var autoRefreshIntervalId = null; let loadedSchedule = null; const dateTimeFormat = JSJoda.DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); const byLinePanel = document.getElementById("byLinePanel"); const byLineTimelineOptions = { locale: 'zh-cn', timeAxis: { scale: "hour" }, orientation: { axis: "top" }, stack: false,// ture则不重叠 xss: { disabled: true }, // 显式将此选项设置为true以完全禁用Timeline的XSS保护 zoomMin: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12 // Half day in milliseconds }; var byLineGroupDataSet = new vis.DataSet(); var byLineItemDataSet = new vis.DataSet(); var byLineTimeline = new vis.Timeline(byLinePanel, byLineItemDataSet, byLineGroupDataSet, byLineTimelineOptions); var solveArr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('scheduleArr')) var issolve = localStorage.getItem('solve') const byJobPanel = document.getElementById("byJobPanel"); var baseUrl = '' var baseUrlNew = '' const byJobTimelineOptions = { timeAxis: { scale: "hour" }, orientation: { axis: "top" }, stack: false, xss: { disabled: true }, // Items are XSS safe through JQuery zoomMin: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12 // Half day in milliseconds }; var byJobGroupDataSet = new vis.DataSet(); var byJobItemDataSet = new vis.DataSet(); var byJobTimeline = new vis.Timeline(byJobPanel, byJobItemDataSet, byJobGroupDataSet, byJobTimelineOptions); $(document).ready(function () { replaceTimefoldAutoHeaderFooter(); $("#stopSolvingButton").hide(); $("#refreshButton").click(function () { refreshSchedule(); }); $("#solveButton").click(function () { solve(); }); $("#stopSolvingButton").click(function () { stopSolving(); }); $("#analyzeButton").click(function () { analyze(); }); // HACK to allow vis-timeline to work within Bootstrap tabs $("#byLineTab").on('', function (event) { byLineTimeline.redraw(); }) $("#byJobTab").on('', function (event) { byJobTimeline.redraw(); }) setupAjax(); if (issolve === 'true') { $.post(baseUrl + "admin-api/aps/order/load", JSON.stringify(solveArr), function () { refreshSchedule(); }).fail(function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { showError("Start solving failed.", xhr); }); localStorage.setItem('solve', false) } }); function setupAjax() { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json,text/plain', // plain text is required by solve() returning UUID of the solver job 'Authorization': "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem('ACCESS_TOKEN'), 'tenant-id': localStorage.getItem('TENANT_ID'), } }); // Extend jQuery to support $.put() and $.delete() jQuery.each(["put", "delete"], function (i, method) { jQuery[method] = function (url, data, callback, type) { if (jQuery.isFunction(data)) { type = type || callback; callback = data; data = undefined; } return jQuery.ajax({ url: url, type: method, dataType: type, data: data, success: callback }); }; }); } function refreshSchedule() { $.get(baseUrlNew + "schedule", function (schedule) { // $.get(baseUrl + "admin-api/aps/order/schedule", function (schedule) { refreshSolvingButtons(schedule.solverStatus != null && schedule.solverStatus !== "NOT_SOLVING"); $("#score").text("Score: " + (schedule.score == null ? "?" : schedule.score)); loadedSchedule = schedule; const unassignedJobs = $("#unassignedJobs"); unassignedJobs.children().remove(); var unassignedJobsCount = 0; byLineGroupDataSet.clear(); byJobGroupDataSet.clear(); byLineItemDataSet.clear(); byJobItemDataSet.clear(); $.each(schedule.lines, (index, line) => { const lineGroupElement = $(`
`) .append($(`
`).text( .append($(`

`).text(line.operator)); byLineGroupDataSet.add({ id:, content: lineGroupElement.html() }); }); $.each(, (index, job) => { byJobGroupDataSet.add({ id:, content: }); byJobItemDataSet.add({ id: + "_readyToIdealEnd", group:, start: job.readyDateTime, end: job.idealEndDateTime, type: "background", style: "background-color: #8AE23433" }); byJobItemDataSet.add({ id: + "_idealEndToDue", group:, start: job.idealEndDateTime, end: job.dueDateTime, type: "background", style: "background-color: #FCAF3E33" }); if (job.line == null || job.startCleaningDateTime == null || job.startProductionDateTime == null || job.endDateTime == null) { unassignedJobsCount++; const durationMinutes = JSJoda.Duration.ofSeconds(job.duration).toMinutes(); const unassignedJobElement = $(`

`) .append($(`
`).text( .append($(`

`).text(`${Math.floor(durationMinutes / 60)} hours ${durationMinutes % 60} mins`)) .append($(`

`).text(`Ready: ${JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.readyDateTime).format(dateTimeFormat)}`)) .append($(`

`).text(`Ideal end: ${JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.idealEndDateTime).format(dateTimeFormat)}`)) .append($(`

`).text(`Due: ${JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.dueDateTime).format(dateTimeFormat)}`)); const byJobJobElement = $(`

`) .append($(`
`).text(`Unassigned`)); unassignedJobs.append($(`
`).append(unassignedJobElement))); byJobItemDataSet.add({ id:, group:, content: byJobJobElement.html(), start: job.readyDateTime, end: JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.readyDateTime).plus(JSJoda.Duration.ofSeconds(job.duration)).toString(), style: "background-color: #EF292999" }); } else { const beforeReady = JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.startProductionDateTime).isBefore(JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.readyDateTime)); const afterDue = JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.endDateTime).isAfter(JSJoda.LocalDateTime.parse(job.dueDateTime)); const byLineJobElement = $(`
`) .append($(`

`).text(; const byJobJobElement = $(`

`) .append($(`

`).text(; if (beforeReady) { byLineJobElement.append($(`

`).text(`Before ready (too early)`)); byJobJobElement.append($(`

`).text(`Before ready (too early)`)); } if (afterDue) { byLineJobElement.append($(`

`).text(`After due (too late)`)); byJobJobElement.append($(`

`).text(`After due (too late)`)); } byLineItemDataSet.add({ id: + "_cleaning", group:, content: "Cleaning", start: job.startCleaningDateTime, end: job.startProductionDateTime, style: "background-color: #FCAF3E99" }); byLineItemDataSet.add({ id:, group:, content: byLineJobElement.html(), start: job.startProductionDateTime, end: job.endDateTime }); byJobItemDataSet.add({ id: + "_cleaning", group:, content: "Cleaning", start: job.startCleaningDateTime, end: job.startProductionDateTime, style: "background-color: #FCAF3E99" }); byJobItemDataSet.add({ id:, group:, content: byJobJobElement.html(), start: job.startProductionDateTime, end: job.endDateTime }); } }); if (unassignedJobsCount === 0) { unassignedJobs.append($(`

`).text(`没有未分配任务`)); } const nextDate = JSJoda.LocalDate.parse(schedule.workCalendar.fromDate).plusDays(1); byLineTimeline.setWindow(schedule.workCalendar.fromDate, nextDate.toString()); byJobTimeline.setWindow(schedule.workCalendar.fromDate, nextDate.toString()); }); } function solve() { $("#loadingOverlay").show() $.post(baseUrlNew + "schedule/solve", function () { // $.post(baseUrl + "admin-api/aps/order/solve", function () { refreshSolvingButtons(true); }).fail(function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { showError("Start solving failed.", xhr); }); } function analyze() { new bootstrap.Modal("#scoreAnalysisModal").show() const scoreAnalysisModalContent = $("#scoreAnalysisModalContent"); scoreAnalysisModalContent.children().remove(); if (loadedSchedule.score == null || loadedSchedule.score.indexOf('init') != -1) { scoreAnalysisModalContent.text("No score to analyze yet, please first press the 'solve' button."); } else { $('#scoreAnalysisScoreLabel').text(`(${loadedSchedule.score})`); $.put(baseUrl + "admin-api/aps/order/schedule/analyze", function (scoreAnalysis) { let constraints = scoreAnalysis.constraints; constraints.sort((a, b) => { let aComponents = getScoreComponents(a.score), bComponents = getScoreComponents(b.score); if (aComponents.hard < 0 && bComponents.hard > 0) return -1; if (aComponents.hard > 0 && bComponents.soft < 0) return 1; if (Math.abs(aComponents.hard) > Math.abs(bComponents.hard)) { return -1; } else { if (aComponents.medium < 0 && bComponents.medium > 0) return -1; if (aComponents.medium > 0 && bComponents.medium < 0) return 1; if (Math.abs(aComponents.medium) > Math.abs(bComponents.medium)) { return -1; } else { if (aComponents.soft < 0 && bComponents.soft > 0) return -1; if (aComponents.soft > 0 && bComponents.soft < 0) return 1; return Math.abs(bComponents.soft) - Math.abs(aComponents.soft); } } }); => { let components = getScoreComponents(e.weight); e.type = components.hard != 0 ? 'hard' : (components.medium != 0 ? 'medium' : 'soft'); e.weight = components[e.type]; let scores = getScoreComponents(e.score); e.implicitScore = scores.hard != 0 ? scores.hard : (scores.medium != 0 ? scores.medium : scores.soft); }); scoreAnalysis.constraints = constraints; scoreAnalysisModalContent.children().remove(); scoreAnalysisModalContent.text(""); const analysisTable = $(``).css({ textAlign: 'center' }); const analysisTHead = $(``).append($(``) .append($(``)) .append($(``).css({ textAlign: 'left' })) .append($(``)) .append($(``)) .append($(``)) .append($(``)) .append($(``))); analysisTable.append(analysisTHead); const analysisTBody = $(``) $.each(scoreAnalysis.constraints, (index, constraintAnalysis) => { let icon = constraintAnalysis.type == "hard" && constraintAnalysis.implicitScore < 0 ? '' : ''; if (!icon) icon = constraintAnalysis.matches.length == 0 ? '' : ''; let row = $(``); row.append($(`
ConstraintType# MatchesWeightScore
`).html(icon)) .append($(``).text({ textAlign: 'left' })) .append($(``).text(constraintAnalysis.type)) .append($(``).html(`${constraintAnalysis.matches.length}`)) .append($(``).text(constraintAnalysis.weight)) .append($(``).text(constraintAnalysis.implicitScore)); analysisTBody.append(row); row.append($(``)); }); analysisTable.append(analysisTBody); scoreAnalysisModalContent.append(analysisTable); }).fail(function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { showError("Analyze failed.", xhr); }, "text"); } } function getScoreComponents(score) { let components = { hard: 0, medium: 0, soft: 0 }; $.each([...score.matchAll(/(-?[0-9]+)(hard|medium|soft)/g)], (i, parts) => { components[parts[2]] = parseInt(parts[1], 10); }); return components; } function refreshSolvingButtons(solving) { if (solving) { $("#loadingOverlay").show() $("#solveButton").hide(); $("#stopSolvingButton").show(); if (autoRefreshIntervalId == null) { autoRefreshIntervalId = setInterval(refreshSchedule, 2000); } } else { $("#loadingOverlay").hide() $("#solveButton").show(); $("#stopSolvingButton").hide(); if (autoRefreshIntervalId != null) { clearInterval(autoRefreshIntervalId); autoRefreshIntervalId = null; } } } function stopSolving() { $("#loadingOverlay").hide() $.post(baseUrlNew + "schedule/stopSolving", function () { // $.post(baseUrl + "admin-api/aps/order/schedule/stopSolving", function () { refreshSolvingButtons(false); refreshSchedule(); }).fail(function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { showError("Stop solving failed.", xhr); }); }