
552 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
import TableOperaionComponent from "@/components/noTemplateComponents/operationComponent";
import TableTextComponent from "@/components/noTemplateComponents/detailComponent";
import StatusComponent from "@/components/noTemplateComponents/statusComponent";
import { timeFilter, dictFilter } from "@/utils/filters";
2023-03-07 15:34:43 +08:00
function changeOrderSort(orderId, location) {
/** this - vue instance, 0 - to top, 1 - up, 2 - down, 3 - to bottom */
return this.$http.get('/pms/order/change', { params: { id: orderId, location } }).then(({ data: res }) => {
if (res.code === 0) {
} else throw new Error(`${res.code}: ${res.msg}`)
}).catch(err => {
message: err,
type: 'error',
duration: 1500
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
export default function () {
const operations = {
2023-03-07 15:34:43 +08:00
'ongoing': [
2023-03-08 16:04:30 +08:00
// { name: 'view-detail', label: '查看详情' },
// { name: 'confirm-order', label: '确认', icon: 'success', showText: true },
2023-03-08 16:04:30 +08:00
{ name: 'end-order', label: '结束', icon: 'error', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-up', label: '上移', icon: 'caret-top', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-down', label: '下移', icon: 'caret-bottom', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-to-top', label: '至顶', icon: 'upload2', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-to-bottom', label: '至底', icon: 'download', showText: true },
{ name: 'destroy-order', label: '废除', icon: 'delete-solid', showText: true },
2023-03-07 15:34:43 +08:00
'pending': [
2023-03-09 10:43:53 +08:00
{ name: 'confirm-order', label: '确认订单', icon: 'success', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-up', label: '上移', icon: 'caret-top', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-down', label: '下移', icon: 'caret-bottom', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-to-top', label: '至顶', icon: 'upload2', showText: true },
{ name: 'move-to-bottom', label: '至底', icon: 'download', showText: true },
{ name: 'delete', emitFull: true, permission: '' }
2023-03-07 15:34:43 +08:00
'finished': [
// { name: 'view', label: '查看详情' }
// { name: 'end-order', label: '结束订单', icon: 'error', showText: true },
2023-03-07 15:34:43 +08:00
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
const genTableProps = (type /** ongoing, pending, finished */) =>
2023-03-08 16:04:30 +08:00
{ width: 80, type: 'index', label: '序号', fixed: true },
{ width: 120, prop: "code", label: "订单号", fixed: 'left' },
2023-03-07 15:34:43 +08:00
{ width: 120, prop: "createTime", label: "添加时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ width: 120, prop: "statusDictValue", label: "订单状态", filter: dictFilter('order_status') }, // 不可编辑
{ width: 200, prop: "cate", label: "子订单号" },
{ width: 200, prop: "productCode", label: "物料编号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 200, prop: "shapeCode", label: "砖型编号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 120, prop: "brand", label: "牌号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 80, prop: "addon", label: "addon" },
{ width: 120, prop: "ai", label: "版本号" }, // auto display according to the 配方
{ width: 200, prop: "shortDesc", label: "物料号销售文本" },
{ width: 200, prop: "bomCode", label: "配方编码" },
{ width: 200, prop: "pressCode", label: "压机号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 200, prop: "blenderCode", label: "混料机号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 200, prop: "kilnCode", label: "隧道窑号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 120, prop: "prodqty", label: "订单砖数" },
{ width: 120, prop: "ktmp", label: "烧成温度" },
{ width: 120, prop: "tt", label: "烧成时间" },
{ width: 120, prop: "yieldqty", label: "已生产数量" }, // uneditable
{ width: 120, prop: "soqty", label: "销售订单数" },
{ width: 200, prop: "saleNo", label: "销售订单号" },
{ width: 200, prop: "saleOrderItem", label: "销售订单item号" },
{ width: 200, prop: "packTechCode", label: "包装工艺代码" }, // select, filterable
2023-03-08 16:04:30 +08:00
{ width: 120, prop: "specifications", label: "生产订单类型" },
2023-03-07 15:34:43 +08:00
{ width: 120, prop: "deliveryTime", label: "发货时间" },
{ width: 120, prop: "customerCode", label: "客户" },
{ width: 120, prop: "pcsKilnCar", label: "托盘码放砖数", },
2023-03-08 16:04:30 +08:00
{ prop: "description", label: "详情", subcomponent: TableTextComponent },
2023-03-09 09:42:46 +08:00
{ width: 200, prop: "remark", label: "备注" },
type !== 'finished' ? {
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
prop: "operations",
name: "操作",
fixed: "right",
subcomponent: TableOperaionComponent,
2023-03-08 16:04:30 +08:00
options: operations[type],
width: operations[type].length * 64
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
} : {}
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
const genHeadFormFields = type => ({
'ongoing': [
label: '订单号',
prop: 'code',
input: true,
2023-03-09 09:42:46 +08:00
default: { value: '' },
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
bind: { placeholder: '请输入订单号' }
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
// 时间段
timerange: true,
prop: 'timerange',
label: "时间段",
bind: {
placeholder: "选择日期时间",
type: "datetimerange",
"start-placeholder": "开始时间",
"end-placeholder": "结束时间",
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
// 查询
button: {
type: "primary",
name: "查询",
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
'pending': [
label: '订单号',
prop: 'code',
input: true,
bind: { placeholder: '请输入订单号' }
// 查询
button: {
type: "primary",
name: "查询",
// 新增订单
button: {
type: "primary",
name: "新增",
permission: "",
bind: {
plain: true,
// 导入订单 - TODO: 需完善具体接口和功能
button: {
type: "success",
name: "导入订单",
bind: {
plain: true
2023-03-08 11:17:52 +08:00
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
'finished': [
2023-03-08 11:17:52 +08:00
label: '订单号',
prop: 'code',
input: true,
bind: { placeholder: '请输入订单号' }
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
// 查询
button: {
type: "primary",
name: "查询",
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
const textOnlyComponent = {
props: {
modelValue: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
orderStatusMap: [
'等待', '确认', '生产', '暂停', '结束', '接受', '拒绝'
methods: {},
mounted() {
console.log('this.modelValue', this.modelValue)
render: function (h) {
return h('span', { style: { display: 'block', marginTop: '0' } }, this.orderStatusMap[this.modelValue] ?? '-')
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
const dictList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dictList"));
const dialogConfigs = {
form: {
rows: [
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
// 订单号
// 订单子号 int
// 订单状态
// 生产订单类型
// 物料 - 产品 select fitler
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
input: true,
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
label: "订单号",
prop: "code",
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入订单号" },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
input: true,
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
label: "订单子号",
prop: "cate",
rules: [
{ required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
{ type: 'number', message: "请输入正确的数字类型", trigger: "blur", transform: val => Number(val) },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入订单子号" },
label: "订单状态",
prop: "statusDictValue",
component: textOnlyComponent
input: true,
label: "生产订单类型",
prop: "specifications",
// rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入生产订单类型" },
select: true,
label: "物料",
prop: "productCode",
options: [],
fetchData: () => this.$http.get('/pms/product/page', { params: { limit: 999, page: 1, key: '' } }),
// label: "单位",
// prop: "unitDictValue",
// options: dictList["unit"].map((u) => ({ label: u.dictLabel, value: u.dictValue })),
elparams: { placeholder: "请选择物料", filterable: true },
// 生产订单数 int
// 已生产数 int uneditable
// 托盘码放砖数
// 包装代码 - 包装工艺 s f
// addon
input: true,
label: "生产订单砖数",
prop: "prodqty",
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入要求生产的数量" },
input: true,
label: "已生产数",
prop: "yieldqty",
// rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入已经生产的数量" },
input: true,
label: "托盘码放砖数",
prop: "pcsKilnCar",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入要求生产的数量" },
input: true,
label: "Add on",
prop: "addon",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入addon" },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
select: true,
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
label: "包装代码",
prop: "packTechCode",
options: [],
fetchData: () => this.$'/pms/equipmentTech/pageView', { limit: 999, page: 1, key: '', shape: '', wsId: 5 }),
// label: "单位",
// prop: "unitDictValue",
// options: dictList["unit"].map((u) => ({ label: u.dictLabel, value: u.dictValue })),
elparams: { placeholder: "请选择物料", filterable: true },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
// 砖型 select fitler
// 牌号 select f
// 压机号 - 设备 s f
// 混料机号 - 设备 s f
// 隧道窑号 - 设备 s f
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
select: true,
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
label: "砖型",
prop: "shapeCode",
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
options: [],
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
fetchData: () => this.$http.get('/pms/shape/page', { params: { limit: 999, page: 1, key: '' } }),
// label: "单位",
// prop: "unitDictValue",
// options: dictList["unit"].map((u) => ({ label: u.dictLabel, value: u.dictValue })),
elparams: { placeholder: "请选择砖型", filterable: true },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
select: true,
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
label: "牌号",
prop: "brand",
options: [],
fetchData: () => this.$http.get('/pms/bom/page', { params: { limit: 999, page: 1, key: '' } }),
elparams: { placeholder: "请选择牌号", filterable: true },
// TODO: 选择后,需要带出一些数据
select: true,
label: "压机号",
prop: "pressCode",
options: [],
fetchData: () => this.$http.get('/pms/equipment/page', { params: { limit: 999, page: 1, name: '' } }),
elparams: { placeholder: "请选择压机号", filterable: true },
select: true,
label: "混料机号",
prop: "blenderCode",
options: [],
fetchData: () => this.$http.get('/pms/equipment/page', { params: { limit: 999, page: 1, name: '' } }),
elparams: { placeholder: "请选择混料机号", filterable: true },
select: true,
label: "隧道窑号",
prop: "kilnCode",
options: [],
fetchData: () => this.$http.get('/pms/equipment/page', { params: { limit: 999, page: 1, name: '' } }),
elparams: { placeholder: "请选择隧道窑号", filterable: true },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
// 烧成温度
// 烧成时间
// ai 随配方自动带出
// 配方号代码 随配方自动带出
// 物料号销售文本 随配方自动带出
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
input: true,
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
label: "烧成温度",
prop: "ktmp",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入烧成温度" },
input: true,
label: "烧成时间",
prop: "tt",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入烧成时间" },
input: true,
label: "版本号",
prop: "ai",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入版本号" },
input: true,
label: "配方号代码",
prop: "bomCode",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入配方号代码" },
input: true,
label: "物料号销售文本",
prop: "shortDesc",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入物料号销售文本" },
// 销售订单号
// 销售订单item号
// 销售订单砖数 int
// 销售时间
// 客户名
input: true,
label: "销售订单号",
prop: "saleNo",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入销售订单号" },
input: true,
label: "销售订单item号",
prop: "saleOrderItem",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入销售订单item号" },
input: true,
label: "销售订单砖数",
prop: "soqty",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入销售订单砖数" },
// time
input: true,
label: "销售时间",
prop: "deliveryTime",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入销售时间" },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
input: true,
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
label: "客户",
prop: "customerCode",
rules: { required: true, message: "必填项不能为空", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入客户" },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
2023-03-09 17:01:53 +08:00
// 备注
[{ input: true, label: "备注", prop: "remark", elparams: { placeholder: "备注" } }],
// {
// select: true,
// label: "原料类别",
// prop: "typeDictValue",
// options: dictList["material_category"].map((u) => ({ label: u.dictLabel, value: u.dictValue })),
// elparams: { placeholder: "原料类别" },
// // autoDisabled: true
// },
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
operations: [
{ name: "add", label: "保存", type: "primary", permission: "pms:material:save", showOnEdit: false },
{ name: "update", label: "更新", type: "primary", permission: "pms:material:save", showOnEdit: true },
{ name: "reset", label: "重置", type: "warning", showAlways: true },
return {
tableConfigs: {
ongoingTable: genTableProps('ongoing'),
pendingTable: genTableProps('pending'),
finishedTable: genTableProps('finished'),
headFormConfigs: {
2023-03-08 10:52:14 +08:00
ongoingTableSearch: genHeadFormFields('ongoing'),
pendingTableSearch: genHeadFormFields('pending'),
finishedTableSearch: genHeadFormFields('finished')
2023-03-07 15:29:08 +08:00
urls: {
confirmedOrder: '/pms/order/pageCom',
finishedOrder: '/pms/order/pageEnd',
unConfirmedOrder: '/pms/order/pageUnCom',
// base: "/pms/material",
// page: "/pms/material/page",
// tree: "/pms/material/tree",
// subase: "/pms/materialArrt",
// subpage: "/pms/materialArrt/page",
// more...
2023-03-08 11:17:52 +08:00
// const headFormFields = [
// {
// label: '订单号',
// prop: 'code',
// input: true,
// bind: { placeholder: '请输入订单号' }
// },
// // {
// // label: '子订单号',
// // prop: 'cate',
// // input: true,
// // bind: { placeholder: '请输入子订单号', rules: [{ type: 'number', message: '请输入整数', trigger: 'blur', transform: val => Number(val) }] }
// // },
// // {
// // label: "配方",
// // prop: "bomId",
// // select: [],
// // fn: () => this.$http.get('/pms/bom/page', { params: { key: '', limit: 999, page: 1 } }),
// // bind: { placeholder: "请选择配方" },
// // },
// // {
// // label: '砖型',
// // prop: 'shapeId',
// // select: [],
// // fn: () => this.$http.get('/pms/shape/page', { params: { key: '', limit: 999, page: 1 } }),
// // bind: { placeholder: "请选择砖型" },
// // },
// // {
// // label: '工艺',
// // prop: 'techId',
// // select: [],
// // fn: () => this.$'/pms/equipmentTech/pageView', { key: '', shape: '', wsId: 0, limit: 999, page: 1 }),
// // bind: { placeholder: "请选择砖型" },
// // },
// // {
// // label: '订单状态',
// // prop: 'types', // 0等待, 1确认, 2生产3暂停, 4结束, 5接受, 6拒绝
// // select: [
// // {label: '等待', value: 0},
// // {label: '确认', value: 1},
// // {label: '生产', value: 2},
// // {label: '暂停', value: 3},
// // {label: '结束', value: 4},
// // {label: '接受', value: 5},
// // {label: '拒绝', value: 6},
// // ],
// // // fn: () => this.$'/pms/equipmentTech/pageView', { key: '', shape: '', wsId: 0, limit: 999, page: 1 }),
// // bind: { placeholder: "请选择订单状态" },
// // },
// {
// button: {
// type: "primary",
// name: "查询",
// },
// },
// {
// button: {
// type: "primary",
// name: "新增",
// permission: "",
// },
// bind: {
// plain: true,
// },
// },
// ];