@refreshDataList="getDataList" />
</el-row> -->
<!-- :series-data="echartsData" -->
<!-- v-else -->
<fake-chart :categories="echartCategories" :type-list="echartCheckTypes" :series="series" :keys="keys" />
import { calcMaxHeight } from '@/utils'
import { timeFilter } from '@/utils/filters'
import moment from 'moment'
import i18n from '@/i18n'
import BaseTable from '@/components/base-table'
import SmallTitle from '@/components/small-title'
import * as echarts from 'echarts'
import { keys } from 'lodash'
// const tableConfigStatic = [
// { type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
// { name: i18n.t('pl.title'), prop: 'lineName' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.inTotal'), prop: 'sumUp' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.outTotal'), prop: 'sumDown' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.checkTotal'), prop: 'sumCheck' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.rate'), prop: 'scrapRatio', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
// ]
const tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('pl.name'), prop: '0' }
const FakeChart = {
name: 'FakeChart',
props: {
categories: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
typeList: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
keys: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
series: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
chart: null,
lineIds: [],
// keys: [],
values: [],
// finalVal: [],
defaultOpts: {
grid: {
left: '5%',
right: '12%',
top: '20%',
bottom: '10%'
title: {
text: i18n.t('eq.productQuantity')
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis', //线使使
axisPointer: {
type: 'shadow' // 线'line' | 'shadow'
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
type: 'scroll',
top: 10,
right: 0,
width: '12%',
/** 修复文本太长时显示问题 */
// formatter: function (name) {
// return echarts.format.truncateText(name, 120, '14px Microsoft Yahei', '...')
// },
tooltip: {
show: true
/** end */
data: []
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
data: [
// axisLine: {
// show: true,
// lineStyle: {
// color: 'rgba(219,225,255,1)',
// width: 1,
// type: 'solid'
// }
// },
axisLabel: {
show: true,
rotate: 0,
interval: 0 //使x
// textStyle: {
// //x
// color: 'rgba(219,225,255,1)',
// margin: 15
// }
// data: ['1', '1', '1', '13', '2', '2', '15', '1', '3']
yAxis: {
type: 'value'
series: [
// dynamic
// {
// name: '',
// type: 'line',
// data: [],
// label: {
// normal: {
// show: true,
// position: 'top'
// },
// formatter: '{@value}'
// }
// }
watch: {
categories: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data = val
immediate: true
keys: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.legend.data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.legend.data = val
// this.defaultOpts.series.name = val
immediate: true
series: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.legend.data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.series = val
immediate: true
defaultOpts: {
handler: function (val) {
// console.log('defaullt options change: ', val)
immediate: true,
deep: true
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
// console.log('this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data', this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data)
// console.log('this.keys', this.keys)
// console.log('this.series', this.series)
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
methods: {
initChart() {
if (!this.chart) {
this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('bar-chart'))
setOptions(opts) {
/** prop options */
if (opts) {
// console.log('this.keys', this.keys)
// console.log('this.finalVal', this.finalVal)
// // series
// for (let l = 0; l < this.finalVal.length; l++) {
// this.defaultOpts.series.push({
// name: this.keys[l],
// type: 'line',
// // stack: '',
// data: this.finalVal[l]
// })
// }
// console.log('defaultOpts',this.defaultOpts);
if (this.chart) this.chart.setOption(this.defaultOpts, true)
render: function (h) {
return h('div', { attrs: { id: 'bar-chart' }, style: { background: '#eee', width: '100%', height: '300px', padding: '8px' } }, '')
const dict = [i18n.t('table2'), i18n.t('graph')]
export default {
name: 'QualityInspectionCurrent',
components: { BaseTable, SmallTitle, FakeChart },
data() {
return {
values: [],
values2: [],
keys: [], // series
finalVal: [],
series: [],
equipments: {},
wsList: [],
dialogVisible: false,
eqId: null,
dialogEqList: [],
count: 0,
// 线线1
lineIds: ['1'],
sectionIds: [],
lineList: [],
// tableConfigStatic,
datetime: new Date(),
dataListStatic: [],
dataListDynamic: [],
dataList: [],
dataType: dict[0], // |
showGraph: false,
// quickOptions: {
// shortcuts: [
// {
// text: i18n.t('today'),
// onClick(picker) {
// const baseTime = moment().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0 })
// const startTime = baseTime.format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// const endTime = baseTime.set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59, millisecond: 999 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// picker.$emit('pick', [startTime, endTime])
// }
// }
// ]
// },
echartCategories: null,
echartCheckTypes: [],
interval: null
computed: {
equipmentCount: function () {
return Object.keys(this.equipments).length
created() {
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
// this.dataListStatic.splice(0)
}, 1000 * 5 * 60)
// activated() {
// this.getLineList()
// // this.handleProductLineChange(this.lineIds)
// // .then(() => {
// this.getWorksetionList()
// // })
// },
deactivated() {
if (this.interval) {
this.interval = null
methods: {
// 线
getLineList() {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/productionLine/list'),
method: 'get'
}).then(({ data }) => {
if (data && data.code === 0) {
this.lineList = data.data
// console.log('线', this.lineList)
/** set default */
if (this.lineList.length) {
this.lineIds = [this.lineList[this.lineList.length - 1].id]
} else {
this.lineList = []
handleOperations() {},
handleDataTypeChange(value) {
this.showGraph = value === dict[0] ? false : true
getWorksetionList() {
// 线
for (let i = 0; i < this.lineIds.length; i++) {
// url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/workshopSection/list'),
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/workshopSection/page'),
method: 'get',
params: this.$http.adornParams({
limit: 99999,
page: 1,
lineId: this.lineIds[i]
}).then(({ data: res }) => {
if (res && res.code === 0) {
// this.wsList = res.data.list
// ES6
this.wsList = this.unique([...this.wsList, ...res.data.list])
// console.log('this.wsList',this.wsList);
/** select 默认选项set default */
// if (this.wsList.length) {
// this.sectionIds = this.wsList.map((item) => item.id)
// // console.log('this.wsList',this.wsList)
// } else {
// this.sectionIds = null
// }
} else {
handleProductLineChange(val) {
this.wsList = []
getDataList() {
// for (var z = 0; z < this.defaultOpts.series.length; z++) {
// this.defaultOpts.series[z].data = []
// }
// this.echartCategories = []
// this.series = []
this.dataList = []
this.finalVal = []
this.keys = []
this.values = []
this.count = 0
this.showGraph = false
this.dataType = i18n.t('table2')
this.echartCategories = null
/** 设置默认日期 */
// const startTime = this.datetime[0] || moment().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// const endTime = this.datetime[1] || moment().set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// console.log('this.datatime',this.datatime)
// const startTime = this.datetime ? this.datetime + '-01T00:00:00' : null
const startTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00' : null
const endTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T23:59:59' : null
// const endTime = this.datetime ? this.getMonthSE(moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM')) + 'T23:59:59' : null
const condition = {
// []
lineIds: this.lineIds.length == 0 ? null : this.lineIds,
sectionIds: this.sectionIds.length == 0 ? null : this.sectionIds
/** 获取设备产量时序图数据 */
// this.fetchList(startTime, endTime, lineIds).then(({ data: res }) => {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/eqAnalysis/equProductAnalysis'),
method: 'POST',
data: condition
}).then((res) => {
if (res.code === 500) {
this.equipments = {} // echarts
} else {
/** handle actual data */
this.dataList = res.data.data
// console.log('this.dataList', this.dataList)
this.keys = Object.keys(this.dataList)
// console.log('keys', this.keys)
this.values = Object.values(this.dataList)
for (let c = 0; c < this.values.length; c++) {
this.values[c].map((item) => {
return item.outputNum
// console.log('values', this.values)
// console.log('this.finalVal', this.finalVal)
/** test data */
// this.dataList = [
// {
// eqId: 'eq-001',
// eqName: 'A1',
// startTime: '2022-05-04T00:30:34',
// endTime: '2022-05-04T08:30:34',
// status: 0
// },
// {
// eqId: 'eq-001',
// eqName: 'A1',
// startTime: '2022-05-04T08:30:34',
// endTime: '2022-05-04T09:30:34',
// status: 1
// },
// {
// eqId: 'eq-001',
// eqName: 'A1',
// startTime: '2022-05-04T09:30:34',
// endTime: '2022-05-04T11:30:34',
// status: 2
// },
// {
// eqId: 'eq-001',
// eqName: 'A1',
// startTime: '2022-05-04T11:30:34',
// endTime: '2022-05-04T13:30:34',
// status: 1
// }
// ]
// this.equipments = this.transformDataToEquipments(this.dataList)
// this.chartOption.setYAxis(Object.keys(this.equipments).map((eId) => this.equipments[eId].name))
// console.log('(((set x axis))): ', this.dataList[0].startTime)
// this.chartOption.setXAxis(this.dataList[0].startTime)
// this.chartOption.setData(this.transformEquipmentsToSeries(this.equipments))
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// this.renderChart()
// })
setOptions(opts) {
/** prop options */
if (opts) {
if (this.chart) this.chart.setOption(this.defaultOpts, true)
parseTableProps(nameData) {
const subProps = []
const labelNameMap = new Map()
// if (nameData.length) {
// /** nameData */
// nameData.forEach((item) => {
// if (!labelNameMap.get(item.name)) {
// labelNameMap.set(item.name, 1)
// subProps.push({ name: item.name, prop: item.name })
// }
// })
// }
this.tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('pl.name'), prop: '0' },
...Array.from(new Set(res.data.data[0].records.map((item) => moment(item.recordTime).format('MM-DD')))).map((name) => ({ prop: String(++this.count), name }))
/** echarts related */
// this.echartCategories = subProps.map((item) => item.name)
this.echartCategories = this.dataListDynamic.map((item) => item.name)
// parseDynamicData(data) {
// this.echartCheckTypes.splice(0)
// return data.map((item) => {
// /** echarts related */
// this.echartCheckTypes.push(item.inspectionContent)
// if (item.data.length) {
// /** */
// item.data.forEach((subitem) => {
// item[subitem.dynamicName] = subitem.dynamicValue
// })
// }
// return item
// })
// },
buildGraphData() {
/** 构造 echart 需要的数据 */
// series
this.series = []
// console.log('this.finalVal', this.finalVal)
// console.log('this.keys', this.keys)
for (let l = 0; l < this.finalVal.length; l++) {
name: this.keys[l],
type: 'line',
// stack: '',
data: this.finalVal[l]
// console.log('series', this.series)
fetchList(startTime, endTime, lineIds) {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/eqAnalysis/equProductAnalysis'),
method: 'POST',
data: {
lineIds: this.lineIds
}).catch((err) => {
* 默认当前月
* date 带月份的日期2021-8
* 返回月初至月末数组[2021-8-1, 2021-8-31]
getMonthSE(date) {
let nowdays = date ? new Date(date) : new Date()
let year = nowdays.getFullYear()
let month = nowdays.getMonth() + 1
if (month < 10) {
month = '0' + month
let myDate = new Date(year, month, 0)
let startDate = year + '-' + month + '-01'
let endDate = year + '-' + month + '-' + myDate.getDate()
// return [startDate, endDate]
return endDate
// toObject(pairs) {
// return Array.from(pairs).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: value }), {})
// },
getEqList() {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/equipment/page'),
method: 'get',
params: this.$http.adornParams({
page: 1,
limit: 99999
}).then(({ data }) => {
if (data && data.code === 0) {
this.dialogEqList = data.data.list
} else {
addEq() {
// console.log('this.equipments',this.equipments);
if (this.series) {
this.dialogVisible = true
} else {
dialogConfirm() {
let startTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00' : null
let endTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T23:59:59' : null
const condition = {
// productlines: [this.dataForm.productlines],
// wsId: this.dataForm.wsId,
equId: this.eqId
/** fetch data */
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/eqAnalysis/equProductAnalysis'),
method: 'post',
data: condition
}).then(({ data: res }) => {
if (res.code === 500) {
} else {
// console.log('res',res)
this.keys = [...Object.keys(res.data),...this.keys]
// console.log('this.finalVal', this.finalVal)
// console.log('keys', this.keys)
this.values = Object.values(res.data)
// console.log('values', this.values)
for (let c = 0; c < this.values.length; c++) {
this.values[c].map((item) => {
return item.outputNum
this.finalVal = [...this.values2,...this.finalVal]
// console.log('this.finalVal', this.finalVal)
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.dialogVisible = false
unique(arr) {
return Array.from(new Set(arr))
<style scoped>
.base-container {
min-height: 60vh;
background: #fff;
padding: 12px;
.buttonColor {
color: #fff;
background: #0b58ff;

View File

@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ export default {
res.data[1].data &&
res.data[1].data.length > 0
) {
// console.log(this.equipmentName)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
<div class="mod-config">
<el-form :inline="true" @keyup.enter.native="getDataList()" class="blueTip" size="small">
{{ $t('pl.name') }}
<el-select v-model="lineIds" :placeholder="$t('pl.name')" clearable filterable multiple>
<el-option v-for="line in lineList" :key="line.code" :value="line.id" :label="line.name" />
{{ $t('time') }}
<!-- type="datetimerange" -->
<!-- <el-date-picker
:default-time="['00:00:00', '23:59:59']"
clearable /> -->
<el-date-picker v-model="datetime" type="month" :placeholder="$t('hints.date')" format="yyyy-MM" value-format="yyyy-MM" />
<el-button class="buttonColor" @click="getDataList()">{{ $t('query') }}</el-button>
<!-- <el-button v-if="$hasPermission('monitoring:qualityinspectionrecord:save')" type="primary" @click="addOrUpdateHandle()">{{ $t('add') }}</el-button> -->
<div class="quality-inspection-current base-container">
<!-- <el-row>
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('inspect.ioTotal') }}</small-title>
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px;">
<base-table :data="dataListStatic" :table-head-configs="tableConfigStatic" :max-height="500" @operate-event="handleOperations" @refreshDataList="getDataList" />
</el-row> -->
<!-- style="margin-top: 28px;" -->
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('eq.productionAnalysis') }}</small-title>
<!-- <el-row style="margin-top: 8px">
<el-radio-group v-model="dataType" size="medium" @change="handleDataTypeChange">
<el-radio-button :label="$t('table2')"></el-radio-button>
<el-radio-button :label="$t('graph')"></el-radio-button>
</el-row> -->
<!-- style="margin-top: 12px" -->
<!-- v-if="!showGraph" -->
@refreshDataList="getDataList" />
<!-- :series-data="echartsData" -->
<!-- v-else -->
<el-row style="margin-top: 8px">
:series-data4="echartsData4" />
import { calcMaxHeight } from '@/utils'
import { timeFilter } from '@/utils/filters'
import moment from 'moment'
import i18n from '@/i18n'
import BaseTable from '@/components/base-table'
import SmallTitle from '@/components/small-title'
import * as echarts from 'echarts'
// const tableConfigStatic = [
// { type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
// { name: i18n.t('pl.title'), prop: 'lineName' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.inTotal'), prop: 'sumUp' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.outTotal'), prop: 'sumDown' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.checkTotal'), prop: 'sumCheck' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.rate'), prop: 'scrapRatio', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
// ]
const tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('pl.name'), prop: '0' }
const FakeChart = {
name: 'FakeChart',
props: {
categories: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
typeList: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
seriesData1: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
seriesData2: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
seriesData3: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
seriesData4: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
chart: null,
echartsData1: [],
echartsData2: [],
echartsData3: [],
echartsData4: [],
pass: [],
defaultOpts: {
grid: {
left: '5%',
right: '12%',
top: '20%',
bottom: '10%'
title: {
text: i18n.t('eq.productQuantity')
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis', //线使使
axisPointer: {
type: 'shadow' // 线'line' | 'shadow'
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
type: 'scroll',
top: 10,
right: 0,
width: '12%',
/** 修复文本太长时显示问题 */
// formatter: function (name) {
// return echarts.format.truncateText(name, 120, '14px Microsoft Yahei', '...')
// },
tooltip: {
show: true
/** end */
data: [this.$t('eq.line1'), this.$t('eq.line2'), this.$t('eq.line3'), this.$t('eq.line4')]
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
data: [],
// axisLine: {
// show: true,
// lineStyle: {
// color: 'rgba(219,225,255,1)',
// width: 1,
// type: 'solid'
// }
// },
axisLabel: {
show: true,
rotate: 0,
interval: 0 //使x
// textStyle: {
// //x
// color: 'rgba(219,225,255,1)',
// margin: 15
// }
// data: ['1', '1', '1', '13', '2', '2', '15', '1', '3']
yAxis: {
type: 'value'
series: [
// dynamic
name: this.$t('eq.line1'),
type: 'line',
data: [],
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
formatter: '{@value}'
name: this.$t('eq.line2'),
type: 'line',
data: [],
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
formatter: '{@value}'
name: this.$t('eq.line3'),
type: 'line',
data: [],
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
formatter: '{@value}'
name: this.$t('eq.line4'),
type: 'line',
data: [],
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
formatter: '{@value}'
// {
// data: [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 130],
// type: 'bar'
// }
watch: {
categories: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data = val
immediate: true
typeList: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.legend.data = val
immediate: true
seriesData1: {
// this.defaultOpts.series[0].data.push =
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.series[0].data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.series[0].data = val
immediate: true
seriesData2: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.series[1].data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.series[1].data = val
immediate: true
seriesData3: {
// this.defaultOpts.series[0].data.push
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.series[2].data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.series[2].data = val
immediate: true
seriesData4: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
// this.defaultOpts.series[3].data.push(...val)
this.defaultOpts.series[3].data = val
immediate: true
defaultOpts: {
handler: function (val) {
// console.log('defaullt opts change: ', val)
immediate: true,
deep: true
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
// console.log('echarts data1: ', this.echartsData1)
// console.log('echarts data2: ', this.echartsData2)
// console.log('echarts data3: ', this.echartsData3)
// console.log('echarts data4: ', this.echartsData4)
// console.log('this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data', this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data)
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
methods: {
initChart() {
if (!this.chart) {
this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('bar-chart'))
setOptions(opts) {
/** prop options */
if (opts) {
if (this.chart) this.chart.setOption(this.defaultOpts, true)
render: function (h) {
return h('div', { attrs: { id: 'bar-chart' }, style: { background: '#eee', width: '100%', height: '300px', padding: '8px' } }, '')
const dict = [i18n.t('table2'), i18n.t('graph')]
export default {
name: 'QualityInspectionCurrent',
components: { BaseTable, SmallTitle, FakeChart },
data() {
return {
echartsData1: [],
echartsData2: [],
echartsData3: [],
echartsData4: [],
count: 0,
lineIds: [],
lineList: [],
// tableConfigStatic,
datetime: new Date(),
dataListStatic: [],
dataListDynamic: [],
dataList: [],
dataType: dict[0], // |
showGraph: false,
// quickOptions: {
// shortcuts: [
// {
// text: i18n.t('today'),
// onClick(picker) {
// const baseTime = moment().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0 })
// const startTime = baseTime.format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// const endTime = baseTime.set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59, millisecond: 999 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// picker.$emit('pick', [startTime, endTime])
// }
// }
// ]
// },
echartCategories: null,
echartCheckTypes: [],
interval: null
created() {
// this.getDataList()
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
// this.dataListStatic.splice(0)
}, 1000 * 5 * 60)
deactivated() {
if (this.interval) {
this.interval = null
methods: {
// 线
getLineList() {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/productionLine/list'),
method: 'get'
}).then(({ data }) => {
if (data && data.code === 0) {
this.lineList = data.data
// console.log('线', this.lineList)
/** set default */
if (this.lineList.length) {
this.lineIds = [this.lineList[this.lineList.length - 1].id]
} else {
this.lineList = []
handleOperations() {},
handleDataTypeChange(value) {
this.showGraph = value === dict[0] ? false : true
getDataList() {
// for (var z = 0; z < this.defaultOpts.series.length; z++) {
// this.defaultOpts.series[z].data = []
// }
// this.echartCategories = []
this.echartsData1 = []
this.echartsData2 = []
this.echartsData3 = []
this.echartsData4 = []
this.dataListDynamic = []
this.dataList = []
this.count = 0
this.showGraph = false
this.dataType = i18n.t('table2')
this.echartCategories = null
/** 设置默认日期 */
// const startTime = this.datetime[0] || moment().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// const endTime = this.datetime[1] || moment().set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// console.log('this.datatime',this.datatime)
// const startTime = this.datetime ? this.datetime + '-01T00:00:00' : null
const startTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM') + '-01T00:00:00' : null
// const endTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T23:59:59' : null
const endTime = this.datetime ? this.getMonthSE(moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM')) + 'T23:59:59' : null
/** 获取产品质量分析数据 */
// this.fetchList(startTime, endTime, lineIds).then(({ data: res }) => {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/eqAnalysis/productAnalysis'),
method: 'POST',
data: {
// []
lineIds: this.lineIds.length == 0 ? null : this.lineIds
// lineIds: this.lineIds.length == 0 ? ["1"] : this.lineIds
.then((res) => {
// console.log('res: ', res)
/** TODO: 解析 nameData */
this.tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('pl.name'), prop: '0' },
...Array.from(new Set(res.data.data[0].records.map((item) => moment(item.recordTime).format('MM-DD')))).map((name) => ({ prop: String(++this.count), name }))
1. '...'是扩展运算符是ES6的语法用于取出参数对象的所有可遍历属性然后拷贝到当前对象之中例如
let foo = { ...['a', 'b', 'c'] };
// {0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c"}
2.Array.from(new Set())是JS的数组去重
3.map() 方法定义在JavaScript的Array中它返回一个新的数组数组中的元素为原始数组调用函数处理后的值
6.++this.count是定义了个从0开始自增的常量count用来标注一个月每天的下标this.count++会从每个月2号开始因此是 ++this.count
this.dataList = []
this.count = 0
// console.log('this.tableConfigDynamic', this.tableConfigDynamic)
// this.dataListDynamic = this.parseDynamicData(res.data.data) || []
for (let i = 0; i < res.data.data.length; i++) {
this.dataListDynamic[i] = res.data.data[i].records.map((item) => item.outputNum) || []
var json = {}
for (var j = 0; j < this.dataListDynamic[i].length; j++) {
json[j] = this.dataListDynamic[i][j]
// this.dataListDynamic[i] =JSON.stringify(this.dataListDynamic[i])
/** echarts related */
// this.echartCategories = subProps.map((item) => item.name)
// console.log('res.data.data[0].records.map((item) => moment(item.recordTime)',res.data.data[0].records.map((item) => moment(item.recordTime).format('MM-DD')));
this.echartCategories = res.data.data[0].records.map((item) => moment(item.recordTime).format('MM-DD'))
// this.parseTableProps(res.data.nameData)
// console.log('this.echartCategories', this.echartCategories)
// console.log('this.dataListDynamic', this.dataListDynamic)
// console.log('this.dataList', this.dataList)
.catch((err) => {
// 0
// console.error(err)
setOptions(opts) {
/** prop options */
if (opts) {
if (this.chart) this.chart.setOption(this.defaultOpts, true)
parseTableProps(nameData) {
const subProps = []
const labelNameMap = new Map()
// if (nameData.length) {
// /** nameData */
// nameData.forEach((item) => {
// if (!labelNameMap.get(item.name)) {
// labelNameMap.set(item.name, 1)
// subProps.push({ name: item.name, prop: item.name })
// }
// })
// }
this.tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('pl.name'), prop: '0' },
...Array.from(new Set(res.data.data[0].records.map((item) => moment(item.recordTime).format('MM-DD')))).map((name) => ({ prop: String(++this.count), name }))
/** echarts related */
// this.echartCategories = subProps.map((item) => item.name)
this.echartCategories = this.dataListDynamic.map((item) => item.name)
// parseDynamicData(data) {
// this.echartCheckTypes.splice(0)
// return data.map((item) => {
// /** echarts related */
// this.echartCheckTypes.push(item.inspectionContent)
// if (item.data.length) {
// /** */
// item.data.forEach((subitem) => {
// item[subitem.dynamicName] = subitem.dynamicValue
// })
// }
// return item
// })
// },
buildGraphData() {
/** 构造 echart 需要的数据 */
const result = []
// this.echartCheckTypes.forEach((ect) => {
// result.push({ name: ect, type: 'bar', data: [] })
// })
// console.log('echartCheckTypes', this.echartCheckTypes)
// console.log('this.echartCategories', this.echartCategories)
// console.log('this.dataListDynamic', this.dataListDynamic)
// this.dataListDynamic.forEach((inspection, index) => {
// // console.log('inspection: ', inspection)
// this.echartCategories.forEach((cate) => {
// if (cate in inspection) {
// result[index].data.push(inspection[cate])
// } else {
// result[index].data.push('0')
// }
// })
// })
// this.dataListDynamic[0].shift()
// this.dataListDynamic[1].shift()
// this.dataListDynamic[2].shift()
// this.dataListDynamic[3].shift()
for (var key = 0; key < this.dataListDynamic.length; key++) {
if (this.dataListDynamic[key][0].indexOf('1') != -1) {
this.echartsData1 = this.dataListDynamic[key]
} else if (this.dataListDynamic[key][0].indexOf('2') != -1) {
this.echartsData2 = this.dataListDynamic[key]
} else if (this.dataListDynamic[key][0].indexOf('3') != -1) {
this.echartsData3 = this.dataListDynamic[key]
} else if (this.dataListDynamic[key][0].indexOf('4') != -1) {
this.echartsData4 = this.dataListDynamic[key]
// this.echartsData1 = this.dataListDynamic[0]
// this.echartsData2 = this.dataListDynamic[1]
// this.echartsData3 = this.dataListDynamic[2]
// this.echartsData4 = this.dataListDynamic[3]
// shift
try {
} catch (error) {}
// this.echartsData = result
// console.log('this.echartsData1', this.echartsData1)
// [
// { name: '11', type: 'bar', data: [/**线1*/ 2, /**线2*/ 3] },
// { name: '222', type: 'bar', data: [1, 2, 3] }
// ]
fetchList(startTime, endTime, lineIds) {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/eqAnalysis/productQualityAnalysis'),
method: 'POST',
data: {
lineIds: this.lineIds
}).catch((err) => {
* 默认当前月
* date 带月份的日期2021-8
* 返回月初至月末数组[2021-8-1, 2021-8-31]
getMonthSE(date) {
let nowdays = date ? new Date(date) : new Date()
let year = nowdays.getFullYear()
let month = nowdays.getMonth() + 1
if (month < 10) {
month = '0' + month
let myDate = new Date(year, month, 0)
let startDate = year + '-' + month + '-01'
let endDate = year + '-' + month + '-' + myDate.getDate()
// return [startDate, endDate]
return endDate
// toObject(pairs) {
// return Array.from(pairs).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => Object.assign(acc, { [key]: value }), {})
// }
<style scoped>
.base-container {
min-height: 60vh;
background: #fff;
padding: 12px;
.buttonColor {
color: #fff;
background: #0b58ff;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
<div class="mod-config">
<el-form :inline="true" @keyup.enter.native="getDataList()" class="blueTip" size="small">
{{ $t('pl.name') }}
<el-select v-model="lineIds" :placeholder="$t('pl.name')" clearable filterable multiple>
<el-option v-for="line in lineList" :key="line.code" :value="line.id" :label="line.name" />
{{ $t('time') }}
<!-- type="datetimerange" -->
<!-- <el-date-picker
:default-time="['00:00:00', '23:59:59']"
clearable /> -->
<el-date-picker v-model="datetime" type="date" :placeholder="$t('hints.date')" format="yyyy-MM-dd" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
<el-button class="buttonColor" @click="getDataList()">{{ $t('query') }}</el-button>
<!-- <el-button v-if="$hasPermission('monitoring:qualityinspectionrecord:save')" type="primary" @click="addOrUpdateHandle()">{{ $t('add') }}</el-button> -->
<div class="quality-inspection-current base-container">
<!-- <el-row>
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('inspect.ioTotal') }}</small-title>
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px;">
<base-table :data="dataListStatic" :table-head-configs="tableConfigStatic" :max-height="500" @operate-event="handleOperations" @refreshDataList="getDataList" />
</el-row> -->
<!-- style="margin-top: 28px;" -->
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('eq.productQuality') }}</small-title>
<el-row style="margin-top: 8px">
<el-radio-group v-model="dataType" size="medium" @change="handleDataTypeChange">
<el-radio-button :label="$t('table2')"></el-radio-button>
<el-radio-button :label="$t('graph')"></el-radio-button>
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px">
@refreshDataList="getDataList" />
<!-- :series-data="echartsData" -->
<fake-chart v-else :categories="echartCategories" :type-list="echartCheckTypes" :series-data1="echartsData1" :series-data2="echartsData2" :pass-rate="pass" />
import { calcMaxHeight } from '@/utils'
import { timeFilter } from '@/utils/filters'
import moment from 'moment'
import i18n from '@/i18n'
import BaseTable from '@/components/base-table'
import SmallTitle from '@/components/small-title'
import * as echarts from 'echarts'
// const tableConfigStatic = [
// { type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
// { name: i18n.t('pl.title'), prop: 'lineName' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.inTotal'), prop: 'sumUp' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.outTotal'), prop: 'sumDown' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.checkTotal'), prop: 'sumCheck' },
// { name: i18n.t('inspect.rate'), prop: 'scrapRatio', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
// ]
const tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.sectionName'), prop: 'sectionName' },
// ...subProps,
{ name: i18n.t('eq.equipmentName'), prop: 'equipmentName' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.okNum'), prop: 'okNum' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.nokNum'), prop: 'nokNum' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.passRate'), prop: 'passRate', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
const FakeChart = {
name: 'FakeChart',
props: {
categories: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
typeList: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
seriesData1: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
seriesData2: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
passRate: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
chart: null,
echartsData1: [],
echartsData2: [],
pass: [],
defaultOpts: {
grid: {
left: '5%',
right: '12%',
top: '20%',
bottom: '10%'
title: {
text: i18n.t('eq.productQuality')
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis', //线使使
axisPointer: {
type: 'shadow' // 线'line' | 'shadow'
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
type: 'scroll',
top: 10,
right: 0,
width: '12%',
/** 修复文本太长时显示问题 */
// formatter: function (name) {
// return echarts.format.truncateText(name, 120, '14px Microsoft Yahei', '...')
// },
tooltip: {
show: true
/** end */
data: [i18n.t('eq.okNum'), i18n.t('eq.nokNum'), i18n.t('eq.passRatePercent')]
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
data: [],
// axisLine: {
// show: true,
// lineStyle: {
// color: 'rgba(219,225,255,1)',
// width: 1,
// type: 'solid'
// }
// },
axisLabel: {
show: true,
interval: 0 //使x
// textStyle: {
// //x
// color: 'rgba(219,225,255,1)',
// margin: 15
// }
// data: ['1', '1', '1', '13', '2', '2', '15', '1', '3']
yAxis: {
type: 'value'
series: [
// dynamic
name: i18n.t('eq.okNum'),
type: 'line',
data: [],
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
formatter: '{@value}'
// data: ['314', '1813', '136', '2202', '9895', '0', '411', '0', '2050']
name: i18n.t('eq.nokNum'),
type: 'line',
data: [],
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
formatter: '{@value}'
// data: ['62', '39', '21', '23', '40', '0', '3', '0', '4']
name: i18n.t('eq.passRatePercent'),
type: 'line',
data: [],
label: {
normal: {
show: true,
position: 'top'
formatter: '{@value}'
// data: ['62', '39', '21', '23', '40', '0', '3', '0', '4']
// {
// data: [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 130],
// type: 'bar'
// }
watch: {
categories: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
immediate: true
typeList: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
immediate: true
seriesData1: {
// this.defaultOpts.series[0].data.push
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
immediate: true
seriesData2: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
immediate: true
passRate: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
if (val && val !== oldVal) {
immediate: true
defaultOpts: {
handler: function (val) {
// console.log('defaullt opts change: ', val)
immediate: true,
deep: true
mounted() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
// console.log('echarts data1: ', this.echartsData1)
// console.log('echarts data2: ', this.echartsData2)
// console.log('passRate', this.pass)
// console.log('this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data', this.defaultOpts.xAxis.data)
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
methods: {
initChart() {
if (!this.chart) {
this.chart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('bar-chart'))
setOptions(opts) {
/** prop options */
if (opts) {
if (this.chart) this.chart.setOption(this.defaultOpts)
render: function (h) {
return h('div', { attrs: { id: 'bar-chart' }, style: { background: '#eee', width: '100%', height: '300px', padding: '8px' } }, '')
const dict = [i18n.t('table2'), i18n.t('graph')]
export default {
name: 'QualityInspectionCurrent',
components: { BaseTable, SmallTitle, FakeChart },
data() {
return {
lineIds: [],
lineList: [],
// tableConfigStatic,
dataListStatic: [],
dataListDynamic: [],
dataType: dict[0], // |
showGraph: false,
// datetime: [],
datetime: new Date(),
// quickOptions: {
// shortcuts: [
// {
// text: i18n.t('today'),
// onClick(picker) {
// const baseTime = moment().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0, millisecond: 0 })
// const startTime = baseTime.format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// const endTime = baseTime.set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59, millisecond: 999 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// picker.$emit('pick', [startTime, endTime])
// }
// }
// ]
// },
echartCategories: null,
echartCheckTypes: [],
interval: null
created() {
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
// this.dataListStatic.splice(0)
}, 1000 * 5 * 60)
deactivated() {
if (this.interval) {
this.interval = null
methods: {
// 线
getLineList() {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/productionLine/list'),
method: 'get'
}).then(({ data }) => {
if (data && data.code === 0) {
this.lineList = data.data
// console.log('线',this.lineList);
} else {
this.lineList = []
handleOperations() {},
handleDataTypeChange(value) {
this.showGraph = value === dict[0] ? false : true
getDataList() {
this.showGraph = false
this.dataType = i18n.t('table2')
this.echartCategories = null
/** 设置默认日期 */
// const startTime = this.datetime[0] || moment().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// const endTime = this.datetime[1] || moment().set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
// console.log('this.datatime',this.datatime)
// const startTime = this.datetime ? this.datetime + 'T00:00:00' : null
const startTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T00:00:00' : null
// const endTime = this.datetime ? this.datetime + 'T23:59:59' : null
const endTime = this.datetime ? moment(this.datetime).format('YYYY-MM-DD') + 'T23:59:59' : null
const lineIds = this.lineIds
/** 获取产品质量分析数据 */
// this.fetchList(startTime, endTime, lineIds).then(({ data: res }) => {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/eqAnalysis/productQualityAnalysis'),
method: 'POST',
data: {
lineIds: this.lineIds.length == 0 ? null : this.lineIds
.then((res) => {
// console.log('res: ', res)
/** TODO: 解析 nameData */
this.tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.sectionName'), prop: 'sectionName' },
// ...subProps,
{ name: i18n.t('eq.equipmentName'), prop: 'equipmentName' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.okNum'), prop: 'okNum' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.nokNum'), prop: 'nokNum' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.passRate'), prop: 'passRate', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
// this.dataListDynamic = this.parseDynamicData(res.data.data) || []
this.dataListDynamic = res.data.data || []
/** echarts related */
// this.echartCategories = subProps.map((item) => item.name)
this.echartCategories = this.dataListDynamic.map((item) => {
return item.equipmentName
// this.parseTableProps(res.data.nameData)
// console.log('this.dataListDynamic', this.dataListDynamic)
.catch((err) => {
parseTableProps(nameData) {
const subProps = []
const labelNameMap = new Map()
// if (nameData.length) {
// /** nameData */
// nameData.forEach((item) => {
// if (!labelNameMap.get(item.name)) {
// labelNameMap.set(item.name, 1)
// subProps.push({ name: item.name, prop: item.name })
// }
// })
// }
this.tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.sectionName'), prop: 'sectionName' },
// ...subProps,
{ name: i18n.t('eq.equipmentName'), prop: 'equipmentName' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.okNum'), prop: 'okNum' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.nokNum'), prop: 'nokNum' },
{ name: i18n.t('eq.passRate'), prop: 'passRate', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
/** echarts related */
// this.echartCategories = subProps.map((item) => item.name)
this.echartCategories = this.dataListDynamic.map((item) => item.name)
// parseDynamicData(data) {
// this.echartCheckTypes.splice(0)
// return data.map((item) => {
// /** echarts related */
// this.echartCheckTypes.push(item.inspectionContent)
// if (item.data.length) {
// /** */
// item.data.forEach((subitem) => {
// item[subitem.dynamicName] = subitem.dynamicValue
// })
// }
// return item
// })
// },
buildGraphData() {
/** 构造 echart 需要的数据 */
const result = []
// this.echartCheckTypes.forEach((ect) => {
// result.push({ name: ect, type: 'bar', data: [] })
// })
// console.log('echartCheckTypes', this.echartCheckTypes)
// console.log('this.echartCategories', this.echartCategories)
// this.dataListDynamic.forEach((inspection, index) => {
// // console.log('inspection: ', inspection)
// this.echartCategories.forEach((cate) => {
// if (cate in inspection) {
// result[index].data.push(inspection[cate])
// } else {
// result[index].data.push('0')
// }
// })
// })
this.echartsData1 = this.dataListDynamic.map((item) => item.okNum)
this.echartsData2 = this.dataListDynamic.map((item) => item.nokNum)
this.pass = this.dataListDynamic.map((item) => item.passRate)
// this.echartsData = result
// console.log('result', result)
// [
// { name: '11', type: 'bar', data: [/**线1*/ 2, /**线2*/ 3] },
// { name: '222', type: 'bar', data: [1, 2, 3] }
// ]
fetchList(startTime, endTime, lineIds) {
url: this.$http.adornUrl('/monitoring/eqAnalysis/productQualityAnalysis'),
method: 'POST',
data: {
lineIds: this.lineIds
}).catch((err) => {
<style scoped>
.base-container {
min-height: 60vh;
background: #fff;
padding: 12px;
.buttonColor {
color: #fff;
background: #0b58ff;

View File

@ -15,8 +15,7 @@
:default-time="['00:00:00', '23:59:59']"
clearable />
<el-button class="buttonColor" @click="getDataList()">{{ $t('query') }}</el-button>
@ -28,32 +27,31 @@
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('inspect.ioTotal') }}</small-title>
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px;">
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px">
<base-table :data="dataListStatic" :table-head-configs="tableConfigStatic" :max-height="500" @operate-event="handleOperations" @refreshDataList="getDataList" />
<el-row style="margin-top: 28px;">
<el-row style="margin-top: 28px">
<small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('inspect.plTotal') }}</small-title>
<el-row style="margin-top: 8px;">
<el-row style="margin-top: 8px">
<el-radio-group v-model="dataType" size="medium" @change="handleDataTypeChange">
<el-radio-button :label="$t('table2')"></el-radio-button>
<el-radio-button :label="$t('graph')"></el-radio-button>
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px;">
<el-row style="margin-top: 12px">
@refreshDataList="getDataList" />
<fake-chart v-else :categories="echartCategories" :type-list="echartCheckTypes" :series-data="echartsData" />
@ -77,7 +75,7 @@ const tableConfigStatic = [
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.inTotal'), prop: 'sumUp' },
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.outTotal'), prop: 'sumDown' },
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.checkTotal'), prop: 'sumCheck' },
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.rate'), prop: 'scrapRatio', filter: val => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.rate'), prop: 'scrapRatio', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
const tableConfigDynamic = [
{ type: 'index', width: 100, name: i18n.t('index') },
@ -269,16 +267,8 @@ export default {
this.echartCategories = null
/** 设置默认日期 */
const startTime =
this.datetime[0] ||
.set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 })
const endTime =
this.datetime[1] ||
.set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59 })
const startTime = this.datetime[0] || moment().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
const endTime = this.datetime[1] || moment().set({ hour: 23, minute: 59, second: 59 }).format('yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss')
/** [1] 获取上下片数据 */
this.fetchList('sx', startTime, endTime).then(({ data: res }) => {
@ -287,11 +277,12 @@ export default {
/** [2] 获取产线检测类型 */
this.fetchList('pl', startTime, endTime).then(({ data: res }) => {
// console.log('pl: ', res)
console.log('res: ', res)
/** TODO: 解析 nameData */
this.dataListDynamic = this.parseDynamicData(res.data.data) || []
console.log('this.dataListDynamic', this.dataListDynamic)
@ -303,7 +294,7 @@ export default {
if (nameData.length) {
/** 处理 nameData */
nameData.forEach(item => {
nameData.forEach((item) => {
if (!labelNameMap.get(item.name)) {
labelNameMap.set(item.name, 1)
subProps.push({ name: item.name, prop: item.name })
@ -316,21 +307,22 @@ export default {
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.det'), prop: 'inspectionContent' },
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.typetotal'), prop: 'sumInput' },
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.rate'), prop: 'scrapRatio', filter: val => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
{ name: i18n.t('inspect.rate'), prop: 'scrapRatio', filter: (val) => (val || val === 0 ? `${val}%` : '-') }
/** echarts related */
this.echartCategories = subProps.map(item => item.name)
this.echartCategories = subProps.map((item) => item.name)
// console.log('this.echartCategories',this.echartCategories)
parseDynamicData(data) {
return data.map(item => {
return data.map((item) => {
/** echarts related */
if (item.data.length) {
/** 解析子数组 */
item.data.forEach(subitem => {
item.data.forEach((subitem) => {
item[subitem.dynamicName] = subitem.dynamicValue
@ -342,13 +334,15 @@ export default {
/** 构造 echart 需要的数据 */
const result = []
this.echartCheckTypes.forEach(ect => {
this.echartCheckTypes.forEach((ect) => {
result.push({ name: ect, type: 'bar', data: [] })
console.log('result', result)
this.dataListDynamic.forEach((inspection, index) => {
console.log('inspection: ', inspection)
this.echartCategories.forEach(cate => {
// console.log('inspection: ', inspection)
this.echartCategories.forEach((cate) => {
if (cate in inspection) {
} else {
@ -376,7 +370,7 @@ export default {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch((err) => {
case 'pl':
@ -387,7 +381,7 @@ export default {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch((err) => {