557 lines
17 KiB
557 lines
17 KiB
const t = {}
t.loading = 'Loading...'
t.createTime = 'Create Time'
t.brand = {}
t.brand.lg = 'Monitoring System'
t.brand.mini = 'PMS'
t.routes = {}
t.routes['产品池'] = 'Products Pool'
t.routes['基本资料'] = 'Basic Data'
t.routes['设备数采'] = 'Equipment PLC'
t.routes['厂务管理'] = 'Factory Management'
t.routes['报表管理'] = 'Report Management'
t.routes['质量管理'] = 'Quality Management'
t.routes['权限管理'] = 'Permission Management'
t.routes['系统设置'] = 'System Settings'
t.routes['日志管理'] = 'Log Management'
// 二级
t.routes['厂务'] = 'Factory Affair'
t.routes['设备'] = 'Equipment'
t.routes['字典管理'] = 'Dict Management'
t.routes['PLC信息'] = 'PLC'
t.routes['设备与PLC关联配置'] = 'Relations between plc & equipments'
t.routes['设备生产实时数据'] = 'Realtime Equipment Data'
t.routes['产线生产实时数据'] = 'Realtime Productline Data'
t.routes['质量检查实时数据'] = 'Realtime Quality Inspection Data'
t.routes['报表总览'] = 'Report Overview'
t.routes['报表分类'] = 'Report Types'
t.routes['报表详情'] = 'Report Detail'
t.routes['质量检测基础数据'] = 'Quality Inspection Basic Data'
t.routes['当前检测数据'] = 'Current Inspection Data'
t.routes['质量检查信息记录'] = 'Quality Inspection Records'
t.routes['用户管理'] = 'User Management'
t.routes['部门管理'] = 'Department Management'
t.routes['角色管理'] = 'Role Management'
t.routes['菜单管理'] = 'Menu Management'
t.routes['参数管理'] = 'Params Management'
t.routes['定时任务'] = 'Timed Tasks'
t.routes['文件上传'] = 'File Upload'
t.routes['登录日志'] = 'Login Records'
t.routes['操作日志'] = 'Oprations Records'
// 三级
t.routes['工厂'] = 'Factory'
t.routes['产线'] = 'Product Lines'
t.routes['工段'] = 'Work Sections'
t.routes['设备类型'] = 'Equipment Types'
t.routes['设备分组'] = 'Equipment Groups'
t.routes['设备信息'] = 'Equipment Details'
t.routes['设备参数状态监控'] = 'Current Equipment State'
t.routes['设备分组报警信息'] = 'Equipment Group Alarm'
t.routes['质量检测类型'] = 'Quality Inpection Types'
t.routes['质量检测信息'] = 'Quality Inpection Details'
t.save = 'Save'
t.add = 'Add'
t.delete = 'Delete'
t.deleteBatch = 'Delete Batch'
t.update = 'Update'
t.query = 'Search'
t.export = 'Export'
t.handle = 'Operations'
t.confirm = 'Confirm'
t.cancel = 'Cancel'
t.clear = 'Clear'
t.logout = 'Logout'
t.manage = 'Handle'
t.createDate = 'Create Date'
t.keyword = 'Keyword(s): '
t.choose = 'Please Choose '
t.remark = 'Remark'
t.delMark = 'Delete Mark '
t.isvalid = 'is valid'
t.available = 'available'
t.unavailable = 'unavailable'
t.alert = 'alert'
t.creator = 'Creator'
t.creatorName = 'Creator\'s name'
t.updator = 'Updator'
t.updatorName = 'Updator\'s name'
t.updateTime = 'Update Time'
t.version = 'Version'
t.search = 'Search'
t.countPerPage = '每页数' // ?
t.currentPage = '当前页' // ?
t.fetchList = '获取数据列表' // ?
t.multi = '多选' // ?
t.do = '进行' // ?
t.submit = '表单提交' // ?
t.desc = 'Description'
t.disable = 'Disable'
t.equipment = 'Equipment'
t.enabled = 'Enabled'
t.cannotempty = 'can\'t be empty'
t.parameter = 'Parameters'
t.enable = 'Enable'
t.index = 'Index'
t.relation = '关联'
t.fetchInfo = 'Fetch Info'
t.name = 'Name'
t.code = 'Code'
t.attrName = 'Attribute name'
t.attrValue = 'Attribute value'
t.unit = 'Unit'
t.table = 'Table'
t.table2 = 'Table'
t.downloadurl = 'Download Url'
t.recordTime = 'Record Time'
t.notCollect = 'No'
t.collect = 'Yes'
t.required = 'Required'
t.paramUrl = 'Parameter url'
t.enname = 'English Name'
t.collectOrNot = 'Collect or not'
t.min = 'Min Value'
t.max = 'Max Value'
t.status = 'Status'
t.normal = 'Normal'
t.addr = 'Address'
t.planStop = 'Plan to stop'
t.startTime = 'Start Time'
t.endTime = 'End Time'
t.today = 'Today'
t.graph = 'Graph'
t.category = 'Category'
t.categoryName = 'Category Name'
t.categoryCode = 'Category Code'
t.rate = 'Rate'
t.link = 'Link Url'
t.refresh = 'Refresh'
t.abbr = 'Abbreviation'
t.detail = 'Details'
t.viewdetail = 'Details'
t.viewattr = 'View Attributions'
t.edit = 'Edit'
t.source = 'Source'
t.auto = 'Auto'
t.manual = 'Manually'
t.loaddone = 'Loaded'
t.produceTime = 'Date of manufacture'
t.enterTime = 'Enter Time'
t.manufacturer = 'Manufacturer'
t.success = 'success!'
t.all = 'All'
t.reset = 'Reset'
t.preview = 'Preview'
t.design = 'Design'
t.errors = {}
t.errors.nosection = 'There is no sections on this product line.'
t.errors.numsection = 'There are {num} sections on this product line.'
t.errors.nodata = 'Error, no data available!'
t.hints = {}
t.hints.input = 'Please input '
t.hints.select = 'Please select '
t.hints.date = 'Please select date'
t.hints.checktime = 'Please select inspection time'
t.hints.number = 'Please input correct number'
t.hints.addr = 'Please input address'
t.hints.upload2m = 'File size cannot be larger than 2mb (2048kb)'
t.hints.upload2mPic = 'Image files only. File size cannot be larger than 2mb (2048kb)'
t.factory = {}
t.factory.title = 'Factory'
t.factory.name = 'Factory Name'
t.factory.code = 'Factory Code'
t.prod = {}
t.prod.id = 'Product ID'
t.prod.name = 'Product Name'
t.prod.code = 'Product Code'
t.prod.type = 'Product Type'
t.prod.area = 'Area'
t.prod.spec = 'Product Specification'
t.prod.attr = 'Dynamic Attributes'
t.prod.attrcode = 'Attribute Code'
t.prod.attrcodeHints = 'Please input attribute code'
t.prod.attrname = 'Attribute Node'
t.prod.attrnameHints = 'Please input attribute name'
t.prod.attrvalueHints = 'Please input attribute value'
t.prod.descHints = 'Please input description'
t.prod.processTime = 'Processing Time (Hours)'
t.prod.processTimeHints = 'Please input processing time'
t.prod.relatedPid = 'Related Product'
t.alarm = {}
t.alarm.name = 'Alarm'
t.alarm.info = 'Alarm Informations'
t.alarm.view = 'View Alarm'
t.alarm.eq = 'Alarm Equipment'
t.alarm.type = 'Alarm Type'
t.alarm.code = 'Alarm Code'
t.alarm.level = 'Alarm Level'
t.alarm.content = 'Alarm Content'
t.alarm.source = 'Alarm Source'
t.alarm.det = 'Alarm Details'
t.report = {}
t.report.name = 'Report Name'
t.report.det = 'Report Content'
t.report.type = 'Report Type'
t.report.code = 'Report Code'
t.report.lnk = 'Report Url'
t.inspect = {}
t.inspect.type = 'Inspection Type'
t.inspect.code = 'Inspection Code'
t.inspect.det = 'Inspection Details'
t.inspect.detcode = 'Inspection Content Code'
t.inspect.people = 'Inspector'
t.inspect.time = 'Inspection Time'
t.inspect.typetotal = 'Total Inspection Types'
t.inspect.typename = 'Inspection Type'
t.inspect.typecode = 'Inspection Code'
t.inspect.ioTotal = 'Data of input/output and total inspections'
t.inspect.plTotal = 'Inspection types per line'
t.inspect.inTotal = 'Up Sum'
t.inspect.outTotal = 'Down Sum'
t.inspect.checkTotal = 'Total Inspections'
t.inspect.rate = 'Rate'
t.inspect.typeCount = 'Data of inspection types'
t.realtime = {}
t.realtime.eq = 'Realtime data of equipments'
t.realtime.pl = 'Realtime data of product lines'
t.realtime.inspect = 'Realtime data of quality inspections'
t.realtime.in = 'in'
t.realtime.out = 'out'
t.realtime.data = 'scrap'
t.realtime.num = 'scrap quantity'
t.realtime.rate = 'scrap rate'
t.realtime.total = 'total production'
t.realtime.goodrate = 'Passed Rate'
t.realtime.runState = '是否运行'
t.realtime.state = '状态'
t.realtime.hasFault = '是否故障'
t.realtime.recentParamValue = '参数近期值'
t.realtime.view = '查看'
t.realtime.input = '投入数'
t.realtime.output = '产出数'
t.realtime.eqName = '设备名称'
t.realtime.eqCode = '设备编码'
t.realtime.productionSnapshotTime = '生产量记录时间'
t.realtime.statusSnapshotTime = '状态记录时间'
t.ws = {}
t.ws.title = 'Work Section'
t.ws.id = 'Work Section ID'
t.ws.name = 'Work Section Name'
t.ws.code = 'Work Section Code'
t.ws.binded = 'Binded Equipments'
t.ws.unbind = 'Please select an equipment to bind.'
t.ws.sort = 'sort'
t.ws.setorder = 'Please input order of equipments in the work section.'
t.ws.bind = 'bind'
t.ws.eqbind = 'Binded Equipment(s)'
t.ws.belong = 'Product Line'
t.file = {}
t.file.title = 'File'
t.file.name = 'File Name'
t.file.code = 'File Code'
t.file.typeName = 'File Type'
t.file.typeCode = 'File Type Code'
t.eq = {}
t.eq.title = 'Equipment'
t.eq.id = 'Equipment ID'
t.eq.name = 'Equipment Name'
t.eq.code = 'Equipment Code'
t.eq.type = 'Equipment Type'
t.eq.grade = 'Specification of equipment'
t.eq.group = 'Equipment Group'
t.eq.groupname = 'Group Name'
t.eq.groupcode = 'Group Code'
t.eq.excode = 'External Code'
t.eq.input = 'Input Device'
t.eq.output = 'Output Device'
t.eq.tvalue = 'Device\'s TT Value'
t.eq.processingTime = 'Processing Time (s)'
t.eq.dtype = 'Data source'
t.eq.dtypenone = 'none'
t.eq.dtypeinput = 'Input Data Device'
t.eq.dtypeoutput = 'Output Data Device'
t.eq.upload = 'Upload'
t.eq.image = 'Equipment Pictures'
t.eq.viewattr = 'Equipment Attributions'
t.eq.plcbarcode = 'PLC Bar Code'
t.eq.plccode = 'PLC Code'
t.eq.plcname = 'PLC Name'
t.eq.port = 'Port'
t.eq.type = 'Type'
t.eq.typecode = 'Type Code'
t.eq.parent = 'Parent'
t.pl = {}
t.pl.title = 'Product Line'
t.pl.id = 'Product Line ID'
t.pl.name = 'Product Line Name'
t.pl.code = 'Product Line Code'
t.pl.status = 'Product Line Status'
t.pl.belong = 'Product Line'
t.pl.tvalue = 'TT Value'
t.pl.factoryHints = 'Please select a factory'
t.prompt = {}
t.prompt.title = 'Prompt'
t.prompt.info = 'Are you sure to {handle}?'
t.prompt.sure = 'Are you sure to delete this record?'
t.prompt.success = 'success'
t.prompt.failed = 'failed'
t.prompt.deleteBatch = 'Please choose items to delete.'
t.validate = {}
t.validate.required = 'This is required.'
t.validate.format = '{attr} has a wrong format.'
t.upload = {}
t.upload.title = 'Upload Assets'
t.upload.text = '将文件拖到此处,或<em>点击上传</em>'
t.upload.tip = 'Only support files with format: {format}'
t.upload.button = 'upload'
t.datePicker = {}
t.datePicker.range = 'to'
t.datePicker.start = 'Start Time'
t.datePicker.end = 'End Time'
t.fullscreen = {}
t.fullscreen.prompt = 'This operation is not supported by your browser.'
t.updatePassword = {}
t.updatePassword.title = 'Update Password'
t.updatePassword.username = 'Username'
t.updatePassword.password = 'Current Password'
t.updatePassword.newPassword = 'New Password'
t.updatePassword.confirmPassword = 'Confirm Password'
t.updatePassword.validate = {}
t.updatePassword.validate.confirmPassword = 'The two passwords are different. Please check again.'
t.contentTabs = {}
t.contentTabs.closeCurrent = 'Close current tab'
t.contentTabs.closeOther = 'Close other tabs'
t.contentTabs.closeAll = 'Close all tabs'
/* 页面 */
t.notFound = {}
t.notFound.desc = 'Sorry! The page you\'re looking is missing.'
t.notFound.back = 'Back'
t.notFound.home = 'Home Page'
t.login = {}
t.login.title = 'Login'
t.login.username = 'Username'
t.login.password = 'Password'
t.login.captcha = 'Captcha'
t.login.demo = 'Demo'
t.login.copyright = 'Copyright @Intelligent Automation Research Institute Co., Ltd Version: 1.0'
t.schedule = {}
t.schedule.beanName = 'Bean Name'
t.schedule.beanNameTips = 'spring bean name, eg: testTask'
t.schedule.pauseBatch = 'Pause'
t.schedule.resumeBatch = 'Resume'
t.schedule.runBatch = 'Run'
t.schedule.log = 'Log List'
t.schedule.params = 'Parameters'
t.schedule.cronExpression = 'cron expression'
t.schedule.cronExpressionTips = 'ex: 0 0 12 * * ?'
t.schedule.remark = 'Remark'
t.schedule.status = 'Status'
t.schedule.status0 = 'Pause'
t.schedule.status1 = 'Normal'
t.schedule.statusLog0 = 'Failed'
t.schedule.statusLog1 = 'Success'
t.schedule.pause = 'Pause'
t.schedule.resume = 'Resume'
t.schedule.run = 'Excute'
t.schedule.jobId = 'Job ID'
t.schedule.times = 'Time Cost (ms)'
t.schedule.createDate = 'Executed Tune' // ?
t.oss = {}
t.oss.config = '云存储配置'
t.oss.upload = '上传文件'
t.oss.url = 'URL地址'
t.oss.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.oss.type = '类型'
t.oss.type1 = '七牛'
t.oss.type2 = '阿里云'
t.oss.type3 = '腾讯云'
t.oss.qiniuDomain = '域名'
t.oss.qiniuDomainTips = '七牛绑定的域名'
t.oss.qiniuPrefix = '路径前缀'
t.oss.qiniuPrefixTips = '不设置默认为空'
t.oss.qiniuAccessKey = 'AccessKey'
t.oss.qiniuAccessKeyTips = '七牛AccessKey'
t.oss.qiniuSecretKey = 'SecretKey'
t.oss.qiniuSecretKeyTips = '七牛SecretKey'
t.oss.qiniuBucketName = '空间名'
t.oss.qiniuBucketNameTips = '七牛存储空间名'
t.oss.aliyunDomain = '域名'
t.oss.aliyunDomainTips = '阿里云绑定的域名,如:http://cdn.renren.io'
t.oss.aliyunPrefix = '路径前缀'
t.oss.aliyunPrefixTips = '不设置默认为空'
t.oss.aliyunEndPoint = 'EndPoint'
t.oss.aliyunEndPointTips = '阿里云EndPoint'
t.oss.aliyunAccessKeyId = 'AccessKeyId'
t.oss.aliyunAccessKeyIdTips = '阿里云AccessKeyId'
t.oss.aliyunAccessKeySecret = 'AccessKeySecret'
t.oss.aliyunAccessKeySecretTips = '阿里云AccessKeySecret'
t.oss.aliyunBucketName = 'BucketName'
t.oss.aliyunBucketNameTips = '阿里云BucketName'
t.oss.qcloudDomain = '域名'
t.oss.qcloudDomainTips = '腾讯云绑定的域名'
t.oss.qcloudPrefix = '路径前缀'
t.oss.qcloudPrefixTips = '不设置默认为空'
t.oss.qcloudAppId = 'AppId'
t.oss.qcloudAppIdTips = '腾讯云AppId'
t.oss.qcloudSecretId = 'SecretId'
t.oss.qcloudSecretIdTips = '腾讯云SecretId'
t.oss.qcloudSecretKey = 'SecretKey'
t.oss.qcloudSecretKeyTips = '腾讯云SecretKey'
t.oss.qcloudBucketName = 'BucketName'
t.oss.qcloudBucketNameTips = '腾讯云BucketName'
t.oss.qcloudRegion = '所属地区'
t.oss.qcloudRegionTips = '请选择'
t.oss.qcloudRegionBeijing1 = '北京一区(华北)'
t.oss.qcloudRegionBeijing = '北京'
t.oss.qcloudRegionShanghai = '上海(华东)'
t.oss.qcloudRegionGuangzhou = '广州(华南)'
t.oss.qcloudRegionChengdu = '成都(西南)'
t.oss.qcloudRegionChongqing = '重庆'
t.oss.qcloudRegionSingapore = '新加坡'
t.oss.qcloudRegionHongkong = '香港'
t.oss.qcloudRegionToronto = '多伦多'
t.oss.qcloudRegionFrankfurt = '法兰克福'
t.dept = {}
t.dept.name = 'Department Name'
t.dept.parentName = 'Superior Department'
t.dept.sort = 'Sort'
t.dept.parentNameDefault = 'First tier department'
t.dept.chooseerror = 'Please select a department'
t.dept.title = 'Department Selection'
t.dict = {}
t.dict.dictName = 'Dictionary Name'
t.dict.dictType = 'Dictionary Type'
t.dict.dictLabel = 'Dictionary Label'
t.dict.dictValue = 'Dictionary Value'
t.dict.sort = 'Sort'
t.dict.remark = 'Remark'
t.dict.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.logError = {}
t.logError.requestUri = 'Request URI'
t.logError.requestMethod = 'Request Method'
t.logError.requestParams = 'Request Parameters'
t.logError.ip = 'IP'
t.logError.userAgent = 'User Agent'
t.logError.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.logError.errorInfo = 'Exceptions'
t.logLogin = {}
t.logLogin.creatorName = 'User Name'
t.logLogin.status = 'Status'
t.logLogin.status0 = 'Failed'
t.logLogin.status1 = 'Success'
t.logLogin.status2 = 'Account has been locked'
t.logLogin.operation = 'Operation Type'
t.logLogin.operation0 = 'Login'
t.logLogin.operation1 = 'Logout'
t.logLogin.ip = 'IP'
t.logLogin.userAgent = 'User-Agent'
t.logLogin.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.logOperation = {}
t.logOperation.status = 'Status'
t.logOperation.status0 = 'Failed'
t.logOperation.status1 = 'Success'
t.logOperation.creatorName = 'User Name'
t.logOperation.operation = 'User Operations'
t.logOperation.requestUri = 'Request URI'
t.logOperation.requestMethod = 'Request Method'
t.logOperation.requestParams = 'Request Parameters'
t.logOperation.requestTime = 'Request Duration'
t.logOperation.ip = 'IP'
t.logOperation.userAgent = 'User-Agent'
t.logOperation.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.menu = {}
t.menu.name = 'Name'
t.menu.icon = 'Icons'
t.menu.type = 'Type'
t.menu.type0 = 'Menu'
t.menu.type1 = 'Button'
t.menu.sort = 'Sort'
t.menu.url = 'Route'
t.menu.permissions = '授权标识'
t.menu.permissionsTips = '多个用逗号分隔,如:sys:menu:save,sys:menu:update'
t.menu.parentName = '上级菜单'
t.menu.parentNameDefault = 'First tier menu'
t.menu.resource = '授权资源'
t.menu.resourceUrl = '资源URL'
t.menu.resourceMethod = 'Request methods'
t.menu.resourceAddItem = '添加一项'
t.params = {}
t.params.name = 'Parameter Name'
t.params.code = 'Parameter Code'
t.params.paramCode = 'Parameter Code'
t.params.paramValue = 'Parameter Value'
t.params.paramStdValue = 'Standard Parameter Code'
t.params.plctitle = 'PLC Collection Parameters'
t.params.plcid = 'PLC连接表ID'
t.params.remark = 'Remark'
t.role = {}
t.role.name = 'Role Name'
t.role.remark = 'Remark'
t.role.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.role.menuList = 'Menu authorization' // ?
t.role.deptList = 'Data authorization' // ?
t.user = {}
t.user.username = 'User Name'
t.user.deptName = 'Department'
t.user.email = 'Email'
t.user.mobile = 'Phone'
t.user.status = 'Status'
t.user.status0 = 'Pause' // ?
t.user.status1 = 'Normal'
t.user.createDate = 'Create Time'
t.user.password = 'Password'
t.user.confirmPassword = 'Confirm Password'
t.user.realName = 'Actual Name'
t.user.gender = 'Gender'
t.user.gender0 = 'male'
t.user.gender1 = 'female'
t.user.gender2 = 'secret'
t.user.roleIdList = 'Role Configurations'
t.user.validate = {}
t.user.validate.confirmPassword = 'The two passwords are different. Please check again.'
t.user.select = 'Select an user'
t.user.selecterror = 'Pick up a record'
export default t |