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2024-01-18 14:10:49 +08:00

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* @Author: zwq
* @Date: 2021-07-19 15:18:30
* @LastEditors: zhp
* @LastEditTime: 2024-01-18 14:01:09
* @Description:
<div id="container" ref="container" class="visual-container" :style="styles">
<el-row class="container-title" :style="{
height: 88 + 'px',
lineHeight: 88 + 'px',
fontSize: 31 + 'px'
<img src="../../assets/img/logo.png" style="width:1.1em;position:relative;top:.4em" alt="">
<h3 class="unit">单位河南汇融科技服务有限公司</h3>
<h3 class="time">{{ times }}</h3>
<!-- <el-button
:style="{ right: 33 + 'px', top: 37 + 'px' }"
<svg-icon v-if="isFullScreen" icon-class="unFullScreenView" />
<svg-icon v-else icon-class="fullScreenView" />
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<el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="8">
<base-container :title="'切割数据'" :size="'small'" :title-icon="'eqAlarm'">
<!-- <base-table1 :page="1" :limit="999" :show-index="false" :table-config="cutProps"
:table-data="cutTableDataList" /> -->
<dv-scroll-board :config="cutConfig" style="width:100%;height:350px" ref='cutScrollBoard' />
<el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="8">
<base-container :no-content-padding="true" :title="'产量及良率统计'" :size="'small'"
<!-- <div style="width: 45%;position: absolute; top: 3em; right: 3em;">
<top-radio-group />
</div> -->
<!-- 像下面这样表格里的limit值也许可以用js动态计算出来 -->
<double-y-chart ref="productChart" :id="'doubleYChart'" :name-list="cxNameList" :data-list="cxDataList"
:height="359" :show-legend="true" />
<el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="8">
<base-container :title="'ISRA 缺陷数据'" :size="'small'" :title-icon="'scrap'">
<!-- <base-table1 :page="1" :limit="999" :show-index="false" :table-config="ISRATableProps"
:table-data="ISRAList" /> -->
<dv-scroll-board :config="ISRAConfig" style="width:100%;height:350px" ref='ISRAScrollBoard' />
<el-row :style="{ padding: '0 ' + 9 + 'px' }" :gutter="10" type="flex" class="flex-1">
<el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="12">
<base-container :no-content-padding="true" :height="256" :title="'废片 缺陷数据'" :size="'middle'"
<!-- <div style="width: 45%;position: absolute; top: 3em; right: 3em;">
<top-radio-group />
</div> -->
<!-- <el-row :gutter="9"> -->
<!-- <el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="24"> -->
<pile-bar-chart ref="pileChart" :name-list="EnergyMonitoringNameList" :data-list="EnergyMonitoringList"
:height="359" />
<!-- </el-col> -->
<!-- <el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="12">
</el-col> -->
<!-- </el-row> -->
<el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="14">
<base-container :no-content-padding="true" :no-padding="true" :height="318 + 338 + 16" :size="'eqStatus'"
:title="'设备状态监控'" :title-icon="'eqMonitoring'">
<!-- <div style="width: 45%;position: absolute; top: 3em; right: 3em;">
<top-radio-group />
</div> -->
<!-- 像下面这样表格里的limit值也许可以用js动态计算出来 -->
<el-col :span="6" style="">
<div style="font-size:20px;margin: 5px 0 10px 0">融化风机</div>
<!-- <base-table1 :page="1" :limit="999" :show-index="false" :table-config="EqMonitoringPropsFun"
:table-data="funList" /> -->
<dv-scroll-board :config="funConfig" style="width:100%;height:350px" ref='funScrollBoard' />
<el-col :span="6">
<div style="font-size:20px;margin: 5px 0 10px 0;">退火风机</div>
<!-- <base-table1 :page="1" :limit="999" :show-index="false" :table-config="EqMonitoringPropsFun"
:table-data="annealFunList" /> -->
<dv-scroll-board :config="annealFunConfig" style="width:100%;height:350px" ref='annealFunScrollBoard' />
<el-col :span="12" style="float: right;">
<div style="font-size:20px;margin: 5px 0 10px 0;">产线设备</div>
<!-- <base-table1 :page="1" :limit="999" :show-index="false" :table-config="EqMonitoringProps"
:table-data="realEqList" /> -->
<dv-scroll-board :config="realEqConfig" style="width:100%;height:350px" ref='realEqScrollBoard' />
<!-- <double-y-chart :id="'doubleYChart'" :name-list="cxNameList" :data-list="cxDataList" :height="359"
:show-legend="true" /> -->
<!-- end -->
<!-- <el-col :span="16">
<el-col :style="{ margin: 8 + 'px' + ' 0' }" :span="24">
<base-container :height="672">
<base-video :video-height="624" />
import baseContainer from './components/baseContainer'
import baseTable1 from './components/baseTable'
// import baseTable2 from './components/baseTable'
// import baseTable3 from './components/baseTable'
import TopRadioGroup from './components/topRadioGroup'
// import pieChart1 from './components/PieChart'
// import pieChart2 from './components/PieChart'
// import pieChart3 from './components/PieChart'
// import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import screenfull from 'screenfull'
// import BaseVideo from './components/baseVideo.vue'
import alarmLevel from './components/alarmLevel'
import pileBarChart from './components/pileBarChart'
import colorDiv from './components/colorDiv'
// import axios from '@/utils/request'
import doubleYChart from './components/coldDoubleYChart'
// import elementResizeDetectorMaker from 'element-resize-detector';
// var erd = elementResizeDetectorMaker(); //创建实例
// let resizeFun = null
import { parseTime } from '../core/mixins/code-filter';
import { formatDate } from '@/utils'
import LinearBarChart from './components/linearBarChart'
const qualityYearTableProps= []
const EqMonitoringPropsFun = [
{ prop: 'equipmentName', label: '设备名称' },
{ prop: 'status', label: '运行状态', width: 80}
const EqMonitoringProps = [
{ prop: 'line', label: '产线' },
{ prop: 'name', label: '设备名称' },
{ prop: 'code', label: '设备编码' },
prop: 'run',
label: '运行状态',
prop: 'error',
label: '故障状态',
const cutProps = [
{ prop: 'lineName', label: '产线', width: 50 },
prop: 'time', label: '时间',
filter: parseTime
{ prop: 'size', label: '规格' },
{ prop: 'productArea', label: '良品面积', width: 80 },
{ prop: 'wasteArea', label: '废片面积', width: 80 },
prop: 'product', label: '良品率', width: 80,
subcomponent: colorDiv,
const cxNameList = ['周一', '周二', '周三', '周四', '周五']
const cxDataList = [
topColor: '#9DD5FF',
bottomColor: '#1295FF',
name: '电耗能',
data: [100, 150, 121, 97, 140]
topColor: '#FF8BC3',
bottomColor: '#EB46A1',
name: '水耗能',
data: [110, 110, 151, 77, 110]
topColor: '#85F6E9',
bottomColor: '#2EC6B4',
name: '天然气',
data: [110, 120, 171, 287, 40]
topColor: '#9496FF',
bottomColor: '#6567FF',
name: '焦炉煤气',
data: [140, 157, 122, 27, 240]
topColor: '#F68E8A',
bottomColor: '#E95552',
name: '余热发电',
data: [170, 180, 127, 17, 340]
topColor: '#FFE873',
bottomColor: '#E7AE2A',
name: '二氧化硫',
data: [140, 160, 121, 57, 170]
const ISRATableProps = [
prop: 'linename',
prop: 'time',
label: '时间'
prop: 'type',
prop: 'num',
label: '缺陷数量'
prop: 'percent',
label: '占比'
export default {
name: 'ProductionMonitoringCockpit',
components: {
// pieChart1,
// pieChart2
// pieChart3
// BaseVideo
data() {
return {
beilv2: 1,
beilv: 1,
value: 100,
orderList: [],
times: '',
cutConfig: {
header: ['序号', '产线', '时间', '规格', '良品面积', '废品面积', '良品率'],
headerBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
oddRowBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
evenRowBGC: 'rgba(14, 32, 62, 0.8)',
columnWidth: [70,70, 130, 150, 110,110,90],
align: ['center'],
data: [],
// index:true,
rowNum: 10
funConfig: {
header: ['序号', '设备名称', '运行状态'],
headerBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
oddRowBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
evenRowBGC: 'rgba(14, 32, 62, 0.8)',
columnWidth: [60, 90, 90],
align: ['center'],
data: [],
// index:true,
rowNum: 10
realEqConfig: {
header: ['序号', '产线', '设备名称', '设备编码', '运行状态','故障状态'],
headerBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
oddRowBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
evenRowBGC: 'rgba(14, 32, 62, 0.8)',
columnWidth: [60, 80, 90,90,90,90],
align: ['center'],
data: [],
// index:true,
rowNum: 10
annealFunConfig: {
header: ['序号', '设备名称', '运行状态'],
headerBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
oddRowBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
evenRowBGC: 'rgba(14, 32, 62, 0.8)',
columnWidth: [60, 90, 90],
align: ['center'],
data: [],
// index:true,
rowNum: 10
ISRAConfig: {
header: ['序号', '产线', '时间', '缺陷类型', '缺陷数量', '占比'],
headerBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
oddRowBGC: 'rgba(32, 55, 96, 0.8)',
evenRowBGC: 'rgba(14, 32, 62, 0.8)',
columnWidth: [70, 70, 130, 150, 110, 110,],
align: ['center'],
data: [],
// index:true,
rowNum: 10
EnergyMonitoringNameList: [],
equipmentList: [],
EnergyMonitoringList: [],
// offsetWidth: null,
clientWidth: 0,
containerWidth: 111111,
isFullScreen: false,
cutWsData: {},
funWsData: {},
SJGWsData: {},
// orderProcessList: [],
dateType: '0',
annealFunList: [],
queryParams: {
pageNo: 1,
pageSize: 10,
equipmentId: null,
productionLineId: null,
computed: {
// ...mapGetters(['sidebar']),
styles() {
const v = Math.floor(this.value * this.beilv2 * 100) / 10000
return {
transform: `scale(${v})`,
transformOrigin: 'top left'
watch: {
clientWidth(val) {
if (!this.timer) {
this.clientWidth = val
this.beilv2 = this.clientWidth / 1920
this.timer = true
let _this = this
setTimeout(function () {
_this.timer = false
}, 500)
// 这里可以添加修改时的方法
created() {
// this.fetchList('exception-alarm')
// this.fetchList('inAndOutOfEachLine')
// this.fetchList('order-process')
// this.fetchList('line-chart-data')
mounted() {
// this.getList()
const _this = this;
_this.beilv2 = document.documentElement.clientWidth / 1920
window.onresize = () => {
return (() => {
_this.clientWidth = `${document.documentElement.clientWidth}`
this.beilv2 = _this.clientWidth / 1920
// this.getList()
// const _this = this;
// window.onresize = () => {
// return (() => {
// _this.clientWidth = `${document.documentElement.clientWidth}`
// this.beilv2 = _this.clientWidth / 1920
// })()
// }
// this.beilv2 = window.innerWidth / 1920
// addEventListener('resize', resizeFun = () => {
// this.beilv2 = window.innerWidth / 1920
// })
// erd.listenTo(document, (element) => {
// this.beilv2 = element.offsetWidth / 1920
// // var width = element.offsetWidth;
// // var height = element.offsetHeight;
// });
// beforeDestroy() {
// //离开页面删除检测器和所有侦听器
// // erd.uninstall(document); //这里用ref是因为vue离开页面后获取不到dom
// removeEventListener('resize', resizeFun)
// },
methods: {
// getList() {
// // this.loading = true;
// // 执行查询
// // let data = '{ "data": { "FanFrequencyInfo": { "1#10处拐角冷却风机": "0", "1#L型吊墙冷却风机": "0", "1#助燃风机": "44.8", "1#澄清带池壁风机": "40", "1#融化带池壁风机": "43", "1#钢碹碴小炉垛风机": "48", "2#10处拐角冷却风机": "50", "2#L型吊墙冷却风机": "49.7", "2#助燃风机": "0", "2#澄清带池壁风机": "0", "2#融化带池壁风机": "0", "2#钢碹碴小炉垛风机": "48", "3#澄清带池壁风机": "0", "3#融化带池壁风机": "0", "4#澄清带池壁风机": "40", "4#融化带池壁风机": "43" } }, "type": "FanFrequencyInfo" }'
// // let obj = JSON.parse(data)
// // // for()
// // let arr = []
// // for (let i in obj.data.FanFrequencyInfo) {
// // arr.push({
// // equipmentName: i,
// // status: obj.data.FanFrequencyInfo[i]
// // })
// // }
// // this.funList = arr``
// this.$axios.get(
// '/monitoring/equipment-monitor/realtime-page',
// 'get',
// this.queryParams
// ).then((res) => {
// this.realEqList = res.data.list;
// // this.total = response.data.total;
// // this.loading = false;
// });
// },
getTimes() {
setInterval(this.getTimesInterval, 1000);
getTimesInterval: function () {
let _this = this;
let year = new Date().getFullYear(); //获取当前时间的年份
let month = new Date().getMonth() + 1; //获取当前时间的月份
let day = new Date().getDate(); //获取当前时间的天数
let hours = new Date().getHours(); //获取当前时间的小时
let minutes = new Date().getMinutes(); //获取当前时间的分数
let seconds = new Date().getSeconds(); //获取当前时间的秒数
//当小于 10 的是时候,在前面加 0
if (hours < 10) {
hours = "0" + hours;
if (minutes < 10) {
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if (seconds < 10) {
seconds = "0" + seconds;
this.times = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
SJGInitWebSocket() {
if (typeof (WebSocket) === 'undefined') {
} else {
// const wsUrl = 'ws://'
// const wsUrl = 'ws://'
let date = new Date().valueOf()
const SJGWsUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_Socket_API + `/websocket/message?userId=COLD${date}`
this.SJGWebsocket = new WebSocket(SJGWsUrl)
// 监听 WebSocket 连接
this.SJGWebsocket.onopen = this.SJGWebsocketOnOpen
// 监听 WebSocket 错误信息
this.SJGWebsocket.onerror = this.SJGWebsocketOnError
// 监听 WebSocket 消息
this.SJGWebsocket.onmessage = this.SJGWebsocketOnMessage
// 监听 webSocket 断开信息
this.SJGWebsocket.onclose = this.SJGWebsocketClose
CutInitWebSocket() {
if (typeof (WebSocket) === 'undefined') {
} else {
// const wsUrl = 'ws://'
// const wsUrl = 'ws://'
let date = new Date().valueOf()
const cutWsUrl = process.env.VUE_APP_Socket_API + `/websocket/message?userId=CUTTING${date}`
this.cutWebsocket = new WebSocket(cutWsUrl)
// 监听 WebSocket 连接
this.cutWebsocket.onopen = this.cutWebsocketOnOpen
// 监听 WebSocket 错误信息
this.cutWebsocket.onerror = this.cutWebsocketOnError
// 监听 WebSocket 消息
this.cutWebsocket.onmessage = this.cutWebsocketOnMessage
// 监听 webSocket 断开信息
this.cutWebsocket.onclose = this.cutWebsocketClose
funInitWebSocket() {
if (typeof (WebSocket) === 'undefined') {
} else {
// const wsUrl = 'ws://'
// const wsUrl = 'ws://'
let date = new Date().valueOf()
const funWsUrl = `ws://${date}`
this.funWebsocket = new WebSocket(funWsUrl)
// 监听 WebSocket 连接
this.funWebsocket.onopen = this.funWebsocketOnOpen
// 监听 WebSocket 错误信息
this.funWebsocket.onerror = this.funWebsocketOnError
// 监听 WebSocket 消息
this.funWebsocket.onmessage = this.funWebsocketOnMessage
// 监听 webSocket 断开信息
this.funWebsocket.onclose = this.funWebsocketClose
funWebsocketOnOpen() {
// 连接建立失败重连
funWebsocketOnError(e) {
// 数据接收
funWebsocketOnMessage(e) {
this.funWsData = e?.data ? JSON.parse(e?.data) : {}
// FanInfo
if (this.funWsData.type === 'AnnealFanInfo') {
let arr = []
for (let i in this.funWsData.data.annealFanInfo) {
// arr.push({
// equipmentName: i,
// status: this.funWsData.data.annealFanInfo[i]
// })
// console.log(item)
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${index + 1 || ''}
// formatDate(item.planStartTime) || '',
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${i || ''}
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${this.funWsData.data.annealFanInfo[i] || ''}</span>`,
this.annealFanConfig.data = arr
if (this.funWsData.type === 'FanInfo') {
let arr = []
for (let i in this.funWsData.data.fanInfo) {
// arr.push({
// equipmentName: i,
// status: this.funWsData.data.fanInfo[i]
// })
// console.log(item)
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${index + 1 || ''}
// formatDate(item.planStartTime) || '',
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${i || ''}
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${this.funWsData.data.fanInfo[i] || ''}</span>`,
this.funConfig.data = arr
// this.funList = arr
cutWebsocketOnOpen() {
// 连接建立失败重连
cutWebsocketOnError(e) {
getSize(str) {
// console.log(str.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g))
let size = str.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g).map(ele => {
return parseFloat(ele)
// console.log(size[0] + '*' + size[1] + '*' + size[2]);
return size[0] + '*' + size[1] + '*' + size[2]
// 数据接收
cutWebsocketOnMessage(e) {
this.cutWsData = e?.data ? JSON.parse(e?.data) : {}
if (this.cutWsData.type === 'cutting' && this.cutWsData.name === 'table') {
// this.cutTableDataList = this.cutWsData.productHourData.map((ele, index) => {
// // if (ele.progressRate != 1) {
// return {
// id: ele.id,
// lineName: ele.lineName,
// time: ele.time,
// size: this.getSize(ele.size),
// productArea: ele.productArea + '㎡',
// wasteArea: ele.wasteArea + '㎡',
// product: (ele.product * 100).toFixed(2)
// }
// // }
// });
let cutArr = this.cutWsData.productHourData.map((item, index) => [
// console.log(item)
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${index + 1 || ''}
// formatDate(item.planStartTime) || '',
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${item.lineName || ''}
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${formatDate(item.time) || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${this.getSize(item.size) || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.productArea + '㎡' || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.wasteArea + '㎡' || ''}</span>`,
`<div style = "${(item.product * 100).toFixed(2) > 91 ? 'display:block;color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)' : 'display:none;'}">${(item.product * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' || ''}</div>
<div style = "${(item.product * 100).toFixed(2) < 91 ? 'display:block; color:rgba(255, 209, 96, 1)' : 'display:none;'}">${(item.product * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' || ''}</div>`
this.cutConfig.data = cutArr
} else if (this.cutWsData.type === 'cutting' && this.cutWsData.name === 'chart' && this.cutWsData.dateType === 'day') {
let nameList = []
let nameWasteList = []
let topNameList = []
let productList = []
let wasteList = []
let sumAreaList = []
let yieldList = []
// this.cutTableDataList =
this.cutWsData.coldDetData.forEach((ele, index) => {
topNameList.push('产线: ' + ele.lineName + ' ' + '总面积:' + ele.sumArea)
nameWasteList.push('缺陷面积:' + ele.wastArea)
yieldList.push((ele.yield *100).toFixed(3))
this.$refs.pileChart.initChart(nameList, topNameList, nameWasteList, productList, wasteList)
this.$refs.productChart.initChart(nameList, yieldList, sumAreaList)
SJGWebsocketOnOpen() {
// 连接建立失败重连
SJGWebsocketOnError(e) {
// 数据接收
SJGWebsocketOnMessage(e) {
// let data = { "data": { "FanFrequencyInfo": { "1#10处拐角冷却风机": "0", "1#L型吊墙冷却风机": "0", "1#助燃风机": "44.8", "1#澄清带池壁风机": "40", "1#融化带池壁风机": "43", "1#钢碹碴小炉垛风机": "48", "2#10处拐角冷却风机": "50", "2#L型吊墙冷却风机": "49.7", "2#助燃风机": "0", "2#澄清带池壁风机": "0", "2#融化带池壁风机": "0", "2#钢碹碴小炉垛风机": "48", "3#澄清带池壁风机": "0", "3#融化带池壁风机": "0", "4#澄清带池壁风机": "40", "4#融化带池壁风机": "43" } }, "type": "FanFrequencyInfo" }
// let obj = JSON.parse(data.data)
this.SJGWsData = e?.data ? JSON.parse(e?.data) : {}
if (this.SJGWsData.type === 'isra') {
// this.ISRAList = this.SJGWsData.detData.map((ele, index) => {
// // if (ele.progressRate != 1) {
// return {
// id: ele.id,
// linename: ele.linename,
// type: ele.type,
// num: ele.num,
// time:ele.time,
// percent: ele.percent
// }
// // }
// });
let ISRAArr = this.SJGWsData.detData.map((item, index) => [
// console.log(item)
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${index + 1 || ''}
// formatDate(item.planStartTime) || '',
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${item.linename || ''}
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.time || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.type || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.num || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${(item.percent * 100).toFixed(2) || ''}</span>`,
this.ISRAConfig.data = ISRAArr
} else if (this.SJGWsData.type === 'equipment') {
this.realEqList = this.SJGWsData.detData.map((ele, index) =>[
// console.log(item)
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${index + 1 || ''}
// formatDate(item.planStartTime) || '',
<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" >${item.line || ''}
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.name || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.code || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.run || ''}</span>`,
`<span style="color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5)">${item.error || ''}</span>`,
this.realEqConfig.data = this.realEqList
windowWidth(value) {
this.clientWidth = value
this.beilv2 = this.clientWidth / 1920
// fetchList(type) {
// switch (type) {
// case 'order-process':
// return axios({
// url: '/analysis/factory-monitor/order',
// method: 'post'
// }).then(res => {
// if (res.data) {
// this.orderProcessList = res.data
// // this.orderProcessList = [
// // { id: 1, name: '订单1', outRate: 0.5 },
// // { id: 2, name: '订单2', outRate: 0.54 },
// // { id: 3, name: '订单3', outRate: 0.45 },
// // { id: 4, name: '订单4', outRate: 0.65 },
// // { id: 5, name: '订单5', outRate: 0.35 },
// // { id: 6, name: '订单6', outRate: 0.15 },
// // { id: 7, name: '订单7', outRate: 0.5 },
// // { id: 8, name: '订单8', outRate: 0.5 }
// // ]
// } else {
// this.orderProcessList.splice(0)
// }
// })
// }
// },
change() {
this.isFullScreen = screenfull.isFullscreen
init() {
if (screenfull.enabled) {
screenfull.on('change', this.change)
destroy() {
if (screenfull.enabled) {
screenfull.off('change', this.change)
changeFullScreen() {
this.containerWidth = 223223223
if (!screenfull.enabled) {
message: 'you browser can not work',
type: 'warning'
return false
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