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add 砖型“

lb 1 year ago
2 changed files with 161 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +129
  2. +32

+ 129
- 0
src/views/modules/pms/shape/config.js View File

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
import TableOperaionComponent from "@/components/noTemplateComponents/operationComponent";
import switchBtn from "@/components/noTemplateComponents/switchBtn";
import request from "@/utils/request";
import { timeFilter } from '@/utils/filters'

export default function () {
const tableProps = [
{ prop: "createTime", label: "添加时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ prop: "name", label: "砖型名称" },
{ prop: "code", label: "砖型编码" },
// { prop: "factory", label: "所属工厂" },
// { prop: "status", label: "产线状态", subcomponent: switchBtn }, // subcomponent
// TODO: 2023.2.3 产线状态切换功能不生效
// { prop: "tvalue", label: "每小时下片数量" },
{ prop: "specifications", label: "规格" },
{ prop: "remark", label: "备注" },
prop: "operations",
name: "操作",
fixed: "right",
width: 120,
subcomponent: TableOperaionComponent,
options: ["edit", { name: "delete", permission: "pms:shape:delete" }],

const headFormFields = [
prop: 'key',
label: "砖型名称/编码",
input: true,
default: { value: "" },
bind: {
placeholder: '请输入砖型名称或编码'
button: {
type: "primary",
name: "查询",
button: {
type: "primary",
name: "新增",
permission: "pms:shape:save"
bind: {
plain: true,

* dialog config 有两个版本,一个适用于 DialogWithMenu 组件,另一个适用于 DialogJustForm 组件
* 适用于 DialogWithMenu 组件的配置示例详见 blenderStep/config.js
* 此为后者的配置:
const dialogJustFormConfigs = {
form: {
rows: [
input: true,
label: "砖型名称",
prop: "name",
rules: { required: true, message: "not empty", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入砖型名称" },
input: true,
label: "砖型编码",
prop: "code",
rules: { required: true, message: "not empty", trigger: "blur" },
elparams: { placeholder: "请输入砖型编码" },
// [
// {
// select: true,
// label: "所属工厂",
// prop: "factoryId",
// fetchData: () => this.$http.get("/pms/factory/page", { params: { limit: 999, page: 1 } }),
// option: [],
// rules: { required: true, message: "not empty", trigger: "change" },
// },
// {
// input: true,
// label: "产线TT值",
// prop: "tvalue",
// rules: [
// { required: true, message: "not empty", trigger: "blur" },
// { type: "number", message: "数字", trigger: "blur", transform: (val) => Number(val) },
// ],
// elparams: { placeholder: "设定TT值(每小时下片数量)" },
// },
// ],
[{ input: true, label: "规格", prop: "specifications", elparams: { placeholder: "规格" } }, { input: true, label: "备注", prop: "remark", elparams: { placeholder: "备注" } }],
operations: [
{ name: "add", label: "保存", type: "primary", permission: "pms:shape:save", showOnEdit: false },
{ name: "update", label: "更新", type: "primary", permission: "pms:shape:update", showOnEdit: true },
{ name: "reset", label: "重置", type: "warning", showAlways: true },
// { name: 'cancel', label: '取消', showAlways: true },
// 备注:弹窗弹出的时间和网速有关......

return {
dialogConfigs: dialogJustFormConfigs,
tableConfig: {
table: null, // 此处可省略,el-table 上的配置项
column: tableProps, // el-column-item 上的配置项
headFormConfigs: {
rules: null, // 名称是由 BaseSearchForm.vue 组件固定的
fields: headFormFields, // 名称是由 BaseSearchForm.vue 组件固定的
urls: {
base: "/pms/shape",
page: "/pms/shape/page",
// subase: '/pms/blenderStepParam',
// subpage: '/pms/blenderStepParam/page',
// more...

+ 32
- 0
src/views/modules/pms/shape/index.vue View File

@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<ListViewWithHead :table-config="tableConfig" :head-config="headFormConfigs" :dialog-configs="dialogConfigs" />

import initConfig from './config';
import ListViewWithHead from '@/views/atomViews/ListViewWithHead.vue';

export default {
name: 'ProductionLineView',
components: { ListViewWithHead },
provide() {
return {
urls: this.allUrls
data() {
const { tableConfig, headFormConfigs, urls, dialogConfigs } =;
return {
allUrls: urls,
created() {},
mounted() {},
methods: {},

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