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* @Author: zhp
* @Date: 2024-04-15 10:49:13
* @LastEditTime: 2024-06-07 09:41:56
* @LastEditors: DY
* @Description:
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; min-height: calc(100vh - 96px - 31px)">
<div class="app-container" style="padding: 16px 24px 0;height: auto; flex-grow: 1;">
<el-form :model="listQuery" :inline="true" ref="dataForm" class="blueTip">
<el-form-item label="时间维度" prop="date">
<el-select size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.date" placeholder="请选择">
<el-option v-for="item in timeList" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value">
<el-form-item v-show="listQuery.date === 0 || listQuery.date === ''" label="时间范围" prop="reportTime">
<el-date-picker size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.reportTime" type="datetimerange" range-separator="至"
start-placeholder="开始日期" value-format="timestamp" format="yyyy-MM-dd" @change="changeDayTime" end-placeholder="结束日期">
<el-form-item v-show="listQuery.date === 1" label="时间范围" prop="reportTime">
<el-date-picker size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.start" type="week" format="yyyy 第 WW 周" placeholder="选择周"
style="width: 180px" @change="onValueChange">
<el-date-picker size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.end" type="week" format="yyyy 第 WW 周" placeholder="选择周"
style="width: 180px" @change="onValueChange">
<span v-if="listQuery.start && listQuery.end" style="margin-left: 10px">
{{ date1 }} 至 {{ date2 }},共 {{ weekNum }} 周
<el-form-item v-show="listQuery.date === 2" label="时间范围" prop="reportTime">
<el-date-picker size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.reportTime" type="monthrange" value-format="timestamp" range-separator="至"
start-placeholder="开始月份" end-placeholder="结束月份" @change="changeTime">
<el-form-item v-show="listQuery.date === 3" label="时间范围" prop="reportTime">
<el-date-picker size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.start" format="yyyy-MM-dd" value-format="timestamp" type="year"
<el-date-picker size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.end" format="yyyy-MM-dd" value-format="timestamp" type="year" placeholder="结束时间"
<el-form-item label="工厂名称" prop="factorys">
<el-select size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.factorys" placeholder="请选择工厂名称" multiple >
<el-option v-for="item in factoryArray" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id">
<!-- <el-form-item label="玻璃类型" prop="type">
<el-select v-model="listQuery.type" placeholder="请选择玻璃类型">
<el-option v-for="item in typeList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id">
</el-form-item> -->
<el-form-item label="玻璃类型" prop="type">
<el-select size="small" clearable v-model="listQuery.type" multiple placeholder="请选择玻璃类型">
<el-option v-for="item in typeList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id">
<el-button type="primary" size="small" @click="getDataList">查询</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" size="small" plain @click="handleExport">导出</el-button>
<div class="app-container" style="margin-top: 8px;padding: 16px; height: auto; flex-grow: 1;">
<!-- <el-row :gutter="24"> -->
<!-- <el-col :span="12" v-for="item in dataList" :key="item.id"> -->
<search-bar :formConfigs="formConfig1" ref="searchBarForm1" style="margin-bottom: 0" />
<line-chart class="yearChart" ref="lineChart" style="height: 40vh;width: 100%"></line-chart>
<!-- </el-col> -->
<!-- <el-col :span="12">
<line-chart :id=" 'second' " class="yearChart" ref="lineChart" style="height: 40vh;width: 100%"></line-chart>
</el-col> -->
<div class="app-container" style="margin-top: 8px;flex-grow: 1; height: auto; padding: 16px;">
<search-bar :formConfigs="formConfig" ref="searchBarForm" @headBtnClick="buttonClick" style="margin-bottom: 0" />
<base-table :table-props="tableProps" :page="listQuery.current" :limit="listQuery.size"
<method-btn v-if="tableBtn.length" slot="handleBtn" label="操作" :width="120" fixed="right"
:method-list="tableBtn" @clickBtn="handleClick" />
<add-or-update v-if="detailOrUpdateVisible" ref="detailOrUpdate" :date="listQuery.date" @refreshDataList="successSubmit" @destroy="detailOrUpdateVisible = false" />
<!-- <inputTable :date="date" :data="tableData" :time="[startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp]" :sum="all"
:type="listQuery.reportType" @refreshDataList="getDataList" /> -->
<!-- <pagination
@pagination="getDataList" /> -->
// import { parseTime } from '../../core/mixins/code-filter';
import { getProduceDataPage, prodOutputDataList, exportOutPutExcel } from '@/api/produceData';
// import inputTable from './inputTable.vue';
import lineChart from './lineChart';
import moment from 'moment'
import ButtonNav from '@/components/ButtonNav'
import basicPage from '@/mixins/basic-page'
import AddOrUpdate from './add-or-updata'
import { factoryList, factoryArray, factoryArray1 } from "@/utils/constants";
export default {
components: { lineChart, ButtonNav, AddOrUpdate },
mixins: [basicPage],
data() {
return {
listQuery: {
size: 20,
current: 1,
factorys: undefined,
total: 0,
date: 0,
// reportType: 2,
beginTime: undefined,
reportTime: [],
start: undefined,
end: undefined
date1: undefined,
date2: undefined,
tableBtn: [
type: 'detail',
btnName: '详情',
// {
// type: 'delete',
// btnName: '删除',
// },
].filter((v) => v),
typeList: [
name: '芯片',
id: 0,
name: '标准组件',
id: 1,
name: 'BIPV产品',
id: 2,
formConfig: [
type: 'title',
label: '工厂信息',
formConfig1: [
type: 'title',
label: '良品数量',
timeList: [
value: 0,
label: '日'
value: 1,
label: '周'
value: 2,
value: 3,
label: '年'
tableProps: [
prop: 'groupTime',
label: '日期',
minWidth: 100,
showOverflowtooltip: true
prop: 'factory',
label: '工厂名称',
filter: (val) => factoryList[val],
minWidth: 200,
showOverflowtooltip: true
prop: 'glassType',
label: '玻璃类型',
filter: (val) => ['玻璃芯片', '标准组件', 'BIPV', '定制组件'][val]
prop: 'inputNumber',
label: '投入数量',
prop: 'outputNumber',
label: '产出数量',
prop: 'goodNumber',
label: '良品数量',
prop: 'yieldRate',
label: '良品率%',
filter: (val) => (val * 100) + '%'
tableData: [],
lineData: [],
chart: null,
seriesList: []
// proLineList: [],
// all: {}
computed: {
weekNum() {
return Math.round((this.listQuery.end - this.listQuery.start) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 7)) + 1
created() {
const today = new Date()
const sevenDaysAgo = new Date(today.getTime() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
this.listQuery.beginTime = sevenDaysAgo.getTime()
this.listQuery.endTime = today.getTime()
this.listQuery.reportTime = [this.listQuery.beginTime, this.listQuery.endTime]
mounted() {
methods: {
otherMethods(val) {
this.detailOrUpdateVisible = true;
this.addOrEditTitle = "详情";
this.$nextTick(() => {
getYear(e) {
if (this.listQuery.end - this.listQuery.start > 10*365*24*60*60*1000) {
message: '年份起止时间不能超过十年',
type: 'warning'
this.listQuery.reportTime = []
this.listQuery.start = undefined
this.listQuery.end = undefined
// console.log();
} else {
this.listQuery.beginTime = this.listQuery.start
this.listQuery.endTime = this.listQuery.end
// console.log(e);
onValueChange(picker, k) { // 选中近k周后触发的操作
// console.log(this.listQuery.reportTime[0], this.listQuery.reportTime[1])
if (this.listQuery.start && this.listQuery.end) {
this.date1 = moment(this.listQuery.start.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
this.date2 = moment(this.listQuery.end.getTime() + 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
const numDays = (new Date(this.date2).getTime() - new Date(this.date1).getTime()) / (24 * 3600 * 1000);
if (numDays > 168) {
message: '周范围不能超过24周',
type: 'warning'
} else {
this.listQuery.beginTime = this.listQuery.start.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
this.listQuery.endTime = this.listQuery.end.getTime() + 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
changeDayTime() {
if (this.listQuery.reportTime) {
// this.createStartDate = moment(new Date(this.listQuery.reportTime[0]), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss');
// this.createEndDate = moment(new Date(this.listQuery.reportTime[1]), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss');
const numDays = (this.listQuery.reportTime[1] - this.listQuery.reportTime[0]) / (24 * 3600 * 1000);
if (numDays > 30) {
message: '时间范围不能超过30天',
type: 'warning'
this.listQuery.reportTime = [];
} else {
this.listQuery.beginTime = this.listQuery.reportTime[0]
this.listQuery.endTime = this.listQuery.reportTime[1]
} else {
changeTime(value) {
if (this.listQuery.reportTime) {
const numDays = this.listQuery.reportTime[1] - this.listQuery.reportTime[0];
if (numDays > 2*365*24*60*60*1000) {
message: '时间范围不能超过24个月',
type: 'warning'
this.listQuery.reportTime = [];
} else {
this.listQuery.beginTime = this.listQuery.reportTime[0]
this.listQuery.endTime = this.listQuery.reportTime[1]
} else {
async getDataList() {
const res = await getProduceDataPage(this.listQuery)
if (res.code === 0) {
this.tableData = res.data.records
this.listQuery.total = res.data.total
// if (this.listQuery.total > 0) {
// this.tableData.forEach(item => {
// item.tableTime = item?.reportDate?.length > 0 ? item.reportDate[0] + '-' + item.reportDate[1] + '-' + item.reportDate[2] : '--'
// })
// }
// 图表
await prodOutputDataList({
current: 1,
size: 99,
beginTime: this.listQuery.beginTime,
endTime: this.listQuery.endTime,
factorys: this.listQuery.factorys,
date: this.listQuery.date,
type: this.listQuery.type
}).then(resp => {
console.log('Aaa', resp.data)
this.lineData = resp?.data || []
if (this.lineData.length > 0) {
// this.buildChart(this.tableData)
buildChart(list) {
let temp = []
let xAxisData = []
list.forEach(item => {
// x轴数据
xAxisData = Array.from(new Set(temp))
// y轴数据
for (const y of this.factoryArray1) {
for (const type of this.typeList) {
const seriesItem = {
name: y.name,
record: type.name,
type: 'bar',
emphasis: {
focus: 'series'
data: Array(xAxisData.length).fill(0)
list.forEach(data => {
xAxisData.forEach((x, index) => {
if (x === data.groupTime && y.id === data.factory && type.id === data.glassType) {
seriesItem.data[index] = data.goodNumber
console.log('啊啊', this.seriesList)
this.$refs.lineChart.initChart(xAxisData, this.seriesList)
// const chartList = Object.groupBy(list, (item) => item.tableTime)
// this.xAxis = []
// this.seriesList = []
// for (const keyIndex in chartList) {
// // X坐标轴数据
// this.xAxis.push(keyIndex)
// }
// // y轴数据
// for (const y of this.factoryArray) {
// // y: {name: , id: }
// const seriesItem = {
// name: y.name,
// type: 'bar',
// emphasis: {
// focus: 'series'
// },
// data: Array(this.xAxis.length).fill(0)
// }
// for (const a in chartList) {
// for (const z of chartList[a]) {
// this.xAxis.forEach((item, index) => {
// if (z.factory === y.id && a === item) {
// seriesItem.data[index] = z.goodNumber
// }
// })
// }
// }
// this.seriesList.push(seriesItem)
// }
// this.$refs.lineChart.initChart(this.xAxis, this.seriesList)
buttonClick(val) {
this.listQuery.reportTime = val.reportTime ? val.reportTime : undefined;
switch (val.btnName) {
case 'search':
this.listQuery.current = 1;
this.listQuery.size = 20;
case 'export':
/** 导出按钮操作 */
handleExport() {
this.$modal.confirm('是否确认导出生产数据?').then(() => {
// 处理查询参数
let params = {...this.listQuery};
params.current = 1;
params.size = 999;
this.exportLoading = true;
return exportOutPutExcel(params);
}).then(response => {
this.$download.excel(response, '生产数据.xls');
this.exportLoading = false;
}).catch(() => {});
// 处理查询参数
// var xlsxParam = { raw: true };
// /* 从表生成工作簿对象 */
// import('xlsx').then(excel => {
// var wb = excel.utils.table_to_book(
// document.querySelector("#exportTable"),
// xlsxParam
// );
// /* 获取二进制字符串作为输出 */
// var wbout = excel.write(wb, {
// bookType: "xlsx",
// bookSST: true,
// type: "array",
// });
// try {
// FileSaver.saveAs(
// //Blob 对象表示一个不可变、原始数据的类文件对象。
// //Blob 表示的不一定是JavaScript原生格式的数据。
// //File 接口基于Blob继承了 blob 的功能并将其扩展使其支持用户系统上的文件。
// //返回一个新创建的 Blob 对象,其内容由参数中给定的数组串联组成。
// new Blob([wbout], { type: "application/octet-stream" }),
// //设置导出文件名称
// "许昌安彩日原片生产汇总.xlsx"
// );
// } catch (e) {
// if (typeof console !== "undefined") console.log(e, wbout);
// }
// return wbout;
// //do something......
// })
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