‘937886381’ 46ce982cfc 新增报表
2024-04-19 16:59:47 +08:00

436 lines
12 KiB
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* @Author: zhp
* @Date: 2024-04-18 14:08:46
* @LastEditTime: 2024-04-19 15:48:59
* @LastEditors: zhp
* @Description:
<div class="app-container">
<search-bar :formConfigs="formConfig" ref="searchBarForm" @headBtnClick="buttonClick" />
<!-- <el-table show-summary :header-cell-style="{
background: '#F2F4F9',
color: '#606266'
}" class="baseTable" :max-height="tableH" id="exportTable" :data="tableData" style="width: 100%"
<el-table-column v-for="item in tableProps" :prop="item.prop" :label="item.label" align="center">
</el-table> -->
<!-- <el-table border style="margin-top: 50px;" :data="transData">
<el-table-column v-for="(item, index) in transTitle" :label="item" :key="index" align="center">
<template slot-scope="scope">
</el-table> -->
<el-table class="baseTable" :span-method="objectSpanMethod" :data="tableData" style="width: 100%">
<el-table-column label="原料样式" align="right" width="150">
<el-table-column prop="className" label="时间" width="120">
<el-table-column prop="putType" label="" width="180">
<!-- <el-table-column prop label="参考标准及评价方法">
<el-table-column prop="activityName"></el-table-column>
<el-table-column prop="message"></el-table-column>
</el-table-column> -->
<el-table-column v-for="(item, index) in codeList " :prop="item" :label="item">
<!-- <pagination :limit.sync="listQuery.pageSize" :page.sync="listQuery.pageNo" :total="listQuery.total"
@pagination="getDataList" /> -->
<!-- <base-dialog
width="30%"> -->
<!-- <add-or-update v-if="addOrUpdateVisible" ref="addOrUpdate" @refreshDataList="getDataList" /> -->
<!-- </base-dialog> -->
// import AddOrUpdate from './add-or-updata';
// import basicPage from '../../../core/mixins/basic-page';
// import { parseTime } from '../../../core/mixins/code-filter';
import {
} from '@/api/report/qcReport';
import tableHeightMixin from '@/mixins/lb/tableHeightMixin';
import FileSaver from 'file-saver'
// import { getList, } from "@/api/base/qualityScrapType";
const headers = [
// {
// prop: 'createTime',
// label: '添加时间',
// filter: parseTime
// },
prop: 'classType',
label: '时间'
prop: 'equipmentName',
label: ''
prop: 'num',
label: '片数'
prop: 'area',
label: '面积'
prop: 'countNum',
label: '托数',
// filter: (val) => val == false ? '不合格' : '合格',
prop: 'size',
label: '规格',
// filter: (val) => val == 1 ? 'A' : val == 2 ? 'B' : 'C',
// {
// prop: 'checkerName',
// label: '检测人员'
// },
// {
// prop: 'checkTime',
// label: '检测时间',
// filter: parseTime
// },
export default {
mixins: [tableHeightMixin],
data() {
return {
urlOptions: {
getDataListURL: getQualityRecordReport,
// deleteURL: deleteQualityHotMaterial,
// exportURL: exportFactoryExcel,
codeList: ['sj1', 'sj2', 'sj3', 'sj4', 'sj5', 'sj7', 'sj8', 'sj10', 'sj11', 'sj12', 'sj13', 'sj14'],
tableData: [],
listQuery: {
"productionLineId": 1696716506443354114, "startTime": "2024-01-19 07:00:00"
formConfig: [
type: 'datePicker',
label: '时间段',
dateType: 'daterange',
format: 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
valueFormat: "timestamp",
rangeSeparator: '-',
startPlaceholder: '开始时间',
endPlaceholder: '结束时间',
param: 'checkTime',
defaultSelect: [Date.now() - 24 * 60 * 60 - 1000, Date.now()],
width: 250
type: 'button',
btnName: '查询',
name: 'search',
color: 'primary',
type: 'button',
btnName: '导出',
name: 'export',
color: 'success',
plain: true
components: {
// AddOrUpdate,
created() {
mounted() {
// this.formConfig[1].defaultSelect[]
this.listQuery.startTime = this.formConfig[0].defaultSelect[0]
this.listQuery.endTime = this.formConfig[0].defaultSelect[1]
// this.formConfig[0].defaultSelect[0] = Date.now()-24*60*60-1000
// this.getSpanArr(this.tableData)
// this.getDict();
methods: {
objectSpanMethod({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }) {
let spanOneArr = [], concatOne = 0;
this.tableData.map((item, index) => {
if (index === 0) {
} else {
if (item.className === this.tableData[index - 1].className) {
spanOneArr[concatOne] += 1;
} else {
concatOne = index;
if (columnIndex === 0) {
const _row = spanOneArr[rowIndex];
const _col = _row > 0 ? 1 : 0;
return {
rowspan: _row,
colspan: _col
handleExport() {
// 处理查询参数
var xlsxParam = { raw: true };
/* 从表生成工作簿对象 */
import('xlsx').then(excel => {
var wb = excel.utils.table_to_book(
/* 获取二进制字符串作为输出 */
var wbout = excel.write(wb, {
bookType: "xlsx",
bookSST: true,
type: "array",
try {
//Blob 对象表示一个不可变、原始数据的类文件对象。
//Blob 表示的不一定是JavaScript原生格式的数据。
//File 接口基于Blob继承了 blob 的功能并将其扩展使其支持用户系统上的文件。
//返回一个新创建的 Blob 对象,其内容由参数中给定的数组串联组成。
new Blob([wbout], { type: "application/octet-stream" }),
} catch (e) {
if (typeof console !== "undefined") console.log(e, wbout);
return wbout;
//do something......
// otherMethods(val) {
// if (val.type === 'detail') {
// this.addOrUpdateVisible = true;
// this.addOrEditTitle = "详情";
// this.$nextTick(() => {
// this.$refs.addOrUpdate.init(val.data.id, true);
// });
// }
// },
// 获取数据列表
getDataList() {
this.dataListLoading = true;
// this.listQuery.startTime = '1713197388000';
// this.listQuery.endTime = '1713254961000';
this.urlOptions.getDataListURL(this.listQuery).then(res => {
// console.log(res)
// console.log(res.data)
// let arr = [
// {
// classType: 1,
// className: '白班(8:00-20:00)',
// 'sj1': null,
// 'sj2': null,
// 'sj3': null,
// 'sj4': null,
// 'sj5': null,
// 'sj7': null,
// 'sj8': null,
// 'sj10': null,
// 'sj11': null,
// 'sj12': null,
// 'sj13': null,
// 'sj14': null,
// putType: '投入数量'
// },
// {
// classType: 1,
// className: '白班(8:00-20:00)',
// 'sj1': null,
// 'sj2': null,
// 'sj3': null,
// 'sj4': null,
// 'sj5': null,
// 'sj7': null,
// 'sj8': null,
// 'sj10': null,
// 'sj11': null,
// 'sj12': null,
// 'sj13': null,
// 'sj14': null,
// putType: '投入次数'
// },
// {
// classType: 2,
// className: '夜班(20:00-8:00)',
// 'sj1': null,
// 'sj2': null,
// 'sj3': null,
// 'sj4': null,
// 'sj5': null,
// 'sj7': null,
// 'sj8': null,
// 'sj10': null,
// 'sj11': null,
// 'sj12': null,
// 'sj13': null,
// 'sj14': null,
// putType: '投入数量',
// },
// {
// classType: 2,
// className: '夜班(20:00-8:00)',
// 'sj1': null,
// 'sj2': null,
// 'sj3': null,
// 'sj4': null,
// 'sj5': null,
// 'sj7': null,
// 'sj8': null,
// 'sj10': null,
// 'sj11': null,
// 'sj12': null,
// 'sj13': null,
// 'sj14': null,
// putType: '投入次数',
// },
// {
// classType: 1,
// className: '全天',
// 'sj1': null,
// 'sj2': null,
// 'sj3': null,
// 'sj4': null,
// 'sj5': null,
// 'sj7': null,
// 'sj8': null,
// 'sj10': null,
// 'sj11': null,
// 'sj12': null,
// 'sj13': null,
// 'sj14': null,
// putType: '投入数量',
// },
// {
// classType: 2,
// className: '全天',
// 'sj1': null,
// 'sj2': null,
// 'sj3': null,
// 'sj4': null,
// 'sj5': null,
// 'sj7': null,
// 'sj8': null,
// 'sj10': null,
// 'sj11': null,
// 'sj12': null,
// 'sj13': null,
// 'sj14': null,
// putType: '投入次数',
// }
// ]
// res.data.forEach((ele) => {
// this.codeList.forEach((item) => {
// if (ele.classType === 1 && ele.code == item) {
// // console.log(arr[0][item])
// arr[0][item] = ele.putNum
// arr[1][item] = ele.useNum
// } else if (ele.classType === 2 && ele.code == item) {
// arr[2][item] = ele.putNum
// arr[3][item] = ele.useNum
// } else if (ele.classType === 3 && ele.code == item) {
// arr[4][item] = ele.putNum
// arr[5][item] = ele.useNum
// }
// })
// })
// // console.log(arr)
// this.tableData = arr
// this.dataListLoading = false;
buttonClick(val) {
switch (val.btnName) {
case 'search':
this.listQuery.startTime = val.checkTime ? val.checkTime[0] : undefined;
this.listQuery.endTime = val.checkTime ? val.checkTime[1] : undefined;
case 'export':
.baseTable .el-table__body tr.current-row>td.el-table__cell {
background-color: #EAF1FC;
.baseTable .el-table .el-table__cell {
padding: 0;
height: 35px;
.el-table thead.is-group th {
background: none;
.el-table thead.is-group tr:first-of-type th:first-of-type {
border-bottom: none;
.el-table thead.is-group tr:first-of-type th:first-of-type:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
height: 75px;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: grey;
opacity: 0.3;
display: block;
transform: rotate(-53deg);
transform-origin: top;
.el-table thead.is-group tr:last-of-type th:first-of-type:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 1px;
height: 75px;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
background-color: grey;
opacity: 0.3;
display: block;
transform: rotate(-54deg);
transform-origin: bottom;