update 0803_docs

Este cometimento está contido em:
lb 2023-08-03 16:54:24 +08:00
ascendente ff46d76396
cometimento 92a9aa2f62
5 ficheiros modificados com 80 adições e 40 eliminações

Ficheiro binário não mostrado.

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@ -11,33 +11,33 @@ export default function () {
{ width: 60, type: "index", label: "序号", fixed: true },
{ width: 120, prop: "code", label: "订单号", fixed: "left" },
{ width: 60, prop: "cate", label: "子号" },
{ width: 60, prop: "statusDictValue", label: "状态", filter: dictFilter("order_status") },
{ width: 120, prop: "planStartTime", label: "计划开始时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ width: 120, prop: "startTime", label: "开始时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ width: 60, prop: "prodqty", label: "数量" },
{ width: 100, prop: "productCode", label: "物料" },
{ width: 100, prop: "shapeCode", label: "砖型" },
{ width: 120, prop: "brand", label: "牌号" },
{ width: 60, prop: "ai", label: "版本" },
{ width: 65, prop: "sapParam1", label: "addon" },
{ width: 200, prop: "shortDesc", label: "物料号销售文本" },
{ width: 100, prop: "bomCode", label: "配方编码" },
{ width: 80, prop: "pressCode", label: "压机号" },
{ width: 60, prop: "ai", label: "版本" },
{ width: 60, prop: "prodqty", label: "数量" },
{ width: 80, prop: "blenderCode", label: "混料机号" },
{ width: 80, prop: "pressCode", label: "压机号" },
{ width: 80, prop: "kilnCode", label: "隧道窑号" },
{ width: 120, prop: "planStartTime", label: "计划开始时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ width: 120, prop: "startTime", label: "开始时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ width: 120, prop: "sapParam6", label: "烧成温度" },
{ width: 120, prop: "sapParam7", label: "烧成时间(h)" },
{ width: 120, prop: "yieldqty", label: "已生产数量" },
{ width: 120, prop: "soqty", label: "销售订单数" },
{ width: 200, prop: "packTechCode", label: "包装工艺代码" },
{ width: 120, prop: "pcsKilnCar", label: "托盘码放砖数" },
{ width: 120, prop: "customerCode", label: "客户" },
{ width: 120, prop: "specifications", label: "生产订单类型" },
{ width: 60, prop: "statusDictValue", label: "状态", filter: dictFilter("order_status") },
{ width: 200, prop: "saleNo", label: "销售订单号" },
{ width: 200, prop: "saleOrderItem", label: "销售订单item号" },
{ width: 200, prop: "packTechCode", label: "包装工艺代码" },
{ width: 120, prop: "specifications", label: "生产订单类型" },
{ width: 120, prop: "soqty", label: "销售订单数" },
{ width: 120, prop: "deliveryTime", label: "销售时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ width: 120, prop: "customerCode", label: "客户" },
{ width: 120, prop: "pcsKilnCar", label: "托盘码放砖数" },
{ width: 65, prop: "sapParam1", label: "addon" },
{ width: 200, prop: "shortDesc", label: "物料号销售文本" },
{ width: 120, prop: "yieldqty", label: "已生产数量" },
{ width: 120, prop: "remark", label: "备注" },
{ width: 120, prop: "createTime", label: "添加时间", filter: timeFilter },
// { width: 120, prop: "createTime", label: "添加时间", filter: timeFilter },
prop: "operations",
name: "操作",

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
import BaseListTable from "./BaseListTable.vue";
import BaseSearchForm from "./BaseSearchForm.vue";
import DialogJustForm from "./DialogJustForm.vue";
// import DialogJustForm from "./DialogJustForm.vue";
import DialogUpload from "@/components/DialogUpload.vue";
import moment from "moment";
import Overlay from "@/components/Overlay.vue";
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ import DialogWithMenu from "./DialogWithMenu.vue";
// const dictList = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("dictList"));
export default {
name: "ListSectionWithHead",
components: { OrderEditDialog, BaseSearchForm, DialogWithMenu, BaseListTable, DialogJustForm, DialogUpload, Overlay },
components: { OrderEditDialog, BaseSearchForm, DialogWithMenu, BaseListTable, DialogUpload, Overlay },
props: {
headConfig: {
type: Object,

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@ -472,8 +472,32 @@
<span style="display: block; margin-top: 32px">{{ dataForm.shortDesc }}</span>
<el-col :span="6"></el-col>
<el-col :span="6"></el-col>
<el-col :span="6">
<el-form-item label="托盘类型" prop="palletType">
v-bind="{ placeholder: '选择托盘类型' }">
<el-option label="非熏蒸" value="0"></el-option>
<el-option label="熏蒸" value="1"></el-option>
<el-col :span="6">
<el-form-item label="贴纸板" prop="paperboard">
v-bind="{ placeholder: '选择贴纸板' }">
<el-option label="不要" value="0"></el-option>
<el-option label="要" value="1"></el-option>
<el-row :gutter="20">

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@ -64,31 +64,31 @@ export default function () {
{ width: 60, type: "index", label: "序号", fixed: true },
{ width: 120, prop: "code", label: "订单号", fixed: "left" },
{ width: 60, prop: "cate", label: "子号" },
{ width: 60, prop: "statusDictValue", label: "状态", filter: dictFilter("order_status") }, // 不可编辑
{ width: 120, prop: "planStartTime", label: "计划开始时间", filter: timeFilter }, // "订单砖数" },
{ width: 60, prop: "prodqty", label: "数量" }, // "订单砖数" },
{ width: 100, prop: "productCode", label: "物料" }, // "物料编号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 100, prop: "shapeCode", label: "砖型" }, // "砖型编号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 120, prop: "brand", label: "牌号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 60, prop: "ai", label: "版本" }, // "版本号" }, // auto display according to the 配方
{ width: 65, prop: "sapParam1", label: "addon" },
{ width: 200, prop: "shortDesc", label: "物料号销售文本" },
{ width: 100, prop: "bomCode", label: "配方编码" },
{ width: 80, prop: "pressCode", label: "压机号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 60, prop: "ai", label: "版本" }, // "版本号" }, // auto display according to the 配方
{ width: 60, prop: "prodqty", label: "数量" }, // "订单砖数" },
{ width: 80, prop: "blenderCode", label: "混料机号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 80, prop: "pressCode", label: "压机号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 80, prop: "kilnCode", label: "隧道窑号" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 120, prop: "planStartTime", label: "计划开始时间", filter: timeFilter }, // "订单砖数" },
{ width: 120, prop: "sapParam6", label: "烧成温度" },
{ width: 120, prop: "sapParam7", label: "烧成时间(h)" },
{ width: 120, prop: "yieldqty", label: "已生产数量" }, // uneditable
{ width: 120, prop: "soqty", label: "销售订单数" },
{ width: 200, prop: "packTechCode", label: "包装工艺代码" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 120, prop: "pcsKilnCar", label: "托盘码放砖数" },
{ width: 120, prop: "customerCode", label: "客户" },
{ width: 120, prop: "specifications", label: "生产订单类型" },
{ width: 60, prop: "statusDictValue", label: "状态", filter: dictFilter("order_status") }, // 不可编辑
{ width: 200, prop: "saleNo", label: "销售订单号" },
{ width: 200, prop: "saleOrderItem", label: "销售订单item号" },
{ width: 200, prop: "packTechCode", label: "包装工艺代码" }, // select, filterable
{ width: 120, prop: "specifications", label: "生产订单类型" },
{ width: 120, prop: "soqty", label: "销售订单数" },
{ width: 120, prop: "deliveryTime", label: "销售时间", filter: timeFilter },
{ width: 120, prop: "customerCode", label: "客户" },
{ width: 120, prop: "pcsKilnCar", label: "托盘码放砖数" },
{ width: 65, prop: "sapParam1", label: "addon" },
{ width: 200, prop: "shortDesc", label: "物料号销售文本" },
{ width: 120, prop: "yieldqty", label: "已生产数量" }, // uneditable
// { prop: "description", label: "详情", subcomponent: TableTextComponent },
{ width: 120, prop: "remark", label: "备注" },
{ width: 120, prop: "createTime", label: "添加时间", filter: timeFilter },
@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ export default function () {
datetime: true,
label: "计划开始时间",
prop: "planStartTime",
rules: {
required: true,
message: "必填项不能为空",
trigger: "blur",
// rules: {
// required: true,
// message: "必填项不能为空",
// trigger: "blur",
// },
elparams: {
placeholder: "选择计划开始时间",
type: "datetime",
@ -552,8 +552,24 @@ export default function () {
useBuiltin: false,
label: '托板类型',
prop: 'palletType',
select: true,
options: [
{ label: '非熏蒸', value: '0' },
{ label: '熏蒸', value: '1' },
label: '贴纸板',
prop: 'paperboard',
select: true,
options: [
{ label: '不要', value: '0' },
{ label: '要', value: '1' },
{ input: true, label: "备注", prop: "remark", elparams: { placeholder: "备注" } },