fzq #31

fanzhiqin wants to merge 215 commits from fzq into test
Showing only changes of commit 70485d293c - Show all commits

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
<div class="app-container">
<!-- <small-title :size="'md'">{{ $t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.name') }}</small-title> -->
<small-title :size="'md'">设备生产实时数据</small-title>
<base-table v-if="loadTable" :table-head-configs="tableProps" :data="tableData.length ? tableData : []" :span-method="spanMethod" />
@ -19,9 +18,6 @@
import BaseTable from '@/components/base-table'
import SmallTitle from '@/components/small-title'
import moment from 'moment'
// import fetchList from '@/api/factory-manage/realtimeData'
const fetchList = () => {}
export default {
name: 'RealtimeDataOfEquipment',
@ -46,21 +42,19 @@ export default {
this.testData = res.data.filter(item => !!item.equDet)
// this.loadTable = true
// this.intervalId = setInterval(() => {
// this.$message({
// // message: this.$t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.refresh'),
// type: 'warning',
// duration: 1500,
// onClose: () => {
// this.clearData()
// fetchList('equipment').then(res => {
// this.testData = res
// this.handleData()
// })
// }
// })
// }, 1000 * 60 * 5)
this.intervalId = setInterval(() => {
type: 'warning',
duration: 1500,
onClose: () => {
fetchList('equipment').then(({ data: res }) => {
this.testData = res.data.filter(item => !!item.equDet)
}, 1000 * 60 * 5)
beforeDestroy() {
if (this.intervalId) clearInterval(this.intervalId)
@ -81,7 +75,6 @@ export default {
handleData() {
// console.log('span data: ', this.equipmentCount)
this.loadTable = true
@ -93,68 +86,52 @@ export default {
testSpan({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {
if (columnIndex === 1 && rowIndex % 2 === 0) {
return [2, 1]
if (columnIndex === 1 && rowIndex % 2 !== 0) {
return [0, 0]
expandDataStepOne() {
console.log('testdata: ', this.testData)
// this.stepOneArray = this.testData.data
// .filter(item => item.equDet)
// .map(item => {
// if (item.equDet) {
// item.equDet.forEach((equipment, index) => {
// equipment.lineName = item.lineName
// })
// }
// return item.equDet
// })
this.stepOneArray = this.testData.map(item => {
if (item.equDet) {
item.equDet.forEach((equipment, index) => {
equipment.lineName = item.lineName
return item.equDet
expandDataStepTwo() {
console.log('before step two: ', this.stepOneArray)
this.rowNum = 0
this.stepOneArray.forEach(arrayItem => {
let count = 0
this.stepOneArray.forEach(line => {
let avaliableEquipmentCount = 0
arrayItem.forEach(item => {
// console.log('========= ', item.equName, ' ==========')
line.forEach(equipment => {
const newItem = {
equId: item.equId,
lineName: item.lineName,
equName: item.equName,
productSize: item.productSize,
orderName: item.orderName,
externalCode: item.externalCode,
totalProduction: item.totalProduction ?? '-'
equId: equipment.equId,
lineName: equipment.lineName,
equName: equipment.equName,
externalCode: equipment.externalCode,
totalProduction: equipment.totalProduction ?? '-'
if (item.det) {
count += 1
item.det.forEach(obj => {
// Step2: props
if (equipment.det) {
avaliableEquipmentCount += 1
equipment.det.forEach(obj => {
if (!this.dynamicPropSet) {
if (obj.recordTime) {
// obj.recordTime
label: moment(obj.recordTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
children: [
// { prop: obj.recordTime + '-inputNum', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.input') },
// { prop: obj.recordTime + '-outputNum', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.output') },
// { prop: obj.recordTime + '-scrapNum', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.scrapNum') },
// {
// prop: obj.recordTime + '-scrapRate',
// label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.scrapRate')
// }
{ prop: obj.recordTime + '-inputNum', label: '进数据' },
{ prop: obj.recordTime + '-outputNum', label: '出数据' },
{ prop: obj.recordTime + '-scrapNum', label: '报废数据' },
{ prop: obj.recordTime + '-scrapRate', label: '报废比例' }
// console.log('==> ',obj.recordTime, obj.inputNum, obj.outputNum, obj.scrapNum, obj.scrapRate)
Object.defineProperty(newItem, obj.recordTime + '-inputNum', {
value: obj.inputNum ?? '-',
enumerable: true,
@ -186,28 +163,24 @@ export default {
this.$set(this.equipmentCount, [this.rowNum], count)
this.rowNum += count
this.$set(this.equipmentCount, [this.rowNum], avaliableEquipmentCount)
this.rowNum += avaliableEquipmentCount
setStaticTableProps() {
// Step1: table props
const staticTableProps = [
// { prop: 'lineName', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.pl'), fixed: true },
// { prop: 'orderName', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.currOrder'), fixed: true },
// { prop: 'productSize', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.pSpecs'), fixed: true },
// { prop: 'equName', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.eqName'), fixed: true },
// { prop: 'totalProduction', label: i18n.t('module.factory.realtime.equipment.produceTotal'), fixed: true }
{ prop: 'lineName', label: '产线', fixed: true },
{ prop: 'equName', label: '设备', fixed: true },
{ prop: 'totalProduction', label: '总产量', fixed: true }
this.tableProps = staticTableProps
spanMethod({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {
if (columnIndex === 0 || columnIndex === 1 || columnIndex === 2) {
// 3
if (columnIndex === 0) {
if (this.equipmentCount[rowIndex]) {
return {