‘937886381’ eee121e5ab 修改bui
2024-07-02 13:15:50 +08:00

224 lines
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<div class="factory-layout">
<FactoryDataHeader :than="than" :companyName="companyName" :companyId="companyId" :period="period"
@update:than="updateThan" @update:period="updatePeriod" />
<div class="factory-section">
<section class="top flex">
<db-container title="生产监控" icon="prod">
<prod-monitor @update:than="updateThan" :companyId="companyId" :factoryData="factoryData" :than="than"
:period="period" :data="data" :prodOutPut="prodOutPut" :prodFto="prodFto" :showBipv="show" />
<left-container title="工单监控" icon="order">
<order @update:type="updateType" :type="type" :prodOrder="prodOrder" />
<!-- <db-container title="" icon="store"> -->
<!-- <store :stock="stock" /> -->
<!-- </db-container> -->
<!-- <section class="bottom flex"> -->
<!-- <db-container title="" icon="energy"> -->
<!-- <energy :legend="energyLegend" :energyCockpits="energyCockpits" /> -->
<!-- </db-container> -->
<!-- </section> -->
<div class="factory-footer">© 中建材智能自动化研究院有限公司</div>
import FactoryDataHeader from "./../components/FactoryDataHeader.vue";
import Container from "./components/rightContainer.vue";
import leftContainer from "./components/leftContainer.vue";
import ProdMonitor from "./components/ProdMonitor.vue";
import { deepClone } from "@/utils";
// import Store from "./components/Store.vue";
// import Energy from "./components/Energy.vue";
import Order from "./components/Order.vue";
import { cockpitDataMonitor } from "@/api/produceData";
export default {
name: "factoryData",
components: {
DbContainer: Container,
LeftContainer: leftContainer,
// Store,
// Energy,
data() {
return {
type: '目标产量',
companyId: 1,
companyName: "邯郸中建材光电材料有限公司",
period: 1,
show: false,
than: '同比',
data: {},
// 接口获取的数据
prodOutPut: [], //生产
prodFto: [], //生产
stock: {}, //仓库
factoryData: {
preDataDetail: [],
currentDataDetail: {},
targetDataDetail: [],
energyCockpits: [], //能源
prodOrder: [], //订单
energyLegend: [
{ label: "电", color: "#FFD160" },
{ label: "水", color: "#2760FF" },
{ label: "气", color: "#12FFF5" },
mounted() {
methods: {
updateType(val) {
this.type = val
updateCompany(obj) {
this.companyId = obj.companyId;
this.companyName = obj.companyName;
updateThan(val) {
this.than = val;
// this.getMes();
updatePeriod(val) {
this.period = val;
getMes() {
factorys: [this.companyId],
date: this.period,
mode: this.than === '同比' ? 0 : 1
}).then((res) => {
this.prodOutPut = res.data.prodOutputMonitorShDO || [];
this.prodFto = res.data.prodOutputFtoDO || [];
this.prodOrder = res.data.prodWorkOrderDO || [];
let prodOutputFtoListRes = res.data.prodOutputFtoDO || [];
let preFtoData = res.data.previousProdOutputFtoDO || [];
let preData = res.data.previousProdOutputMonitorShDO || [];
let factoryListResponse = res.data.prodOutputMonitorShDO || [];
let targetListResponse = res.data.prodTargetMonitorDO || [];
let preDataDetail = []
let currentDataDetail = []
let targetDataDetail = []
if (prodOutputFtoListRes) {
for (const factory of prodOutputFtoListRes) {
currentDataDetail[0] = factory.chipInput
if (preFtoData) {
for (const factory of preFtoData) {
// const fId = this.getPreFactoryId(factory);
// const preFId = getPreFactoryId(factory);
// if (fId) {
preDataDetail[0] = factory.previousYearChipInput
// }
// if (preFId) {
// ftoInvest.previous[fId] = factory.previousYearChipInput;
// }
if (preData && preData[0] != null) {
for (const factory of preData) {
if (factory.previousGlassType === 0) {
preDataDetail[1] = factory.previousOutputNumber
} else if (factory.previousGlassType === 1) {
preDataDetail[2] = factory.previousOutputNumber
} else if (factory.previousGlassType === 2) {
preDataDetail[3] = factory.previousOutputNumber
if (targetListResponse && targetListResponse[0] != null) {
for (const factory of targetListResponse) {
targetDataDetail[0] = factory.ftoInput
// if (factory.previousGlassType === 0) {
targetDataDetail[1] = factory.chipYield
// } else if (factory.previousGlassType === 1) {
targetDataDetail[2] = factory.componentYield
targetDataDetail[3] = factory.bipvProductoutput
// }
// console.log('ftoInvest',ftoInvest)
if (factoryListResponse && factoryListResponse[0] != null) {
for (const factory of factoryListResponse) {
// targetDataDetail[0] = factory.ftoInput
if (factory.glassType === 0) {
currentDataDetail[1] = factory.outputNumber
} else if (factory.glassType === 1) {
currentDataDetail[2] = factory.outputNumber
} else if (factory.glassType === 2) {
currentDataDetail[3] = factory.outputNumber
this.factoryData.preDataDetail = preDataDetail
this.factoryData.currentDataDetail = currentDataDetail
this.factoryData.targetDataDetail = targetDataDetail
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